Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wal-Mart announces 22,000 jobs on eve of shareholder meeting - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Positions will include store management, pharmacists, humah resources managers, customer service associates, cashiers and sales Last October Wal-Mart announced plans to open 142 to 157 new and expandedr stores during the currentfiscal year, which ends Jan. 31, 2010. Other states expecteds to gain morethan 1,000 jobs include California, Arizona, New Jersey, South Virginia and Utah. Wal-Mart based in Bentonville, Ark., operates more than 7,900 retai l outlets and employs 2.1 millio n people in 15 countries. Unlike many Wal-Mart has fared well amid the recessio as consumers keep a rein onpurchase dollars.
Last monty the chain reported first-quarter earnings of $3 or 77 cents a share, a penny more than the same perioc ayear ago. Revenue slipped a smidgen to $93.5 billion from $94.98 billion. “During this difficult economic we’re proud to be able to create qualit y jobs for thousands of Americanesthis year," said Eduardo Castro-Wright, vice chairman. The jobs announcement comes a day before the retaill giant holds its annual stockholderx meeting at the Universityof Arkansas. In additioh to election of directors and otherroutinw business, six shareholder proposals are on the Creation of a gender identityh nondiscrimination policy.
Adoption of a pay for superioreperformance principle. Giving shareholders the righy to an advisory vote on executive Requiringa semi-annual reporr disclosing Wal-Mart’s political contributions. Giving majort shareholders the power to call special Requiring incentive pay to come in the form ofstoco options. The Wal-Mart board is opposing all theshareholder proposals. Lee Scott Jr., who served as chief executive officedr until his retirement at the end of received a total compensation packageof $30.3 million last year.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Danish Polar Bear Cub Siku Conquers the Internet - Spiegel Online

Spiegel Online

Danish Polar Bear Cub Siku Conquers the Internet

Spiegel Online

The debut of a tiny polar bear being hand-reared by zookeepers in Denmark has become a holiday Internet sensation this week. While the newborn cub's story is similar to that of Berlin's recently deceased star bear Knut, his handlers say Siku will be ...

and more »

Monday, December 26, 2011

Intrust Arena lands state wrestling tourney - Triangle Business Journal:
Arena manager Chris Presson, who works for management company , says the has a one-yeat contract. The tournament earliert this year was held at theKansas Coliseum’as Britt Brown Arena, which will closwe when Intrust Bank Arena opens in “As a safety valve for both us and they wanted to do a one-year We wanted to make sure it works,” Presson This is the first high school sportz event the 15,000-seat arena has Presson says he eventually hopes to lure the 1A-4As state wrestling tournaments as well so the whole event is undedr one roof, much like the state track meet at Cessnaw Stadium at .
Pressojn also says the contract also opens up a relationship between SMGand KSHSAA, with the possibility of luring otherf state high school events. “Thayt is a big get for us. That is a major feathert in our cap,” Presson says. He declined to disclosre the terms ofthe deal. “They were very easy to work They were very diligent in protecting those they he says.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Adrian Peterson Injury: Vikings Announce Sprained Knee, Pending Further Tests - SB Nation

Globe and Mail

Adrian Peterson Injury: Vikings Announce Sprained Knee, Pending Further Tests

SB Nation

Adrian Peterson has at least a sprained knee the Minnesota Vikings announced on Saturday. The running back's availability this season remains in doubt and considering the Vikings in contention for the worst record in the NFL, it would make little sense ...< /p>

Game 15: Minnesota Vikings @ Washington Redskins (blog)


Thursday, December 22, 2011

AT&T to secure Amtrak information technology infrastructure - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Financial terms of the agreement werenot Dallas-based AT&T (NYSE: T) will providre services to protect D.C.-based Amtrak’z telecom network infrastructure, the company’ws Web site and the personal informationh of passengers. The companty will be responsible for implementinhg andmanaging Amtrak’s wireless localo area network (WLAN) and its enhanced virtual private network (EVPN) to help connect more than 400 locatione and multiple networks on a singlew network platform.
“We are bringingf together and providing security service across the newl y constructedAmtrak infrastructure,” said Gene Budsock, director of product marketin g management for security services at AT&T. Additionally, AT&fT will put up firewalls to secure data that flowsw both in and outof Amtrak’s monitoring for internal threats to and breachezs of the company’s security Despite, some contraction in technology spending due to the economy, Budsoc k said some areas of IT spending are creepintg upwards.
“Any time there is heightenedx awareness of security we get an increasewin [customer] inquiries,” said “As there is more scrutiny arounx protecting the customers and shareholdersw of institutions... that makes companiesd better be able to spend security dollars than other IT Underthe contract, Amtrak also will use AT&T voice including long distance and audik and Web conferencing services. Amtrako provides intercity passenger rail service across 46 statesand 21,0090 route miles. In the company’s last fiscal year, its trainsw carried more than 28.7 million passengers.
AT&Tg is the third largest employer in which is the headquarters of itswirelesa subsidiary, AT&T Mobility.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bayer expands hemophilia franchise - San Francisco Business Times:
The East Bay pharmaceutical giant is strengtheningv its hemophilia franchise by broadening the approvedd use of one of its key drugzs and takinga next-generation acquired this summer from of Redwood City, into the “With the franchise we have now, it’ about how to improve how to expand the opportunity to new marketse and winning this race for the next-generatiobn product,” said Mike Mathews, general managerr for Berkeley-based Bayer HealthCare hematology specialty medicine businesxs unit.
To that end, Bayer this year will startr Phase I clinical testing of the recombinanyt Factor VIIa protein acquiredfrom Maxygen, Mathews That product eventually could be a longer-acting alternative to a drug whichn currently enjoys a monopoly. All of that researchn is happeningat Bayer’s Richmond facility. The beauty of Factof VII is that it targets the 20 percent to 30 percenyt of hemophilia patients who develop antibodies to injectes Factor VIII orFactod IX, the blood coagulation proteina that are deficient in hemophiliza patients. Hemophilia is an inherited disorder characterized by prolonged orspontaneouxs bleeding, especially in muscles, joints or internal organs.
The body’z response to clear out the blood wears down those eventually turning hemophilia into a debilitatingor life-threatening About one in 10,000 peopled are born with the most commo n form of hemophilia. With a vial of Novo Nordisk’ s Factor VII costing about $10,000, treatmentg is out of reacnh for patients in several countries and that upped the ante when Maxygem dangled its preclinical protein in front of market leaders like andNovo Nordisk. “It was a healthy which is always good,” said Maxygen CEO Russell adding that Bayer and other companies got far enougbh into the process totest MAXY-VIoI in their own labs.
“It was a good It was especially good for which in July landeda $90 million upfronyt payment from Bayer and milestone payments of an additional $30 million that staryt if the drug reaches Phasee II. Bayer received exclusive rights touse Maxygen’ds gene-shuffling technology on 30 specific gene Bayer’s goal is to hit the market with the new Facto r VII product in 2012, Mathews If Bayer releases its Factor VII Howard said, it could expand the market by beating Novo Nordisk on price.
At the same he said Bayer’s product could require only one injectiom for a severe bleeding But the Maxygen acquisition and development ofothef next-generation treatments are only part of Bayer’w hemophilia story. The company also is working to expan d the market forKogenate FS, its Factor VIII product, by positionin it as a preventative Kogenate already is the No. 2 hemophilis drug and Bayer’s No. 3 brand with sales outpacing those ofsuch well-known Bayeer household products like Aspirin and Aleve. Bayer has pushex it into 25 new marketssince 2005, including Brazil, Turkey and Saudj Arabia this year, Mathews said.
“Out goal is to become the market leader in this category over thenext five, six Mathews said. Bayer earlier this month won Food and Drug Administratiohn approval to use Kogenate as a preventative treatmenr to reduce bleeding episodes in severe hemophilia patientsz up to 16years old. That is the firstg so-called routine prophylaxis treatment with injections every othet dayversus on-demand therapy for young hemophilia patients approved by the FDA. Bayefr this year started a triaol intended to showthat prophylaxis, a treatment regimen recommended by the National Hemophilia Foundation’e Medical and Scientific Advisory Council, has benefitsd for adult hemophilia patients as well.
“Certainly there’s a businessd opportunity,” Mathews said, “but the real business opportunitu ishelping peoples’ lives.”

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Border Patrol constructing unmanned Texas border crossing - Reuters


Border Patrol constructing unmanned Texas border crossing


By Jim Forsyth SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - There are no boots on the ground at the newest port of entry between Mexico and Texas, which is under construction on the Rio Grande in the remote Big Bend National Park. That's because people who are crossing ...

Could the Texa s Mexico Border be Safer Than You Think? 12/14/11



Friday, December 16, 2011

Paladino threatens to form rival chamber - Business First of Buffalo:
Attorney and developer Carl Paladino, an outspoken critic of the , plansz to send a letter this week tothe Partnership’ws board of directors asking it to retirwe Andrew Rudnick, president and CEO of the agenct since its creation, and provide better advocachy on behalf of the region’s business community. If the boarxd doesn’t act within 30 days, Paladino said he will petitiob thenearly 2,500 members of the Partnershipp to stop paying dues and leav e the agency. If another 30 days pass and nothing he said he will begin the procesa of forming a separat e chamberof commerce.
“It’s time for said Paladino, who has repeatedl condemned thePartnership – and Rudnick specifically – for failinh to aggressively advocate on behalr of downtown Buffalo. “Wes will form another Buffalo-area chamber of commercwe and seek to provide the busines services that are expected of a chamberof commerce, as well as advocate for a community that lacks any sense of leadership. We are sick and tired of waiting for thePartnership ... or anyone else whilwe our community continuesto fail.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

GVA Advantis halts brokerage service - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
But a senior directot in Tampa brokerage office told the Tampa Bay Business Journakl Tuesday it isconducting . The office was the ninth largesyt commercial real estate broker in the Tampa Bay area in according to the Tampa Bay Business Journa Bookof Lists. Washington-based Advantis Holdings will remaib active in the property management business and will continur to own and operate AdvantisConstruction Co., states a release. Consolidation is commonh when commercial real estate goes into a down saidLarry Richey, senior managing directo r of “In every real estate down the pressure mounts for commercial real estate servicew firms in the transaction business,” Richey said.
“Thw regional firms, as opposed to nationakl or global or small generally have the most difficulty making it through the type of downturhnthat we’re experiencing.” Global such as Cushman & Wakefield and , have deepere financial resources and geographic diversity, Richey said. Whil smaller firms don’t have as much overheard costs. “It’s those in the middlee that often struggle in difficulteconomic times,” he said. Advantiws Construction generates more than 75 percent ofthe company’sz revenue and has consistently been the most profitable segment of the company Chairman Jeffrey Neal said in a statement.
Advantisd Construction will maintain officesin Tampa, Atlanta, Raleigh-Durham, and Richmond and Norfolk, Va. GVA Advantix Senior Managing Director Paulwa Buffa said she was unaware of the compan downsizingand didn’t know if or how it would affect Tampa. Advantis Holdings will continue to provide facilitieas management and corporate and advisory statesthe release. To improve operating performance, Advantis is pursuing a numbed of possible joint venture or otheraffiliatiomn strategies. “One year ago, the leadership team believed we coulds successfully restructure the firm with a capital Neal said inthe statement.
“The economty has been unkind to our brokerage andtransactionao business. Our property management and construction service linew have been and will continuwe tobe profitable, but the challenges broughty on throughout our industry and that have negativelyg impacted our other business lines have led us to determinse we must close them effective Commercial real estate investment sales have dropper dramatically since the capital markets meltdown in the fall of according to Real Capital Sales are off by more than two-thirds in most And transactional activity involving leasing is also off significantly.
“Whe n I stepped into the role of president, my primary goal was to evaluates our various business units and offices with an eye on strengtheniny existing businesses and building a foundation forregional growth,” said Tim “Although there were many positive signs for future growth, the current economic environment clearly favorsw focusing attention and resources on construction and the consultativde and advisory parts of our business, where we have predictabls revenue from repeat clients and The changes have resulted in the closing of a number of the company’s including Tallahassee, Panama City, Washington, Northern Virginia and Newpor t News, Va.
, and Gulfport, Hague will transition his role as president to oversew corporate and advisory while Advantis Holdings will end its affiliatiomn with the network during the thirs quarter. “It is sad to see the decline of this once prour organization as it is more reflective of our industry and not the individuales associated with the saidJeff Sweeney, president of Grubb Ellis/Commercial Florida Inc. Riche said GVA Advantis Tampa brokers, includingh Buffa, are well regarded and he expectsz them to land at other firmsz inthe area.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Report: D.C. area posts a strong economic performance - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The report ranked the 100 largest U.S. metro aread based on employment, unemployment rates, wages, grosss metropolitan product, housing prices and foreclosur rates in thefirst quarter. D.C. ranked No. 13, whil San Antonio, Texas, placed No. 1 and Detroiyt came in last at No. 100. “Allk metropolitan areas are feeling the effects of this but the distress is notshared equally,” said Alan research director of the metropolitan policy programk at the D.C. institute and co-author of the report.
“Whilee some areas of the countryy have experienced only ashalloq downturn, and may be emerging from the recession already, people living in metro areasd that are now performing weakesft economically should prepare themselves for a long recoveryg period.” At the first quarter’s end, only 10 of the 100 metrok areas were starting to show signs of said the report, and said McAllen, Texaes was the only place that saw growth in employmengt and output. Output increased in just a handful ofmetrlo areas, including D.C.; Austin, Texas; and Virginia Beach, Va..
The reportf also pointed out that metri areas with concentrations of jobs in certain sectors have resulterd in fewer dramatic job The Rankings: San Texas Austin, Texas McAllen, Texas Batonn Rouge, La. Tulsa, Okla. Omaha, Neb. El Texas Wichita, Kan. Washington, D.C. Albuquerque, N.M. Virginia Beach, Va. Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. New Haven, Rochester, N.Y.

Friday, December 9, 2011

TECO Energy outlook remains strong - Triangle Business Journal:
billion in debt held by and subsidiariesand Co. The rating is supported by the underlying strengthof TECO’s regulated electric and gas utility subsidiary, from which it derives stable cash distributions to meet its fundinbg requirements, Fitch said a release. Tampsa Electric continues to post strong credit it maintains solid operating performance and it benefitfrom Florida’s constructive regulatory environment, Fitch said. Fitch is concerned, however, about slowinv customer growth at Tampa But the company has responded to slowefr growth by postponing projects to increaseelectric capacity.
Anotheer concern for Fitch is cash flow deterioratiob atTECO (NYSE: TE) Guatemala because of the adverse rate order in 2008, unplanned outagesw at the San Jose plant, uncertainty over the extension of a purchasec power agreement, and the potential for deferred or renegotiate d contracts because of declining market prices, higher production costs and slumping demand for coal. TECO Coal and TECO Guatemals provide roughly 20 percent of theparenty company’s consolidated earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and Fitch said.
Credit ratios at Tampz Electric should benefit from higher base ratesw in 2009 and 2010 as a result ofa $138 millionj rate order approved in March, Fitch said. In an affiliate waterborne transportation agreement that reducedsTampa Electric’s annual net income by $10 millionn in prior years is Fitch expects coverage ratios to remain relatively stronyg with funds from operations coverage at nearly five timexs in 2009. TECO Coal is expecterd to benefit from higher priced contractsw signedin 2008. However, soft coal demand and higherr mining production costs at TECO Coal raise the risks ofcontractuapl non-performance by counter-parties and pressured margins.
Diverse regulatory orders and operatinb issues at the Guatemalan operations will resul in dividend distributions that are lower thanhistoricf levels. TECO's liquidity position is consideredx strong, Fitch said. Cash and cash equivalents were $34.9 million and availablew credit facilitieswere $530 million as of Marcgh 31. Liquidity was enhanced by a netoperatinbg loss-tax carry forward of $547.5 million as of Dec. 31, whic is expected to result in minimal cash tax paymentwsthrough 2012. In addition, TECO'z $100 million note maturing in 2010 is expected to be retireds withinternal cash.
Positive ratingf action could result in the future from consolidated leverage ratii reduction in 2010 and higher cash flows from a full year of highefr base rates in 2010 and effectivdcost control.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fed Beige Book sees some stabilization - Dallas Business Journal:
The book, published periodically by the indicates that while respondents to the surveyu weremore optimistic, they remaib skeptical about the overall economgy with hiring freezes stilkl in place and labor market conditionzs remaining soft in Eleventh District markets. Professionals working in staffing, legal and accounting firmd said clients are pushing for loweer service prices and retailers say priceason “day-to-day” goods continue to drop. Auto dealer s are finding that used car pricesa are maintaining their strengtyh and are performing better than newcar prices.
Airliner leaders interviewed for the survey said theyreported “substantialp fare sales” in recent weeks. In the energgy sector, professionals said rates charged for routined wellhead work are under pressure because producers are askinh formore concessions. Prices in the manufacturing sector remain During the periodof mid-April to late May, lighyt sweet crude oil prices jumped from $50 to $60 per The labor market showed signas of continued volatility.
Firms were stillo reporting layoffs even though employmenrt levels are considered steady The report says consolidation in industries like primary construction manufacturing, homebuilding, staffing, financialk services and auto sales creates a degreed of worry about further job The report says hiring freezes still remain prevalent and wage pressurese are “mostly nonexistent.”

Monday, December 5, 2011

UP: Issue notification for urban local bodies polls within 10 days, rules HC - Times of India

UP: Issue notification for urban local bodies polls within 10 days, rules HC

Times of India

LUCKNOW: The Lucknow Bench of  »

Friday, December 2, 2011

Gates Foundation gives $16M to colleges - Triangle Business Journal:
million to 15 community colleges and five states in an efforty to help struggling studentscomplete college. The Developmentf Education Initiative will award the fundinggto Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Texas and as well as community colleges in each state plus one more in Nortn Carolina. No colleges or programs in Washington state will receive funding underthe program. For a complete list of . The funding, first announced in December of last will be awarded to and distribute dby , a North Carolina-based nonprofit. “They wanted us to identifu initiatives, programs and policies that are already being tried and had saidRichard Hart, spokesman for MDC.
The initiative seeks to support program s that help students enrolled in remedialprograms so-called refresher courses for students who are not up to gradde level in a given subject. The goal is to improve classroom performance so students can go on to take advanced courses and eventuallt graduate with a degreeor certificate. A citedc by the Gates Foundation found that nearluy 60 percent of students enrolling inthe nation’s communitu colleges must take remedial courses. Such courses cost taxpayer s $2 billion a year, according to the report.
The grantds are part of the Gates Foundation’s work to help more students graduat e from college or university an important education milestone that the foundation says is essential to earninfg a living wagein today’s economy. The grants will supporyt various state andcollege programs, including effortsd to collect data and better tracok the performance of remedial students. The Developmeny Education Initiative is also being supportedwith $1.
5 milliob from the of Indianapolis to pay for evaluation and

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Judge dismisses challenge to Duke Energy coal plant - San Antonio Business Journal:
The decision doesn’t end the legall squabbling overthe coal-fired power facility. But Judge Lacy Thornburg denied a motion by the environmentalp groups to halt construction ofthe 825-megawatg unit. He said the state has undertaken a reviewwof Duke’s air-quality permitf as he ordered in December. He also deniedx Duke’s motion for summary judgment in its He said the environmental groups can continuwe pursue challenges to the permit and the plantg instate courts. Thornburg acknowledges the case may ultimatelu return to thefederal courts. But he says there is no point to having state and federal reviewsscontinuing simultaneously.
Jason a spokesman for Charlotte-based Duke, says the utilithy is “very pleased with the ruling today.” He says Thornburg’s decision makes it clear that the state has undertaken all the requiredx reviews to issue aproper air-quality permit. And he says Duke remains confidentt the permit will stand up tocour review. Walls says the $1.8 billionj Cliffside unit is 40 percent complete and remains on budget and on schedule to startg producing powerin 2012. The unit is being builr on the border of Clevelanc andRutherford counties. Representatives from the environmental groups coul not be reached immediatelyfor comment.
Most of the organizations that filesd the federal challenge have a separate appeal pending with the state Office ofAdministrativew Hearings. As Thornburg’s ruling anticipates, that challenge is likely to continue. Like many things involvingv theCliffside project, the federal challenges has a complicated history. The states granted Duke an air-quality permit for the plant inJanuaruy 2007. But the legality of the permitt was called into question by a federal appealds court ruling thefollowing month. That rulinb held that the Environmental Protection Agency had improperly exempted coal-fired power plants from pollution-control reviewsx required by the federaol Clean Air Act.
The , and others contended that without aproperd permit, Duke was building the Cliffside unit A year ago, the groups filed the federall suit seeking to stop construction. Thornburg ruled in Decemberd that Cliffside qualified as apossible “major source” of hazardous pollutants — mercury in this case. It was an importantf victory forthe environmentalists. Thornburgv said federal law required the state to determine if Duke had designedf the plant with the best availablee technology for the most effective control formercury emissions. That revie had not been done, he said. But Thornburg did not ordert a haltto construction.
Instead, he told Duke to applyg immediately for a proper The utility, a unit of did so. The state found Cliffside wasn’rt a major source of mercury pollution. That meanf Duke was in compliance with the federal CleanAir Act. That is the orde r the groups have since appealed through anadministratived hearing. Thornburg says the environmental organizations can appeaol to the state courtse if they remain unsatisfied after theadministrative hearing. But he says the statse has reviewed Duke’s plans for pollution control ashe ordered. He cite s a report from the Divisioj of Air Quality outlining the steps it took and a briedf fromthe N.C.
attorney general saying the divisiojn had complied with the December After exhaustingstate appeals, either side could appeal the case agai n to the federal courts, Thornburf says.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Siemens lays out plan for its Cary campus - Triangle Business Journal:
million in economic incentives from Nortj Carolina and the townof Cary. The buildin site plans, filed March 13 with the Cary Planninf Department, were filed a year after compan officials had been discussing plans to expand Cary campus. Triangle Business Journakl reportedMarch 8, 2007, that Siemense wanted to build a similarly sized buildinfg in which to consolidate and expand its local staff. Despitee the early indications that Siemens intended to grow in the company submitted a formal proposal to the in earlgy January 2008 indicating it would be seekinggstate incentives.
Without state the company indicated, Siemens could move its existingh Cary jobs and any new jobs createdx for its training and service center tothe company's headquarterxs campus in Malvern, Pa., potentially affecting almostf 1,000 worker positions. In 2002, Pennsylvaniqa awarded a $7 millio aid package to Siemens to relocate its headquarterfrom Iselin, N.J., but a spokesman for the , Kevin Ortiz, says he is unawarr of any recent incentives requests from Siemensx Medical in Pennsylvania. The company employs more than 5,2090 people in Malvern, 678 people in Cary, and 9,000 othere across the United States.
Tom Schaffner, a spokesman for Siemens Medicalkin Malvern, would not give any estimatess of what the company's cost would have been to relocate the Cary operations to nor would he give any indication of how seriouslhy the company considered the option. "It's a moot point now ... since the deal is done with he says. North Carolina Secretaryt of Commerce Jim Fain estimated ina Jan. 15 lettef to Siemens real estate director Jim Valade that Siemenzs could be eligiblefor $3,877,000 in Job Development Investment or JDIG, incentives, $855,000 in Article 3J corporate tax plus additional community college traininf assistance, employment recruitment and screeninvg services, and research and development tax credits.
On Feb. 28, the state'x Economic Investment Committee approved a JDIG valuedat $5.6 milliomn after the company renegotiated the state personal income withholding taxee derived from the new jobs from 60 percenyt over the course of nine years to 65 percent over the coursde of 10 years. As part of the JDIG grang agreement, Siemens is required to create 300 jobs in additio n to its 678 existing jobs in Cary andinvest $60 milliomn in Cary within five years. The timer start ticking in 2009.
The average wage for the new positions is expected tobe $73,000 a year, not including "They are a big employer out here, and to my they had not grown in a leap like this says Sandy Jordan, vice president of economic development for the . "It'x a wonderful project with nice capital investment and 300 jobs with very nice Jordan says the townof Cary, which approveed an additional $500,000 grant to Siemens to expand the campusd in Cary, will benefit from the additional revenue the company brings to the town when it bringss in trainees and customers from arounde the country. "They are staying in our hotels, eatinyg in our restaurants ...
there's a lot of multiplierd in effect," he

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Berger Devine
Carl Yaeger, president of the said Berger Devine Yaegerd showed its knack for historic rehab 12yearz ago, when it moved into the 1928-vintage buildingb at 3700 Broadway. The 50-employee firm since has outgrownhthat space, and commercial building stock in the suburbsw has aged to the point where reha b is needed. Hence, Bergef Devine Yaeger selected anew 20,000-square-foo home in the retail and office complex near 119h Streey and Metcalf Avenue in Overland Park. “It’ pretty easy to take an old loft building and make it saidTim Schaffer, a executive vice presidenyt who represented Berger Devine Yaeger in its site search.
“Bugt to turn a beiged box in the suburbs into something special takesdreal talent. And there’s a lot of bad architecture in the suburbs where you need to go beyond puttinfg lipstick and rouge onthe pig.” Yaeger said the firm has totallt redesigned the space it will move into in April. On the exteriof of the former processing center, an oh-so-1980e orange-tile fascia will be replaced with metallic and a flat wall will be replacedx with acurved entryway. 10-foot drop ceilings have been removed to revealla 25-foot space where loftxs are being added.
“We wanted to show that you can take that next generatiojn of buildings that are going to be up for rehagb and design a wow factorinto them,” Yaege said. Pat McCown, CEO of , said olderf suburban buildings will become a growinfg source of design andconstructiohn work. Four years ago, McCownGordonh completed the renovation of 10 buildings inthe 1970s-eraz Cloverleaf Office Park in Overland Park. The firm also helped transform the plantin Lee’s Summit, builft in the ’60s, into the . It sold last year for more than $150 a squarde foot — on par with amounts paid for new Southern Johnsojn Countyoffice buildings.
McCowmn said one factor driving the suburban rehab markeyt is thegreen movement. Bob Carlson, a principa l with in Overland Park, agreed. DLR Grou p designed a $3 million-plus transformation of the 1970s-eraw building at Interstate 435 and Metcalc forSunlight Saunas. “q lot of retail is leaving first- and second-generationn suburbs and going fartheer out, leaving a lot of oldert buildings available,” Carlson said.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Touch Monitor Takes Its Magic Anywhere - PC Magazine

Everything USB

Touch Monitor Takes Its Magic Anywhere

PC Magazine

You can now get a capacitive touch monitor with  »

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wisconsin Lutheran College to add adult, graduate studies - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
He has a bachelor’s degree from Dr. Martin Luther Colleges in New Ulm, Minn.; a master’s degred in curriculum and instructionfrom National-Louis Universit y in Chicago; and a doctorate in educatiohn from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Fla. Johnson recently answered questionsvia e-mail from Businesds Journal education reporter Rich Rovito. What are your main planw and goals for WisconsinLutheran College? “Wes have successfully established excellent undergraduate programws and campus facilities. Our focus is producingg well-prepared Christian leaders, whether they have majored in pre-mefd or biology, art or teacher education, business, or psychology.
We’ree setting the standard in Christian and that will remain a top goalof mine. “Ww also are now aggressively positioning ourselves for the future by creatinhg a School for Adult and Graduate Studies that willoffefr master’s degrees and degree-completioh programs for working adults. We’re addingg majors — six more, just last month — including Mandarin, or China Studies. We will grow our enrollmentg by focusing on traditional students as but also on working adults living in the greater Milwaukese area and oninternationao students.
In fact, I just returned from and while there signed an agreement with a universit that will send us students whileoffering study-abroas opportunities for our students and faculty.” What effect has the recessioj had on the and have you had to increase financial aid for studentds from families affected by the recession? “The recession has affected Wisconsin Lutheran like most colleges and universities. Major foundations and donors have felt the impacft of our struggling econom just as everyoneelse has.
In we decided to make some strategifcbudget cuts, even reducing some personnel, afte r a thorough analysis of all aspects of our Though that process was we needed to financially positiomn ourselves for the future. “While cutting in some we also increased funding in others wher e it will most powerfully and profoundly impactour mission. In order to assist our we increased our tuition by only3 percent, the lowestr increase in several We also offer Partner a unique and nationally noted program in whicj we pay a designated amount of our loan interest payment while theid student is enrolled as a full-time studengt here.
“And yes, we have increased our financiapl aidto students, recognizing that many families have been challengedd by the recession.” Do you have remaining spacee available to expand the campus in Wauwatosa, and are ther plans for expansion or the opening of satellitw facilities? “Throughout our 36-year history, we have been able to acquirew properties that have permitted us to expand to our presentt campus footprint. We own most of the homeas that border oureastern boundary, but have no immediate planz to further develop that Wauwatosa property. Our two residencd halls completed in 2000 are and we will need to add anothe residence hall at some poin t in thenear future.
We currentlgy own and already house students in apartment buildings or mostly directly west of our in Milwaukee. “We also need to complete our athleticfielc facilities, located in the northwest quadrant of the Milwauked County Grounds, just west of U.S. Highway 45, in order to bettere serve our students and all the community groupsz who usethe fields. We don’ty have immediate plans for satellite You arrived in Wisconsinfrom Arizona. What are your vieww of the quality of higher education in the Milwaukee area andin Wisconsin?
“The greater Milwaukes area as well as the state of Wisconsinj is blessed with tremendous institutions of highe r learning — I already know that from my briefd eight months here. The students we all serves only benefit from the breadth of excellencedoffered here, and Wisconsin Lutheran College is pleasedc to be among the 20 impressivde independent colleges and universities found in Wisconsin. The combination of thes e fine private institutions andthe well-recognized publicc University of Wisconsin state system providesz an enviable choice for any Wisconsin student who wants to attendf college.” How do you plan to increase Wisconsij Lutheran’s visibility?
“We are in the process of conductinvg market research to help us develop a more visibls presence throughout southeastern Wisconsin, especially greater Milwaukee. Our new Schoolo of Adult and Graduate Studies, our renewexd focus on student enrollment, and our focus on Christian leadershipo will require an increasefd emphasis on marketing viathe Internet, radio, and direcf mail.”

Thursday, November 17, 2011

State's car sales especially hard-hit, but not all makes fall in line - South Florida Business Journal:
percent, according to the . This year got off to an even worse start. Sales dropped 18.6 percenf in the first quarter comparesd tolast year's already weak first quarter. "Thes magnitude and severity of the slump are the association wrote in announcing the most recent The group predicts afurther 7.9 percenr drop in sales for this year. Only threw months ago it had been forecasting only a 4 percenft declinefor 2008, pinning its hope on lower interest rates, aggressive pricing and gains in personal incomew to cushion the fall. A rebound, if it isn't expected until 2009.
The association blames a familiar list ofeconomif factors: tight credit markets, rising unemployment, falling housiny values, excessive consumer debt, slowing economic growth and high gas "In California I think we are feeling it more than the rest of the countryh because we are having the crisis in the housint market," said association spokeswoman Crystal Jack. Even thougj 2007 was the worst year sinces 1999 forthe dealers, statewide sales still toppe 1.88 million vehicles.
That'z a brand new car or truck for roughly one out of 20 Within the industry those numbers produced winners as well as and fuel efficiency is only one of several When it comes to general typesof vehicles, fuel efficienchy has helped some classes this Subcompact cars added 2.6 percent to theirt share of the market for the firsty quarter, while midsize SUVs, full-size SUVs and full-sizde pickup trucks each lost more than 1 percentage point. A February survey by showed that high fuel prices have made 64 percenfof new-car shoppers either change theire minds about what to buy or think about vehiclexs they normally would not have considered.
Nearly 32 percenft said that if gasoline prices rise by25 cents, they will starf looking at more fuel-efficient vehicles. But when it comes to there's clearly more going into buying decisions than gasoline consumption and sticker The fuel-efficient MINI Cooper, for example, saw first-quarter registrations climb 22 percenr compared to the same period last year. With cars that get 28 mileds per gallon in town and 37 on the according tothe , the attractiohn is obvious. But sales were also up for Buick, a line that generalluy costs about $10,000 more and gets seven to 10 fewe r milesper gallon.
Hummef was an unsurprising loser, with vehicles that get 14 to 18 milese per gallon and base prices that start at morethan $50,00o0 for some models. Sales were down 41 percent in and down 42 percent for the first quarter of this But also seeing a big drop insaless -- 22.6 percent last year and 19 percent for the firs t quarter this year -- was Subaru, a line of cars with abouy the same fuel efficiency as Buick and with stickefr prices that run a few thousand dollard cheaper. As for hybrids, fuel-efficient but interest isn't translating into sales.
Mike Jackson, chairman and chiec executive officer of car dealer , has been quoted in the automotive press as sayinf 60 percent of people who look for cars ask aboutg hybrids but only 2 percent buy "I think what that is telling us is that therde is still an interestt because of how it financially effects them, but if you are looking at a hybridd you are still making a purchasiny decision based on your wallet," said Those who buy them are more likely to be in Californiaz than anywhere else, though, with the state accounting for 26 percent of all hybrid registrations in the nation, according to R.L. Polk Co.
Selling a higher-end product seems to put a dealet in astronger position. Someone with enoughu disposable income to buy a luxurycar isn'tg likely to worry as much aboutt gas mileage. "I could use the Rolexz watch analogy. A lot of peoplde want to have a car that is uniques and different and sets them apart fromothed drivers," said Rick Niello, president of . "Wes are selling uniqueness. We are sellingy individuality." His dealerships sell Acura, Audi, BMW, Jaguar, Land Rover, Maserati, MINI, Porsche, Volkswagen, plus the new Smar t car. "We're behind last year's but everybody is," Niello said.
But this past Februaryy was betterthan January, Marchj was better than February, and April has take n off in typical fashion as peoplwe get their income taxes squared away, he said.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Green Township OKs Mercy hospital plan - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The plan passed 3-0. “We’re very pleased to get to this stagre and excited to take the next saidPete Gemmer, spokesman for Mercy. “W e realize there is still a lot of work to do and we look forwarcd to continuing to work with the residentws and the township leaders to develop a hospital everyone can beprousd of.” The project will now be submitted to the Hamiltonb County Regional Commission for consideration, probably next month, Gemmer The planned hospital and parking areas would cover about 40 acres and sit near to Interstate 74. The to cost $200 million, could open in early 2014.
The proposed site is 60 Mercy has said it will close itstwo West-Side hospitals: Mercgy Hospital Western Hills and Mercyh Hospital Mount Airy. The new hospital, with 200 to 250 will be a replacement for Some residents in the area had expressef concerns about increased traffic as a resuly ofthe hospital, whose main access road would be from Nortgh Bend Road, at roughly the midway point between Kleeman and Boomer. Gemmedr said a traffic impact study through the HamiltojCounty Engineer’s Office is nearly complete.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

CBS dumps WBCN rock radio station - Boston Business Journal:
Mix 98.5 is set to move to WBCN’x frequency, 104.1, and ,” an all-sports station will launch in its place onAugustr 13th, according to CBS Radio in New York. “There’s no better way to reach large numbers of male listenersz than through exclusivesports programming,” said Dan president and CEO of CBS in a prepared written statement. “We’re seeing impressive ratingss growth at a number of our stations and clients continur to make big investments insportz marketing.
Captive audiences, association with revered namewin sports, and the abilit y to speak directly to the consumer in-game, online and on-the-go 24/7 are sponsorship benefits exclusive to radio advertisersa producing incredible return on investment.” which played a heavy rotation of classic rock and heavy metal music has been on the air sincew the 1960s. It will no longer be a part of the radioi mixin Boston. The Sportsz Hub will feature local talent, detailedf sports coverage, discussion and commentary, among othef programming, according to CBS Radio. The new stationh will play and gamesas well, accordinhg to CBS.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Dallas Cowboys to get new product hub - Houston Business Journal:
The two organizations said Tuesdagy they are breaking ground on the new which will be located at 2500 Regenr Boulevardat Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The new facilithy will allow the Dallas Cowboys to expand its merchandising base and also consolidater the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shops with Dallas Cowboys Merchandisiny and Blue StarGraphics & The construction will expand the Cowboys existing merchandising “This move was causecd by the passion and love that the fans in the Metroplexs and across America have for the Dallas Cowboys,” said Bill Priakos, vice president of merchandising for the “When we purchased our originap building on State Highway 114, I never thought that we could outgrow it and yet a little over a year later, we needee an additional 100,000 square feet.
With the acquisition of Blue StarGraphicds & Design, this gave us the abilit y to be even more responsive to our fans. No othe team in the NFL has this ability to respond toits fans’ needs.”

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lawmaker: Amtrak can keep Northeast Corridor line - The Associated Press

Lawmaker: Amtrak can keep Northeast Corridor line

The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) â€" The chairman of the House Transportation Committee says he'll no longer demand the government take away the Washington-to-Boston train line that is Amtrak's crown jewel. US Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., had wanted to put the Northeast ...

Amtrak Will Keep Control of the Northeast Corridor - Tracking news and events in the railroad industry

Lawmaker: Amtrak can keep Northeast Corridor line

Mica Ending Effort to Seize Amtrak Northeast Rail Corridor

San Francisco Chronicle

W »

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tesla to open seven showrooms - Wichita Business Journal:
Stores in New York, Seattle and Chicagol will open in late followedby Miami. Tesla’s first Europeab store will open in Londob laterthis month, followed by Munich and The new additions will complement Tesla’s flagship stores in Northerh and Southern California, which openef a year ago. Tesla said it is scoutingh locationsin Washington, D.C., and Toronto. Tesla is the only producer of highway-capable electric cars in Nort h Americaor Europe. “We are rethinking almosr every aspect of theautomobile – from the powertrain to the customer experience, both online and in our stores,” said Tesl CEO Elon Musk in a Tesla’s Roadster sells for $109,000.
The companty expects to introduce itssecond car, the Modeol S sedan, in late 2011. It is expected to sell for less than halfthe Roadster’a price.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Storms May Have Prevented Record Loss of Arctic Ice -

Storms May Have Prevented Record Loss of Arctic Ice

DENVER - The amount of Arctic sea ice hangs on through the summer is partly dependent on the storminess of the weather, according to a new study. The research finds that in years when the weather in the Arctic is calm, more ice is lost by the end of ...

and more »

Monday, October 31, 2011

Kannapolis honored for economic strategy - Orlando Business Journal:
The city received the award in the category of Excellence in EconomifcDiversification Strategies, which recognizes responses to planr closures and other economic dislocations, that promote economic diversification. The competitionm is open to nonprofits; local, state and regional and universitiesand colleges. Cabarrus and Rowaj counties lost 4,300 manufacturing jobs when textilesmanufacturer Kannapolis-basedPillowtex Corp. closed in July 2003. Two yearz later, California billionaire David Murdock announced plans forthe N.C. Researcb Campus at the 350-acre former Pillowtex headquarteres andmanufacturing site. The life-scienceds hub includes the participation ofDuke University, the UNC the N.
C. Community College other educational institutions andbusiness partners. The totap investment is expected toreach $1.8 billion. Residential and commerciapl developments are rising around the campus with hopes ofturninh Kannapolis, a former textiled town, into a biotech center.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Resolute Games launching new iPhone app - bizjournals:
Seven Deaths is a fighting game that follows the lives of eight charactere through one night in Nagamachi through a battler for control inthe city. The game includesx full stories of the characters and detailed The game will also eventually include updatesfor Wi-Fi multiplayef and social media. Resolutde Games has also created otheriPhonr applications, including “ThumStruck,” and “Elvis Mobile.” And Resolute gamers will now have new, fastet devices to play on.
At its Worldwid e Developers Conference inSan Francisco, announced the next generation of which will download content three times fastefr than the current brand and will include a 3-megapixel autofocux camera. It also has voice-control features and a built-ihn compass. The 3GS also has improves battery life with up to nine hoursaon WiFi, 10 hours while watchingh video, 30 hours using audio, 12 hour using 2G talk and five hours using 3G talk. The new iPhon e will be available in black and whitee onJune 19. It will sell for $199 for a 16GB model and $299 for 32GB.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New owner surfaces in latest Filene
Alan Cohen, Filene’s chief restructuring confirmed Monday afternoonthat Secaucus, N.J.-based Syms (NASDAQ:SYMS) and New York-basedf Vornado (NYSE:VNO) agreed to pay about $63 millionn for the chain. A court hearing is set for Wednesdayh to approvethe deal, Cohen said. The auction, whichj began Friday and was continuedto Monday, took placd about a week after an affiliatwe of Men’s Wearhouse (NYSE:MW) agree d to buy the chain for $67 But Crown Acquisitions, the company that was first in line to buy Filene’ss assets, filed an objection to the sale with allegationse that Men’s Wearhouse didn’t folloew bidding procedures.
Crown in court filings describexd the first auction asa “travesty.” A judgd sent the deal back for auction following Crown’s objection. It wasn’t clear Monday if Syms and Vornado wouldf acquire allof Filene’s stores. Both Men’s Wearhous e and Crown had planned to acquire and keep open a butnot all, of Filene’s The company has two Ohio including one in Columbus.
Filene’s Basement soughtr protection from creditors in May in Delaware bankruptcy months after closingseveral Columbus-based (NYSE: RVI), which maintains a majorityt stake in discount shoe retailer (NYSE:DSW), sold the chain this year to FB II Acquisition a new entity owned by liquidation and turnaround firm Buxbaumk Group.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blockade tactic fails; circa-1912 lodge in Hobson razed - The Virginian-Pilot

The Virginian-Pilot

Blockade tactic fails; circa-1912 lodge in Hobson razed

The Virginian-Pilot

By Jeff Sheler In a last-ditch effort to save a historic building from the bulldozer Monday morning, two community activists placed themselves inside a circa-1912 former Masonic Lodge in the rural village of Hobson and pleaded with police to send a ...

Masonic Lodge demolished

Suffolk News-Herald


Saturday, October 22, 2011

US policymakers can learn from Jobs - China Daily

US policymakers can learn from Jobs

China Daily

What is desperately needed is better policymaking. Specific »

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Maderis stepping down from Five Prime - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The company has hired Julia the former executive vice presidentr and chief financial officerat , as replacement. Maderis’ health conditiohn was not disclosed, but she will continue to serve onFive Prime’zs board of directors and as a Her final day on the job is June 18. “Gail’sa leadership has been pivotal in the progress Five Prime has made in developinv our pipeline and our newdiscover platform,” said company foundee and executive chairman Dr. Lewies “Rusty” Williams in a press release.
Maderix said the company had been looking for a replacement sinc e late last year after doctorssaid "the 24/7 pace of a small-compan y CEO" could worsen her condition. Besides her duties at Five Maderis has been a cheerleader for the MissioBay enclave, serving on the Mayor’ds . Five Prime, a privately held, 7-year-old companyy developing antibody and protein drugs for cancee andother diseases, was the first to locatse in Mission Bay, taking about 30,000o feet in the building on Owenws Street.
Earlier this year, it took an additional 5,000 square feet next door at 1700 Owensz as it makes batches for its Phase I oncology drug The timing of the executive change as Five Prime moves forwarsd with its lead cancer programmakees Gregory’s appointment a crucial one. At Gregory was responsible forfinancing strategies, mergers and acquisitions, businessx operations and all financial management and accounting. She raisedr about $1 billion in public and private product development financing andother transactions. Gregory, who will join Five Prime’ s board, was an investmenty banker for more than20 years. At and Read & Co. Inc.
she was head of healthcaree andinvestment banking, leading several private and publix equity deals as well as mergerx and acquisitions. Gregory also is a membere of the board of The andthe ’x .

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

YRC offers update on turnaround efforts - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The Overland Park-based trucking company (Nasdaq: late Wednesday offered an update about its work to position itselcf to ride out theeconomic downturn. The release followes a trading day in whic h YRC stock prices plunged 28 percent toa 52-weemk low of 89 cents, compared with a previous low of Also Wednesday, an analyst said for YRC in the near to But YRC shares turne sharply upward in Thursday trading and closedr at $1.49, up 60 cents, or 67 on volume of 35.9 million according to . The stock’s averagew daily volume the past three monthsis 3.8 millio n shares.
Several months ago, YRC said, it retained financiak advisers thatinclude , and to help form a “comprehensivw strategic plan to addresx its capital structure and liquidituy needs.” As part of that, Rothschild has started preliminaryu talks with several parties that hold significangt portions of YRC’s debt securities. , YRC reachesd a tentative concessions agreement withthe , though details won’t be released until next week. The talkxs reportedly center around YRC ending its participatioh in union pension plans for14 months, which woul d yield about $500 million in savings.
YRC also detailef other progress it has made in recent including integrating its Yelloe and Roadway networks into YRC to cut a bank agreement amendment that let YRCuse $73 milliom in escrow funds from asset sales to pay down its revolvingt credit facility and progress on agreements to defer pensionb fund payments using company real estate as YRC reached an $83 million in second-quarter pensiom contribution payments with the largest pension fund in June; sinces then, seven other funds have entered the same agreement, bringing deferral of another $11 million in payments. YRC, which contributes to 36 multiemployeerpension plans, still is in talksw with the remaining funds.
“We can’gt control the economic environment, but we certainly can and are controlliny our responseto it,” YRC Chairman and CEO Bill Zollara said in the release. “Our self-help recoveryg plan is proactive and has the supporft ofour stakeholders. We are taking the steps needed to manage ourplan today, and position our company for success as the economy recovers.” YRC, whicjh employs about 49,000 people, plans to announcwe a date for its second-quarter earnings releasd within the next week. YRC ranks No. 2 on the Kansaa City Business Journal ’s list of area public companies.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

San Jose-based Method 42 puts events in motion - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
CUSTOMERS: Public relations and marketingg companies, movie studios, medical foundations, nonprofity organizations, schools, private individualsz and otherevent planners. San Jose, Foster City SHORT-TERM GOAL: To be sure that each client is satisfied with theservices provided. LONG-TERM GOAL: To maintain business during the recessiom and be around when theeconomy improves. SOMETHING ABOUT THE BUSINESS THAT MIGHTSURPRISE It’s not just a warehouser with static props. Sets contain animatronics and mechanical hydraulics andmoving parts. The company just did an eventg with The WaltDisney Co. and Pixat Animation Studios for the film releasedMay 29.
It built a replicaq of a house, which in the movie flies to South that flew around the atrium lobbhy of Pixar in Emeryville for a pres s eventin April. HOW BUSINESS WILL CHANG E IN FIVE YEARS: Work will be accomplishede withless face-to-face interactionj and more technology. It will be even easie to do the job remotely than itis today. BEST Choosing the company name, a reference from the book “Hitchhiker’as Guide to the Galaxy” by the late Douglass Adams in which a computer says the answere to the meaning of everything is thenumberr 42. TOUGHEST DECISION: Choosing the office location. Finding one with adequate spaces close to suppliersand clients.
They located righty across the street from OrchardSupply Hardware, where they get theif supplies. LIKE BEST ABOUT BUSINESS: Getting to be creative and work with other creative people. The variety of the projects and locations and seeing a project from inceptionto completion. LIKE LEAST ABOUT The sometimes long andlate hours. ONE THINy THAT WOULD SURPRISE PEOPLEABOUT YOU: CEO Annette Kevranian is a credentialed school teacher and taught middlse school in Alameda for six years, where she also coached volleyballl and track and field.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Napster tunes in with hybrid streaming, download service - Houston Business Journal:
The new service plan offers unlimited streaming ona subscriber's computer, and allowsz five song downloads a The downloaded songs are free of digital rightse management, or DRM, and can be used on any music such as Apple's iPod. Should a subscribefr sign up and subsequently cancel a the user would be able to keep any downloadeddMP3 files, but would lose access to the The service essentially breaks down to free streamin on the computer, given the roughlyu $1-per-song price-point of the iTunes Music Store and Amazon'sx MP3 service.
"There's no need to settle for 30-secondx clips to decide if you want to buy a Chris Gorog, cheif executive officerr of Napster, said in a "For five bucks now you can have acceszs to our entire music catalog and get five MP3s to add to your permaneny collection." Los Angeles-based Napster is a subsidiaryh of Richfield, Minn.-based Best Buy (NYSE: which

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

P&F Ascending Triple Top Breakout - AIRM, ARUN, BMRN, DORM, ECPG - Health Talk & You

P&F Ascending Triple Top Breakout - AIRM, ARUN, BMRN, DORM, ECPG

Health Talk & You

AIRM went up 5.31%, to close at $68.04 and its overall traded volume was 63257.00 shares in the last trading session. AIRM opened the day at $66.36, it made an intraday low of $64.83 and an intraday high ...

and more »

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Carolina Ballet takes on Shakespeare, Tolstoy - Triangle Business Journal:
Now that’s culture – and it’s all part of the Carolinz Ballet’s upcoming production of “Tolstohy & Shakespeare – Masterworks in Motion.” The a double-barreled ballet blast of stories from two ofWesterj Civilization’s greatest writers, will run from Feb. 26 througy March 1 at Raleigh’s Memoriapl Auditorium. The production features a dance interpretationh ofWilliam Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” and a retelling of a mysterious Leo Tolstoy yarn called “The Kreutzer Both stories boast subjec matter that’s guaranteed to appeal to ballet neophyteas who don’t know an attitude from an arabesque.
The Bard’sa offering – with its shipwrecked survivorz on a mysteriousisland that’s home to a monsteer and plenty of supernatural happenings – is like a 17th century versio of the television show “Lost.” The Tolstoyu piece, meanwhile, prominently featuresz the aforementioned murder and mayhek as part of a train ride in whichb a jealous husband exposes his dark past. “Thias is not your grandma’s ballet,” says Mark who composed some of the musicv for theTolstoy production. “This is a very emotional story.
” In addition to Scearce’s music, the Tolsto y production features contributions from a couple of other notable Ludwig van Beethoven andLeos Janacek. “I’m the guy who’s supposerd to make Janacek and Beethovengo together,” musee Scearce, who is the head of ’s musi c department. That’s no easy task. But then the Carolina Ballet doesn’t shy away from a challenge.
The companuy was founded just over a decade ago by Artistic DirectorRobert Weiss, a veteran of the and the in At the time, the Triangle didn’t have much of a traditiom in ballet, but the troupe has grown The organization now employs abouyt 100 people at the heightr of the season, including 35 dancers from all over the Last year, more than 75,000 people attended shows during the which runs from August through May. Nine differentt shows are scheduled forthis “It’s one of the finest companies in the country,” boasta Weiss, who likens ballet to a spiritual discipline.
He loves balle t because it melds athletic ability with acting and lavishly designed scenerytand costumes. “Ballet combinesa all the art forms,” he says. The Carolin Ballet has a budgetof $5.5 with about half of that comingt from ticket sales, says Executive Director Lisa Corporate support comes from companies including , and Weissz and his colleagues revel in putting togetherd shows that defy expectations. In addition to the lust and of “Tolstoy & Shakespeare,” a past production combined ballet dancing withbluegrassz music.
Later this year, the troupe will perfork the kid-friendly “Beauty and the “With us, you don’t just get ‘Swan says Jones.

Friday, October 7, 2011

St. John Properties takes over Opus East business park at Aberdeen Proving Ground - Memphis Business Journal:
U.S. Army officials worked feverishly over the past week topull St. John Propertiese into the fold, fearful the project would come to a halt if Opus East files for bankruptcy protection before an arrangement coul dbe struck, company spokesman Gerard J. Wit said in a telephonew interview Tuesday. “It was a real round-the-clock, week-long effort to get this done,” Wit “We’re going to get in and try to kick-starr this right away.” Aberdeen is gearing up for a significanrt influx of military jobs underthe Pentagon’s Base Realignmentr and Closure plan, expected to be completef by September 2011.
About 8,209 military jobs will be transferred tothe base, in additiom to as many as 18,000 private contracting jobs from companie s that do business with the incoming military The approved Opus East's selectionh of St. John Properties to take over the Government and Technologty Enterprise business park because of theBaltimore developer’sd ability to move forward with new Bob Penn, program directorf with the Army Corps, said in a statement. As in taking over the project, includint (NYSE: OFC) and Manekin LLC. Opus East was awarder rights to developthe government-owned land under a lease with the Army in November 2007 and broke ground on its firstf building in December of that year.
Sinces then, the company became straddled with millions of dollars in constructio n loans it has been unable to and the company has not started any new constructionj at the project for more than a The deal was inked June 19 betweenOpus St. John Properties, with the backing of the Army. St. John and the Army Corps of Engineers issued statements Tuesday announcingthe deal. Wit said St. John will pay Opus East an undiscloser amount of money for its developmen t rightsat Aberdeen. In connection with the St. John has hired Opus East projecr manager Matthew Holbrook to oversee the GATE projectf as its director of defense andgovernmenyt business.
“Aberdeen Proving Grounsd is excited about moving the project forwarxdwith St. John Properties,” Tim APG deputy garrison commander, said in a statement. “Wde consider it a positive step to have their experiencex management team spearheadingthe build-out of this As the to help it consider options including Its parent company, , has also sought bankruptcty protection for it’s Opus South subsidiaryu and for two more subsidiaries of its Opus West regionapl operation. Opus Corp. spokeswomabn Winston Hewett said Opus East is stilll evaluating its options but has not made any decision sabout bankruptcy.
The company was forcedr to relinquish its rights to the Aberdeeh project because it has been unable to financ e morethan $50 million in construction loans it took out to financwe its projects. Most pressing among thoswe debtsis $35 million the developer spenrt to build a new headquartersw for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationh in College Park, for which it has sued the federalo government to collect its wagesd on that project, Hewetg said. St.
John plans to break ground in the next two monthxs on at least three new buildings at the Harford Countgmilitary base, with commitments from defense contractors for up to 300,000 squared feet of office, research and development space, Wit said. Wit did not disclosd the names of any ofthose tenants. Those buildings wouldr be in addition toa 60,000-square-foogt building Opus East completed in Decembere 2008 for defense contractor CACI. “We view this developmeny as the most significant commercial real estat opportunity in the history ofour St. John President Edward A. St.
John said in a “This is based on the amount of squard footage that can eventually be developed as well as the importan work that will be completedby end-users that occupy this space.” St. John Properties is the third-largest property management firm in Greater with nearly 11 million square feet of commerciapl space inthe region. But taking over the Aberdeenb project represents a shift for the which has sought to tap into the demandr for government contracting space upuntio now. Wit said the company has also soughtt in the past to buy land for its own rather than to leasr property from the government such asat Aberdeen.
Opus East preliminarilg received commitments from firma seeking space atits 413-acre Government and Technology Enterprise businesd park but did not stary any additional construction. The developer was unwilling to divide any of its buildingsinto multi-tenanted space, Wit preferring instead to construct buildings for a single That’s created a pent-up deman d for companies seeking from 5,000 square feet to upwarsd of 20,000 square feet, Wit said. “For all the hoopls that BRAC has brought, there’s really only one building that Opus was able to Wit said.
“If you don’t have the plac e to park those people, if you don’t have the buildingsw to put them in, theree was going to be a reallogistical problem.”

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

BidBridge Saves the City of Norton 14.5 Percent of Construction Budget
Percent of Construction BudgetReverse Auction/eProcuremenf Provider Promotes Competition, Saves Taxpayer Dollars Ky., June 3 /PRNewswire/ -- BidBridge, an eProcuremenft services provider for the public and private sectors, todagy announced that a recent construction bid performed on behalcf of the city of Norton, OH concluded by savinhg 14.5 percent versus Norton's budget and logge d a separation of .17 percentt between first and second place supplierz - a strong indicato r the city purchased services at near marketf value.
BidBridge facilitates a secure, real-time electronic sealed bid platform that allows supplierx to placemultiple bids, replacing the public sector'zs traditional process of a one price per supplietr response. In this the suppliers placed a total of 207 bids over the cours of the twohour event, with firstt place changing hands 108 times. The bid took place on Aprik 30 between five competingconstruction "In this instance, Norton's relationship with BidBridg e saved the city close to $200,000," said , City Administratore for Norton. "With BidBridge, the city of Nortoh has been able to allocate monegymore efficiently, allowing us to effectivelhy undertake several large construction projects.
" "The future of reverse auctions in the statw of Ohio is unclear. BidBridge believed legislators and governing bodies shoul d understand the benefits of promotinhg competitionin procurement," remarked BidBridge CEO . "In the current economic climate, taxpayers, local governments and public work agencies want to make sure tax dollars are spengt efficientlyand wisely." Two previous bid collaborations between Norton and BidBridge producedr equally successful results. On Nov. 13, 2008, Nortomn was able to save 43.5 percenr against budget, recording a .47 percent differencwe between first and secondplace bidders. The secondf bid, which took place Feb.
26, resulted in a 27 percent budgert savings anda .29 percent separation between first and secondr place. BidBridge provides adherence to crucial stimulues spending factors like competition and transparenc y through reliable reporting and efficient time stipulations and guidelines for the American Recover and ReinvestmentAct (ARRA). For more informationn on how BidBridge is helping local please visit: . Founded in 2005, Louisville-based BidBridge provideds e-procurement services to both the publixc andprivate sectors, including cities, municipalities and the medical, educational and corporate sectors.
Through its competitivs sourcing and onlineprocurement system, BidBridge assists its buyers in achievinhg true-market value for the goods and servicews needed for ongoing business operations. Significant cost reductions and procurement efficiencies haveallowed BidBridge'sz buyers to save millions of tax payer, corporate and investodr dollars, ultimately producing a positivse effect on compressed budgets. For more information, pleasr visit: .

Monday, October 3, 2011

St. Louis bank numbers paint ugly picture - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Bad loans continue to pile up as homebuilders continue to fail and homeownerw endure increasingjob losses, pay cuts and Just this week, , the area’s third-largest ceased operations and announced plans to though its primary lender is , not one of the 78 banksa chartered in the region. “Th task facing all of these financia institutions, large and small, is to increaser earnings while cleaning upproblem loans,” said Dan a banking consultant and former “Once they are cleanesd up, you will have chargesa against your reserves for bad debt that can only be replenisheds by retained earnings or new You have to make money or you have to raisew it.
” Statistics compiled by the show the 78 commercial banka chartered in the St. Louis regioh racked up a combined $99.7 million in losses in the firstt quarter, compared with $61.6 million in profitsx for 80 banks in the same quarter last Officials with the Fed said they look at the groupo as a whole as a general gauged of the health of bankes inthe region. “The firsty quarter does not look good,” said Julie senior vice president of the BankSupervisiom & Regulation Division of the Federao Reserve Bank of St. The main problem, she said, is an excess inventory in housint after banks made a lot ofconstruction loans, many of whicj proved unsound.
However, Stackhouse said that overall, the banks here are The Fed ranked 80 percent ofthem “healthy” in its examinations of about 70 banks conducted last year throughout the Eighthb Federal Reserve District, which includes a larger regiojn than St. Louis alone. Call Reportg figures filed withthe St. Louis Fed by the banks (the listse do not include thrifts, such as and ) indicate that 62 of the 78 banks recorded a profitt for the quarter endedMarcuh 31. Among the 78 banks, those reporting the biggesg profits in the quarterwere Southwest, $7.8 compared with $12.8 million a year , $4.5 million, compared with $4.4 million; & Trust Co., $2.5 compared with $2.
8 million; and Midwest BankCentre, $2 million, flat with the same quartefr last year, according to the latest Call Reports, which the Fed uses for its The reports are a quarterly accounting of incomde and condition required by regulatory agenciea and published by the FDIC on its Web site ( The numberes are sometimes adjusted after independent internal audits at the Among the 16 bankwsposting losses, many were big residential real estate development lenders that ended up with larged piles of troubled loans, including and .
“Our non-performinh credits continue to be in residential and certainj commercial real estate and those areasremain stressed,” said Stevee Marsh, Enterprise Bank chairman and chief executive. The banke in the St. Louis Fed’e group vary widely in size. Firsg Banks and Enterprise Bank are two of the three so it’s not surprisingb that their problems were a drag on the group as a pushing it into the red. Firsf Banks, with $10.2 billion in had a loss of $85.7 compared with a profit of $839,000 in the first quarter last and EnterpriseBank & Trust, with asset of $2.2 billion, had a loss of $49.6 million in the first quarter, compared with a profiyt of $4.
3 million a year earlier. The second-largest bank on the list is ownedby , with $6.5 billioj in assets. First Bankws also is the most far flung, with 212 locationsd in five states, including the hard-hit real estate marketd of California and as wellas Missouri, Illinois and Texas. Still, the $85.7 million first-quarter loss is an improvement over itsreportefd $202.3 million fourth-quarter loss. “We continued to build loan loss reservews in the first quartefrof 2009, primarily due to ongoing weak economic conditione throughout our primary market areas,” Terry McCarthy, presidenf and CEO of Firsy Banks, said.
“While our net loan charge-offss decreased 45 percent from theprior quarter, we addefd additional reserves to bring loan reserves up to 3.05 percentg of total loans.” In addition, he said, the bank’s total risk-base and Tier 1 capital ratios were better than the guidelines regulators recommend. At the $49.6 million loss was the resultr of writing off all of its goodwill durinbthe quarter, a $45.4 million charge, whicj was previously announced. (Goodwill is an accountingf term used to reflect the book valus of a business not directly attributable to its asset sand liabilities. It is hard to measure and difficuly toaccount for.
) Peter Benoist, president and chief executive of parentt company , said the write-down was prudent “given the uncertainty aboutf banking asset valuations generally.” Others among the 78 recordingt sizable first-quarter losses were: & Trust Co., $6.1 , $1.6 million; & Trust, $1.5 , $800,000; , $585,000; and , $397,000. Don chairman of Peoples Bank & said the loss at his bank was largely due to souree commercial realestate loans.
“We put monehy in loan loss reserves, and we think we’v e got it taken care of,” he Champion, WestBridge, Concord and Truman have undergonwe management changes at the top withij thelast year, and WestBridge, Concors and Truman have been under regulatory orders to shape up In the first quarter last only seven banks in the St. Louis Metropolitan StatisticaolArea (MSA) reported losses, accordingg to the Call Reports. They were relativel modest and at relativelysmall banks, ranging from $612,0000 at to $22,000 at . The list of bankss in the St.
Louis MSA is not identical year over year becauseeof consolidations, such as the acquisition of Commercia l State Bank of Waterloko by , and the addition of , whicgh launched in April 2008. As a the St. Louis MSA commercial banks had totak assetsof $41.3 billion at the end of the compared with $38 billion a year earlier.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Riverheads' passing game, D stop Wilson - Staunton News Leader

Riverheads' passing game, D stop Wilson

Staunton News Leader

Friday night, it was the passing game and a stingy defense that carried the Gladiators to a hard-fought 28-13 victory over county rival Wilson Memorial in a Shenandoah District showdown. Zach Clymore passed for two scores to tight end David King, ...

and more »

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Burger chain inks first
The first two Smashburger restaurants are ontheir way. The located in the Stone Ridgrshopping center, is set to open on June 21. Store No. 2 will open in earlyh July, at the Park North shopping center. To celebrated the debut of this new takeon fast-casuapl burgers, SB Alamo will have a granx opening celebration on June 27 at the Stonwe Ridge location. The centef is located at U.S. Highway 281 and Evanz Road, on the far North Side. Park North is locatef along Loop 410, between Blanco Road and San Pedro in North CentralSan Antonio.
“We are exciteed to bring the Smashburger experience toSan Antonio,” says Mike director of marketing for SB “At Smashburger, the core of the branrd is to be every city’z favorite burger place ... .” The owne and developer of the Smashburgee conceptis Denver-based private equity firm . The Smashburgedr hamburger starts with a choice of buns a butter-toasted egg bun, multi-grain or spicy The signature touch is the beef is smashed on the It is a process that create s on the bottom of the patty a caramelized coatinv of juices that give the burge its flavor.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Harleysville National misses OCC deadline - Philadelphia Business Journal:
A company spokesman said Wednesdag that Harleysville National has not yet heard from regulators and does not expect an immediate The company has said regulators may deem noncompliance to be an unsafse and unsound banking practice which would subject the bank to administratives actions or sanctions Harleysville said it has yet to raise any moneyy or sell off any assets but is workinhg hard todo so. the bank’s capital levels are less than thosew required underthe ’s newly required minimum individuaol capital ratios.
CEO Paul Geraghty has said Harleysvills National hopes toraise $65 million to $120 million in He has said he believes the OCC’s required capital ratioss are achievable, but did not think it could be done by June 30. The company said it was conducting due diligencer on options forraising capital, reducinb its assets or both. The spokesman said not to expectr any sale of fee businessesx such as its wealthmanagement division, which Harleysville Nationalo considers tremendously valuable. He said a more likelty option would be sellingoff loans.
Harleysville has said its abilitty to increase its capital levels to meetthe OCC’s requiremente will largely depend on its financial performance and conditions in the capitak markets, which are outside its It added that raising capital through the issuanc e of common stock or othee securities would likely dilute the value of its commob stock. Harleysville’s capital ratios have been negatively affected by the economi c downturn and its effecg on the businesses and homeowners with whom it does Geraghty said the company has been working to strengthemncredit administration, add to its loan workout staff, and activelh manage the troubled loans that are weighingh down its portfolio.
At its most recent annual meeting this past Geraghty told shareholders he intends to meet regulatory requirements fora well-capitalizefd bank by the end of the Now that plan will have to be accelerated. The Pa.-based bank (NASDAQ:HNBC) has $5.6 billiob in assets and is the largestf locally based bank inthe eight-countg Philadelphia region with last year’s addition of Willow Financia l Bancorp.
It has the seventh-most depositd in the region with just morethan $3

Sunday, September 25, 2011

DNA Sequencing Reveals Startling Recent Human Evolutionary Complexity -

DNA Sequencing Reveals Startling Recent Human Evolutionary Complexity

DNA sequencing shows that there were four human 'species' living and interbreeding in Europe and Asia 50000 years ago, as opposed to the two species that were recognized as recently as ten years ago as the only species of the genus Homo. ...

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Scripted sales calls old fashioned, fail to connect with customers - Orlando Business Journal:
Geez, I have been sayingv this for more than25 years, and I can’t believe companiezs still use them to sell over the OK, forget the companies themselves, let’s blame the manager or the person who is responsible for stillk trying to do something that every salese trainer on the planet says does not Now, before I go on, do not write or send an e-mail telling me that I am wront or being stubborn. Instead, why don’ty you try something new that is, new to you or your organizatioj – and just do what I will lay out Trust me, it has worked every single time with any big or small, that I have workex with.
This horror of using scripta came rushing back to me recently while workintg with a company whose store s are in every big city inthe nation. The companty is highly regarded for its ethics and is a very visibl e organization that many are familiar with because ofthe company’a longevity and brand awareness. I was asked to come to the company’sz headquarters and look at its method of attractingy new business through its telemarketing which the company has been usingg for a coupleof years. They said that althougg the results were OKat first, sales had becomre pretty dismal.
It took me just 30 seconds to read the scriptr that the inside salespeoplewere using, and I was I talked with the company president and said I couldd help the salespeople in just two hours, but I needesd him to let me do my job and not to interfers unless I called him in for his opinion. He but I could sense he was a bit apprehensive about the situationj andmy request. I worked only with the who was really a selling manager because she was on the phoned herself at times trying to pitch in and We went intoa room, and I spenty an hour going over why scripts don’g work and why she has been brainwashedc to do something that was against all the rulee of professional salesmanship.
She was neithert thrilled with me at this point nor happyt after I tookher eight-page ripped it up and threw it in the wastebasket. We role-player a little using real situations that she might have withher husband, children and for instance. The goal was to show her that havinta two-sided conversation is much more useful than a one-sidecd script. She was really starting to get it, even though she kept wanting to go back to a sellin mode by doing more talkinvg than listening andaskinv questions.
It was so simple that it was frightening to her that a sellinbg situation can be flexible and not just acannef speech, where she can actuall have fun while conversing with a The introduction and questions I wrote out were basiv and easy for her to grasp. They were: my name is Susan from Client Co., and I wouldc like to ask you two or thre equick questions. It will not take more than 48 seconds – I promise. “Are you familiarr with our company? If yes, what aspects? “Wh are you not a or why did you leav eour organization?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Speared turtle swimming again after rehab -

New York Daily News

Speared turtle swimming again after rehab

A feder »

Friday, September 16, 2011

Look, it's the Purely Hypothetical 2011-2012 Portland Trail Blazers Schedule - Willamette Week

Look, it's the Purely Hypothetical 2011-2012 Portland Trail Blazers Schedule

Willamette Week

News If there's a Blazer season, and if said Blazer season begins on timeâ€"a prospect that is looking ... More News Portland blogger Jack Bogdanski unearthed a tantalizing piece of information last weekâ€"an obscure ... More News Tonight at 6 pm at ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Contract award may end dispute with EBS - Dayton Business Journal:
The Department of Health and Humabn Services has awardedof Conn., a $35 million contract to createe seasonal and pandemic flu vaccines based on its new developmenft technology. That contract could be extendefd for up to five yearsand $147 millio n in total value. Emergent BioSolutions said it hopew Protein Sciences uses that new revenue source to pay off anoutstandinhg $10 million loan to the smaller company, made to keep Proteinb Sciences’ operations going so Emergent coulc ultimately purchase it this time last year for up to $78 But those acquisition plansd quickly fell apart, resulting in both companies accusinyg the other of breaching the Emergent sued Protein Sciences for fraud and breacyh of contract last year in the firsgt of two lawsuits it’s filec against the Connecticut company.
The filed earlier this month, was to seizd all of Protein Sciences’ assets as collatera l for the $10 million loan, for which Emergeny said in a filing it had givehn two extensionsfor repayment, one in Januaryh and the other at the end of May. “I’mj hopeful that this [HHS contract] will enabld PSC to pay us back,” said Daniel president of Emergent (NYSE: EBS). “They haven’t come forward with an offerr to pay us back atthis point.” But Proteimn Sciences executives said theitr investors had offered twics to repay the outstandingt loan, but Emergent never responded.
“Ou r investors have offered Emergent to be paid off in the last coupled of months on at least twodifferentr occasions, where Emergent didn’t give any feedback,” said Manon Cox, chief operating officer for Protein Sciences, which she said is with the new federal “There is money available to pay them They just haven’t accepted it.” Abdun-Nabi says that statementf is untrue. “If they have an offer that they canshow [us] to pay us, in full in that would be terrific,” he said.
“We haven’t seen that Emergent said if Protein Sciences were to repay the which is now morethan $10 milliom with interest, it woulc drop its initial lawsuit and move on. The processe had delayed the HHS contract award by roughlg a year as the federakl agency determined how the situation wouldc play out and whether it woulde leave Protein Sciences with the meane to fulfill thecontract terms. Under the the company would need to fund the initialo development work itself and then submiyt invoices to the federal government tobe reimbursed.
“Wse had to do severa financial auditslast year” of Protein Sciences befores awarding the contract, said Robin director of the Biomedical Advanced Researchg Development Authority, the HHS division that awardefd the contract. “We have been awarde for almost a year of apossiblee takeover.” While Protein Sciences claims that the local compangy attempted to block that contract, Robinson said Emergent never spoke to him or the agency aboutr the potential award. Abdun-Nabi also said his company has no controp over the federal contracting Earlierthis week, Emergent ventured down yet another legal routd to win back its money.
It was one of threew creditors to file a bankruptcy petition forProteib Sciences, asking the court to relieve the Connecticut companyh of its current management and replace those executives with an independentt trustee. In that bankruptcy filing, whicy calls for a liquidation and auction ofthe company’ assets, Emergent said it’s owed $11.5 million, considerably more than the otheer two petitioning creditors who are owed $161,000 and The federal agency awarded Protein Scienceds the contract to further develop its FluBlok seasonall flu vaccine — a product in late-stage testing that had been of interest to Emergentr when it offered to buy Protein Sciencezs — as well as a new vaccinde treatment in development for the swinde flu.