Friday, December 16, 2011

Paladino threatens to form rival chamber - Business First of Buffalo:
Attorney and developer Carl Paladino, an outspoken critic of the , plansz to send a letter this week tothe Partnership’ws board of directors asking it to retirwe Andrew Rudnick, president and CEO of the agenct since its creation, and provide better advocachy on behalf of the region’s business community. If the boarxd doesn’t act within 30 days, Paladino said he will petitiob thenearly 2,500 members of the Partnershipp to stop paying dues and leav e the agency. If another 30 days pass and nothing he said he will begin the procesa of forming a separat e chamberof commerce.
“It’s time for said Paladino, who has repeatedl condemned thePartnership – and Rudnick specifically – for failinh to aggressively advocate on behalr of downtown Buffalo. “Wes will form another Buffalo-area chamber of commercwe and seek to provide the busines services that are expected of a chamberof commerce, as well as advocate for a community that lacks any sense of leadership. We are sick and tired of waiting for thePartnership ... or anyone else whilwe our community continuesto fail.

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