Friday, December 2, 2011

Gates Foundation gives $16M to colleges - Triangle Business Journal:
million to 15 community colleges and five states in an efforty to help struggling studentscomplete college. The Developmentf Education Initiative will award the fundinggto Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Texas and as well as community colleges in each state plus one more in Nortn Carolina. No colleges or programs in Washington state will receive funding underthe program. For a complete list of . The funding, first announced in December of last will be awarded to and distribute dby , a North Carolina-based nonprofit. “They wanted us to identifu initiatives, programs and policies that are already being tried and had saidRichard Hart, spokesman for MDC.
The initiative seeks to support program s that help students enrolled in remedialprograms so-called refresher courses for students who are not up to gradde level in a given subject. The goal is to improve classroom performance so students can go on to take advanced courses and eventuallt graduate with a degreeor certificate. A citedc by the Gates Foundation found that nearluy 60 percent of students enrolling inthe nation’s communitu colleges must take remedial courses. Such courses cost taxpayer s $2 billion a year, according to the report.
The grantds are part of the Gates Foundation’s work to help more students graduat e from college or university an important education milestone that the foundation says is essential to earninfg a living wagein today’s economy. The grants will supporyt various state andcollege programs, including effortsd to collect data and better tracok the performance of remedial students. The Developmeny Education Initiative is also being supportedwith $1.
5 milliob from the of Indianapolis to pay for evaluation and

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