Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fed Beige Book sees some stabilization - Dallas Business Journal:
The book, published periodically by the indicates that while respondents to the surveyu weremore optimistic, they remaib skeptical about the overall economgy with hiring freezes stilkl in place and labor market conditionzs remaining soft in Eleventh District markets. Professionals working in staffing, legal and accounting firmd said clients are pushing for loweer service prices and retailers say priceason “day-to-day” goods continue to drop. Auto dealer s are finding that used car pricesa are maintaining their strengtyh and are performing better than newcar prices.
Airliner leaders interviewed for the survey said theyreported “substantialp fare sales” in recent weeks. In the energgy sector, professionals said rates charged for routined wellhead work are under pressure because producers are askinh formore concessions. Prices in the manufacturing sector remain During the periodof mid-April to late May, lighyt sweet crude oil prices jumped from $50 to $60 per The labor market showed signas of continued volatility.
Firms were stillo reporting layoffs even though employmenrt levels are considered steady The report says consolidation in industries like primary construction manufacturing, homebuilding, staffing, financialk services and auto sales creates a degreed of worry about further job The report says hiring freezes still remain prevalent and wage pressurese are “mostly nonexistent.”

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