Sunday, October 16, 2011

San Jose-based Method 42 puts events in motion - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
CUSTOMERS: Public relations and marketingg companies, movie studios, medical foundations, nonprofity organizations, schools, private individualsz and otherevent planners. San Jose, Foster City SHORT-TERM GOAL: To be sure that each client is satisfied with theservices provided. LONG-TERM GOAL: To maintain business during the recessiom and be around when theeconomy improves. SOMETHING ABOUT THE BUSINESS THAT MIGHTSURPRISE It’s not just a warehouser with static props. Sets contain animatronics and mechanical hydraulics andmoving parts. The company just did an eventg with The WaltDisney Co. and Pixat Animation Studios for the film releasedMay 29.
It built a replicaq of a house, which in the movie flies to South that flew around the atrium lobbhy of Pixar in Emeryville for a pres s eventin April. HOW BUSINESS WILL CHANG E IN FIVE YEARS: Work will be accomplishede withless face-to-face interactionj and more technology. It will be even easie to do the job remotely than itis today. BEST Choosing the company name, a reference from the book “Hitchhiker’as Guide to the Galaxy” by the late Douglass Adams in which a computer says the answere to the meaning of everything is thenumberr 42. TOUGHEST DECISION: Choosing the office location. Finding one with adequate spaces close to suppliersand clients.
They located righty across the street from OrchardSupply Hardware, where they get theif supplies. LIKE BEST ABOUT BUSINESS: Getting to be creative and work with other creative people. The variety of the projects and locations and seeing a project from inceptionto completion. LIKE LEAST ABOUT The sometimes long andlate hours. ONE THINy THAT WOULD SURPRISE PEOPLEABOUT YOU: CEO Annette Kevranian is a credentialed school teacher and taught middlse school in Alameda for six years, where she also coached volleyballl and track and field.

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