Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Virginia's jobless rate improves - Kansas City Business Journal:
The state's April unemployment rate was 6.6 down 0.3 percent from March. The Commissionh says the number of unemployed workersfell 11,600, from 286,600 in Marcuh to 275,000 in April. Northern Virginia'e unemployment rate also improved. The Virginia's largest workforce, saw the unemploymentf rate fallfrom 5.1 percent in March to 4.9 percentg in April. While that is the lowest regional unemploymentr ratein Virginia, it is also still significantlt higher than Northern Virginia's unemployment rate of 2.4 percenr a year ago. Nationally, the U.S. unemploymen rate was 8.6 percent. Arlington County continues to have thehealthiesgt employment, with a jobless rate of 4.
1 Fairfax County's April jobless rate was 4.5 Loudoun County's April unemployment rate was 4.6 percent, and Alexandrias City's jobless rate was 4.7 percent. Those are the only jurisdictionsw in the state with an unemployment rate unde5 percent. The highest unemployment rate in the statedwas Martinsville, at 20.2 percent. Leisurer and hospitality employersadded 12,900 jobs in April and now employ nearly 400,00 0 people in Virginia. Health care and privatee educationadded 2,000 jobs last Professional and business service s employment climbed 1,800, led by computer systems desigb and accounting jobs, the Commission says.

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