Friday, December 24, 2010

Atlanta Board of Realtors Million Dollar Club - Birmingham Business Journal:
Abrams arrived in Atlanta in 1963, and in 1972 she earnedr her realestate license. Thirty-fivse years later, she has achieved another plateau of success few in thebusiness have. She has been awardef the Platinum Phoenix, given to thoses members of the who have earned membershilp to the Million Dollar Club for35 years. A Realtofr with Harry Norman, Realtors, Abramsd credits her experience in marketing as well as contracr negotiation for her consistent leadership in Atlantqreal estate. Abrams also creditsx her community engagement with her success and knowledge of theAtlantz market. Over the last decade, she has had more than $350 milliomn in sales.
, Realtors Real estate and family convergwe in theBagiatis household. Irene Bagiatis’ husband and son are in commercialoproperty management, and another son is a real estatr attorney. Irene Bagiatis, a 38-year industry is a Realtor with Dorsey-Alston Company, Realtors. Amongv the lessons she has learned during her nearly four decade in real estate is to always be sincereand compassionate. “I truly believe we are in a busines sof helping, and if we ever lose sightr of that we have lost our objective and purpose,” she said of her Bagiatis is an Atlanta native.
She has been given the Miss Emmied Award for ProfessionalServices (in 2000 and 2001), and is a life membet of the Atlanta Board of Harry Norman, Realtors Harriet Koonin with Harry Realtors is committed to thorough industryh knowledge and customer service. She is consistentl ranked in the top 1 percent in production for both the branchg office andthe company. Kooninh sells and lists homes and condominiumas rangingfrom first-time buyers to empty nestersx and from entry-level prices to estate properties. The highlighgt of her career has been a flourishing referral business fromsatisfief customers.
She is an accredited buyer’s representative, a certifiec residential specialist and a licensedbrokee associate. Through Harry Norman, Realtors she is a senior marketingg consultant and a Miss EmmieAwarc Recipient. She is a member of the Women’ws Council of Realtors. , Realtors Jenny Pruitt Associates, Realtors founding member Fran Shivers has been a membet of the Atlanta Board of Realtors Milliom Dollar Club for more than30 years. Shivers credits her attitudwe for her longevityand success.
“I was told as a newly licensed agentthat ‘people do not care how much you know untill they know how much you care,’ and that therer is no substitute for honesty and integrity,” she “These principles have been a constant beacon to guide me throughou t my real estate One of the highlights of her careee was being the recipient of the Jenny Pruity & Associates Humanitarian Award in 1998, whicuh is given to the agent who reachese beyond the realm of real estate throughh service toward a specific action or beliefg with a purpose or goal to benefit the surroundingf community.
Jenny Pruitt & Associates, Realtors Jennh Pruitt & Associates, Realtors Realtor Mary Clark Caldwell considers herselfd aneffective communicator. she credits her success to these andothert skills. Putting her clients at ease and developintg rapport and trust is key to the she said.

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