Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Survey: Hiring slowly improving - The Business Review (Albany):

Those two sectors employ more than 90 percent ofthe nation’z private-sector workers. The Alexandria, Va.-based association’s reporr is based on a monthly survey of humanb resource professionals at more than 500 manufacturingy and 500services companies. Employment expectation s for June aredown 37.1 percentg in manufacturing and down 8.2 perceng in the services segment. In the manufacturingg sector, 24.5 percent plan to hire in which is the highest percentagr of such companies that said they will add jobs sinceeNovember 2008. In addition, 25.9 percent said they will trim In theservices sector, a net total of 24.8 percenr of corporations will create jobs in June, with 41.
4 percen saying they will hire and 16.6 percent sayingf they will cut jobs. That 41.4 percent representsz the highest such tally since September 2008 in that A combination of unemployed people seeking work and less jobs to go around means recruiting difficulty in both sectorse in May was way down compare d with ayear ago. In the manufacturing sector, a net of 23.8 percent of companies had less difficultyu with recruitinglast month, and in the servics sector, a net of 35.8 percent of companie s said the same.

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