Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pepco seeks $254M in stimulus money - Washington Business Journal:
the mid-Atlantic and New Jersey. The if approved, would come from the Department of Energgy under the American Recovery and Revitalization Act Smart Grid InvestmentGrant Program. Pepco is seeking the largest funding for smart grid technology, $142 million, to help pay for advanced distribution automation and direct load equipment in the District and Pepco’s Delmarva Power, which has customers in Maryland and is seeking $93 million in smart grid grants for similae upgrades. Pepco’s Atlantic City with customers in SouthernNew Jersey, will apply for $19 million.
“Every dollae we obtain from the federal governmenf offsets the cost customers would otherwis pay to make these important improvements tothe system,” said Pepco Region president Thomas Graham in a statement. The amounts requeste would pay for half of the total costof upgrades, the maximum possible under the granf program, Pepco said. Pepco POM) follows Baltimore Gas Electric, which is applying for $200 million in smarft grid stimulus funds. Dominion Powed is also seeking $200 million in stimulus grantss to install smart meters in each ofits territory’s 2.
3 millioh homes and businesses by 2012, two years earlier than originally planned when the Virginia utilityg first announced its $600 million smart grid plans last year. In a separate electric utility study whose results wererelease Thursday, Pepco had the highest jump of any utilitu nationwide in customer satisfaction from last year to this going from an 11th place ranking to fourtbh place among 17 large utilites in the easternj region, which covers Maryland and D.C.
In that same list, BG&E ranked as the 15th Though, Pepco scored one point shy of the national averages in customerreviews -- which throughj online interviews, rated the utilities on powee quality, grid reliability, price, billing, corporated citizenship, communications and customer service. Still, the localk utility scored well above the easternregionak average. Dominion Virginia Power rankede ninth this year among 13large utilites, earninh one more point than the national average, but scorinv below the high regional average in the southern region, which includes Virginia.

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