Monday, November 29, 2010

Hawaii ranks 15th in U.S. for foreclosures, sees nearly 400% spike in May - Denver Business Journal:
Foreclosures were up 397.5 percenrt for the month compared with May and wereup 19.3 percent over April according to the latest report from RealtyTrac issued Wednesday. Hawaiu ranked 15th in the nation for foreclosuresin May, up from 23rd in Hawaii had 816 foreclosure filingsw in May. There were 684 foreclosure filings in April and 164 foreclosureas inMay 2008. Hawaii had a foreclosurse rate of one filing for every 621 according to the latest survey bythe California-based real estats research firm. Nevada again had the highes t foreclosure rate inthe country, with one filing for everu 64 households. California had the second highest rate for the followedby Florida.
California had the highestg number of foreclosures at Vermontranked 50th, with just six foreclosures at a rate of one filin for every 51,906 households. Nationally, there were 321,480 foreclosurs filings for the month, down 6 percent from April and up nearlty 18 percent fromMay 2008, according to the report.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hudson & Marshall foreclosure auction to feature 27 Triangle homes - Business First of Louisville:
The Triangle auction, conducted by auction company , will be held on at 1 p.m. at June 27 in the Hilto n North Raleigh, 3415 Wake Forest Road. All of the homess in the auction will be sold Buyers who wish to inspect properties before bidding may view homeds during an open house scheduled for June 20 from1 p.m. to 3 p.m. or by contactin g the listing agent foran appointment. Property and listiny agent information is availablre onHudson & Marshall’s Web site, All homesx come with title insurance paid for bythe sellers. Winning bidderes will be required to make a cash or certifierd check depositof $2,5090 for each property. 826 Carter Ave. 101 Wake St.
West, Dunn; 1526 Park Hillsborough; 605 Grantland Drive, 911 Lancaster St., Rocky Mount; 2521 Friedlands Place, Unit 203, Raleigh; 2312 Lindmont Ave., 740 North White St., Wake Forest; 3033 Slocomb Rd., Linden; 400 Charlotter St., Roanoke Rapids; Tract 3 Redding Oxford; 5724 Greenpine Road, Cedar Grove; 700 Soutg Roxboro St., Durham; 100 Waymonn Way, Clayton; 210 Barnes St., Fremont; 400 Melton Rocky Mount; 104 Jones Court, 260 East Front St., Clayton; 11223 Raleigh Four Oaks; 313 Maddux Drive, 210 Hardingwood Drive, 12351 Honeychurch St., Raleigh; 3233 Gold Dust Lane, Willow Spring; 5526 Spring Houswe Lane, Chapel Hill; 2515 Moores Mill Road, 301 Fox Park Road, Louisburg; 303 St.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Labor Department official analyzes May unemployment numbers - Kansas City Business Journal:
percent in May from 8.9 percent in April. ( .) Here is the statementg on the latest unemployment data by Keith commissioner of the federal ofthe , which release the new numbers, as prepared for delivery Friday to the Joint Economic Committee of Congress. Madam Chair and members of the Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the employment and unemploymenrt data that we released this Nonfarm payroll employment declinedby 345,000 in May. Job lossezs had averaged 643,000 per montbh during the prior6 months. In May, the unemploymenr rate rose from 8.9 to 9.4 Since the recession began inDecember 2007, payrolll employment has fallen by 6.0 and the unemployment rate has increasee by 4.
5 percentage points. Job losseas continued to be widespreaxdin May, but the rate of declinr moderated in construction and severaol service-providing industries. Large job losses continuedf in the manufacturingsector (-156,000), with employment decline in nearly all component Employment fell sharply in motor vehiclese and parts (-30,000), machinery (-26,000), and fabricated metalsw (-19,000). Since the start of the manufacturing employment has decreasedby 1.8 million, accounting for 3 out of 10 jobs lost durin g this downturn. Construction employment declinedby 59,000 in May, half the averagre of the previous 6 months.
Job losses moderated in the privatr service-providing industries, with employment falling by 113,000 in May compare with an average monthly declineof 356,000 in the priot 6 months. Employment was little changer intemporary help, retail and leisure and hospitality, following large declinesa in recent months. Elsewhere in the service-providing the health care industryadded 24,0090 jobs in May. This was about in line with the trendx thus farin 2009. In May, average hourly earningx for production and nonsupervisory workers in the privat e sector were up by 2 cents to Over the past 12 average hourly earnings have risenby 3.1 percent.
From Apri l 2008 to April 2009, the Consumert Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workersx declinedby 1.2 percent. Turning to measures from the surveof households, the unemployment rate increased from 8.9 to 9.4 percent over the month. The number of unemployede roseby 787,000 to 14.5 Since the recession began, the joblesw rate has increased by 4.5 percentage and the number of unemployed personzs has grown by 7.0 million. Among the the number who have been out of work 27 weekxs or more increasedby 268,000 in May to 3.9 These long-term unemployed represented 2.5 percent of the laboer force, the highest proportion since 1983.
Over the month, the employment-populatiojn ratio edged down to 59.7 the lowest level since October 1984. Since the recessionn began, the employment-population ratio has fallen by 3.0 percentag points. Among the employed, the number of persons workingf part time who wouldpreferd full-time work was little changed for the second consecutive At 9.1 million in May, involuntaryy part-time employment was 4.4 million highet than at the starr of the recession. Among those outside the labor force--thaft is, persons neither working nor lookin gfor work--the number of discouragedx workers was 792,000 in May, up from 400,009 a year earlier.
These individuals are not currently lookin g for work because they believw no jobs are available for them. In summary, nonfarm payrolpl employment fellby 345,000 in May, comparedf with the average monthly decline of 643,000 for the previous 6 While job losses continued to be widespread, declines moderatedr in construction and in a number of service-providing The unemployment rate rose by half a percentages point to 9.4 percent.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Talbots to sell J. Jill assets for $75M - Sacramento Business Journal:
The move is expected to result in the closurs of about 75of J. Jill’s existing Hingham, Mass.-based Talbots (NYSE: TLB) said the deal with San Francisco-base d Golden Gate Capital is subjectto post-closing adjustments. “This is a significantt strategic step forward for Talbots as it enableas us to focusour time, resources and attentionh exclusively on rejuvenating our core Talbots brand and returnj to profitable growth,” said Trudyy F. Sullivan, Talbots president and CEO. Abourt 204 of the existing 279 J. Jill brand storr leases will be assigned to the buyer and will continueto J. Jill has a storre at The Galleriaat Roseville. About 75 remaining J.
Jill bransd store leases will be retained by Talbotsd and are expected to be closeed by Talbots within the next60

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pepco seeks $254M in stimulus money - Washington Business Journal:
the mid-Atlantic and New Jersey. The if approved, would come from the Department of Energgy under the American Recovery and Revitalization Act Smart Grid InvestmentGrant Program. Pepco is seeking the largest funding for smart grid technology, $142 million, to help pay for advanced distribution automation and direct load equipment in the District and Pepco’s Delmarva Power, which has customers in Maryland and is seeking $93 million in smart grid grants for similae upgrades. Pepco’s Atlantic City with customers in SouthernNew Jersey, will apply for $19 million.
“Every dollae we obtain from the federal governmenf offsets the cost customers would otherwis pay to make these important improvements tothe system,” said Pepco Region president Thomas Graham in a statement. The amounts requeste would pay for half of the total costof upgrades, the maximum possible under the granf program, Pepco said. Pepco POM) follows Baltimore Gas Electric, which is applying for $200 million in smarft grid stimulus funds. Dominion Powed is also seeking $200 million in stimulus grantss to install smart meters in each ofits territory’s 2.
3 millioh homes and businesses by 2012, two years earlier than originally planned when the Virginia utilityg first announced its $600 million smart grid plans last year. In a separate electric utility study whose results wererelease Thursday, Pepco had the highest jump of any utilitu nationwide in customer satisfaction from last year to this going from an 11th place ranking to fourtbh place among 17 large utilites in the easternj region, which covers Maryland and D.C.
In that same list, BG&E ranked as the 15th Though, Pepco scored one point shy of the national averages in customerreviews -- which throughj online interviews, rated the utilities on powee quality, grid reliability, price, billing, corporated citizenship, communications and customer service. Still, the localk utility scored well above the easternregionak average. Dominion Virginia Power rankede ninth this year among 13large utilites, earninh one more point than the national average, but scorinv below the high regional average in the southern region, which includes Virginia.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Survey: Crisis communication is up - The Business Review (Albany):
The survey says that 77 percenyt of bosses have already or are planning to sendout crisis-relatex internal communication about the impact of the financial More than two-thirds (69 of those employers cited easing employed anxiety as the top goal of doing so. Nearlyh one third (32 percent) said earning trust was the goal behindthe communication. According to job security, company performance and solvencytop employees’ woes.
And while 80 percentr of employers who are communicating about the financia crisis already sent messages to employees aboutt company performanceand solvency, only 38 percent have talked about job Of the companies that have alreadyy started to communicate with their employees, 91 percentg say that the messagews are being delivered by seniodr management, while 59 percent say the messengefr comes from human resources.
“Communicatio can be a powerful tool in thesetroubledx times, especially when supported by differenyt levels of management,” said Kathrynm Yates, global director of communicatiohn consulting at Watson Wyatt, in a “But it’s important to keep the specific businesss context in mind and constantly monitor the effectiveness of the messaging.” The most popular deliver tools are: town hall meetings, staff meetings and/ort other face-to-face discussions; e-mail; the company and social media.
Of those who have alreadu started to send messages to workerx about the impact ofthe crisis, 62 percen t plan to incorporate their messaging into their ongoing communication strategy for an indefinite period.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Through a Glass Greenly: Teresita Fernandez on Her Reflective Landscapes and ... - ARTINFO


Through a Glass Greenly: Teresita Fernandez on Her Reflective Landscapes and ...


Featuring her "Nocturnal" series, which consists of several graphite seascapes, the show also includes intriguing sculptural works made of small glass cubes ...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Big goals, games always take team effort - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
In our "it's who you know" world, I have been a beneficiart of knowing some amazing Cincinnatians along the wayto co-launching a boutiqur sports and entertainment public relations firm called . It's my favoritew part of the job - working with clients and gettiny to know them as peoplre andas friends. In 1999 at the age of 30, when I was namex to the Forty Under40 list, it was an extrem e honor. I was working in marketingt atthe , where I had the good fortuner to meet Georgine Wolohan who was my boardf of trustees' liaison and continues to be the presideny of my sounding board.
At 32, I had the "aha" momenrt that I wanted to work in sports publi relationsin Cincinnati. I lookecd at moving to Boston, New York or Chicago but wanteed tostay here. I love this town. I had determinedx my passion, the careerf that would make me jump out of bed at7 a.m. on a Saturdayu to go work - sports and entertainment publix relations. I explored options with mediw colleagueBetsy Ross. She was at after anchoring the news here for Channelsd 5 and 9 and was lookinvg to comeback home. We cooked up a businesws plan and launched Game Dayin 2002.
We landerd our first clients/believers: Iris Simpson-Bush, who literallh "runs" the Flying Pig Marathon as itsexecutivr director, and Doug Hart from , the producee of the Home & Garden Show, among other major consumer We still pride ourselves on workint with them today. Having worked in the nonprofir world, I understood the challenges they face. I am prouf to say that we strategically support a number of amazinhg local institutions and their leadersthrough pro-bono work and/or financial It has been an honor to develo professional relationships with such sports leaders as Leslie Spencer of , Andy Danne of the Anthony Muñoz Foundation, Charley Frank of the and Sharoj Thomas of the Marvin Lewis Com­munity Fund and to see how they have impactee our community.
Six years later, our firm has grownj beyond mywildest dreams. I have becomse a true Cincinnati ambassador as I have learnex firsthand how wonderful our city is and the potentiapwe have. There are key organizations that have the honodr of marketingour region's assets, and we are happgy to assist their Bill Donabedian of 3CDC/Fountain Squaree Management, Karen Michelsen and Pat Sheerab of the Cincinnati USA Re­gion­al Chamber, Linda Antus of the alonf with Mindy Rosen and Emilie Johnson of In this "who you know tell your friends and family that Cincinnati is the place to work and play.

Monday, November 15, 2010

OSHA to inspect St. Louis stimulus construction sites - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Through increased awareness andenforcement activities, OSHA’s goal is to reducse employee exposures to hazards on construction sitew receiving American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Due to the mobility of employers in the constructiojn industry, the transitory nature of construction sites and the fact that sites ofte n involve more than one employer, inspections will targetf specific jobsites rather than specific All employers active at a selecter jobsite will be included in the inspection activity. Missouri is slated to receive a totalof $4 billion in stimulue funding.
OSHA’s safety initiative in Missouri is part of a largere effort nationwide to monitor the safetyh and working conditions of stimulusconstruction sites. Under the OSHA will develop a special emphasis list of jobsites specificallh funded bythe stimulus. For more call OSHA’s St. Louis Area Offices at 314-425-4249.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pending home sales up 6.7% - St. Louis Business Journal:
Pending sales of existing or contracts signed butnot closed, rose 6.7 perceng in April, according to the ’ Pendinhg Home Sales Index. April’s pending salea were up 3.2 percent from a year earlier. The biggestf increase in April was in the where pending salesjumped 32.6 percent from the previouss month. They were up 0.8 percent from a year The index in the Southslipped 0.2 perceng in April. However, it is 3.5 percent higherf than a year earlier. The association cautions that the reportingg sample for pending home sales is smaller than that of existingyhome sales, so it is subjecy to greater variability. The inde measures housing-contract activity.
It is based on signed real estate contracts forexisting single-familt homes, condos and co-ops. A signed contract is not countec as a sale until thetransaction closes.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Farmington swastika branding brings hate crime indictment - The New Mexico Independent

Farmington swastika branding brings hate crime indictment

The New Mexico Independent

Three Farmington men who used a hot wire hanger to brand a swastika into the arm of a disabled Navajo man have been ...

UPDATED: Suspects in Swastika Branding Case Indicted on Federal Charges

ABQ Journal (subscription)

Swastika Branding Results In Hate Crime Indictment

KOAT Albuquerque

Branding defendants face federal charges [12 pm]

Farmington Daily Times



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Felony charge dropped because it could affect wealth manager's job - USA Today

Daily Mail

Felony charge dropped because it could affect wealth manager's job

USA Today

Martin Joel Erzinger, 52, director in private wealth management at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in Denver, now faces two misdemeanor traffic charges for ...

Out of concern for wealth manager's job, DA drops hit-and-run charges in Colorado


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Yamana Gold Enters into Agreement for the Sale of Certain Non-Core Assets
Aura will acquire the San Andres Mine in Honduras and the Sao Franciscko and Sao Vicente Mines in Brazikl for an aggregate initial purchase price ofapproximately US$200 million, including approximately US$90 millioh in cash, US$70 million in deferrecd cash payments and US$40 million in Aura commob shares. The transaction will close in two parts in order toaccommodate jurisdiction-related regulatory The first part which relatew to the sale of San Andres is expectedf to close on July 23, 2009 at which time Yamana will receive total considerationm of approximately US$74 million. The second part which relatee to the sale of Sao Francisco and Sao Vicentde is expected to closeby year-end.
In Yamana will retain a contingentcash flow-basedd royalty on San Andres, Sao Francisco and Sao Vicente that will providw additional payments to Yamana of up to US$490 million, which it fully expects to receive with payment s beginning as early as 2012. "This transaction streamlinex ourasset portfolio, further focusing on our core assets, on our core operatinhg jurisdictions and on advancing our high-returning developmeny stage projects, effectively positioning Yamana for the next wave of growth," commente d , Yamana's chairman and chief executive "The sale of these non-corwe mines is expected to result in lowe r cash operating costs, higher margins and increased reserves, production and cash flow per We believe we will derive significantly more value from our share position than had thesew mines remained directly held by our company, particularly in a highe gold price environment.
We are confident in the abilityof Aura's management to managwe these mines, allowing us to maintain an interestr through our share position and royalty." The Aura commob shares to be issued to Yamana as partial consideration for the purchas e of the three mines will be issued at C$0.4 per share, and Yamana will maintain a meaningful share holding in Aura. The San Andres, Sao Francisc and Sao Vicente Mines are three solifd operations and Yamana is confident that undee the capable managementby Aura, these operations will deliver considerable further value for all shareholders.
The transactionm is subject to customary closing conditions includinv definitive documentation and completion of a financingt by Aura to fund the cash portion of thepurchasre price. National Bank Financial is acting as the financial advisor to Yamana with respect tothis Yamana's legal advisor is & Blackwel LLP. Yamana is a Canadian-based gold producer with significanggold production, gold development stage exploration properties, and land positions in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Central America.
The Company plans to continuwe to build on this base through existingf operating mine expansions and throughput the advancement of its exploration properties and by targeting other gold consolidation opportunities in the CAUTIONARY NOTEREGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This news releaser contains or incorporates by reference "forward-lookingy statements" within the meaning of the United States Privatw Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities legislation.
Except for statementes of historical fact relating to the information contained hereinconstitutes forward-looking including any information as to the Company'ss strategy, plans or future financial or operating Forward-looking statements are characterized by words such as "plan," "budget", "target", "project", "intend, "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar or statements that certain events or conditions "may or "will" occur.
Forward-looking statementsa are based onthe opinions, assumptions and estimates of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are and are inherently subject to a variety of risksw and uncertainties and other known and unknowb factors that could cause actuakl events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-lookingh statements. These factors include the successful completiobn of the proposed purchase and saleof non-corew assets comprised of the Company'xs San Andres Mine, Sao Francisco Mine and Sao Vicentr Mine, the impact of general business and economic global liquidity and credit availability on the timiny of cash flows and the valuex of assets and liabilities basex on projected future conditions, fluctuating metal pricesx (such as gold, copper, silvef and zinc), currency exchange rates (such as the Brazilian Real and the Chilean Peso versus the United States possible variations in ore grade or recoveryh rates, changes in the Company's hedging program, changesx in accounting policies, changes in the Company's corporate changes in project parameters as plans continue to be changes in project production and commissioning time frames, risk related to joint venture operations, the possibilitgy of project cost overruns or unanticipated costs and higher prices for fuel, steel, power, labout and other consumables contributing to higherr costs and general risks of the mininv industry, failure of plant, equipmenf or processes to operate as anticipated, unexpecte d changes in mine life, finall pricing for concentrate sales, unanticipated resultsx of future studies, seasonality and unanticipateds weather changes, costs and timing of the development of new deposits, success of exploration activities, permitting time government regulation of mining operations, environmentapl risks, unanticipated reclamation expenses, title disputes or limitations on insurance coverage and timing and possible outcome of pending litigation and labour disputes, as well as those risk factors discussed or referred to in the Company'd annual Management's Discussion and Analysis and Annual Informatioj Form for the year ended December 31, 2008 filed with the securitiex regulatory authorities in all provinces of Canadas and available at , and the Company's Annual Reportg on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Although the Company has attempted to identifu important factors that could cause actuall actions, events or results to differ materiallg from those described in forward-looking there may be othet factors that cause actions, events or results not to be anticipated, estimatexd or intended.
There can be no assurancee that forward-looking statements will prover tobe accurate, as actuao results and future events could differ materially from those anticipatedr in such statements. The Company undertakea no obligation toupdate forward-lookingy statements if circumstances or management's estimates, assumptions or opinionsz should change, except as requiredr by applicable law. The reader is cautioned not to placw undue relianceon forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information contained hereim is presented for the purposed of assisting investors in understandingthe Company's proposedx transaction with Aura Minerals and may not be appropriate for otheer purposes.
SOURCE Yamana Gold Inc.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ports America, Ceres Terminals vying for Seagirt Marine Terminal lease - Baltimore Business Journal:
and have been approved as bidders for thelargestr state-owned container terminal. is expected to choose one of the two fora 30-yea r public-private partnership at Seagirt. That includesw building a 50-foot berth and new cranes work MPA Executive Director Jamea White said thestate couldn’t afforde without a long-term lease. The $80 million in improvementzs are considered vital to keeping the port competitive when the Panama Canal is widenedin 2014, opening up the Atlantixc to larger ships from Asia. Ports Americwa has operated Seagirt since the terminal opened in albeit under several different namesand owners. It submitter its bid qualifications along withHighstar Capital.
Ceress does stevedoring in Baltimore and has had a presence at the port for 30 It partnered with LLC inits application. Ceres operates 32 terminals aroundthe world. It’as also where White was chief operatinb officer between two stinta as MPAexecutive director. White said the state Ethicds Commission has reviewed the situation and founxno issues. He left Ceres to join the MPA inAugust 2007. The MPA plans to make a decision on the bid by White said. It could end up choosinv one of the two orrejecting both, he said. Portxs America's contract at Seagirft through October is up for renewalat Wednesday'es Board of Public Works meeting.
The contract is slated to be extende for six months with an additionalsix one-month extension . The deadline was June 4.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mattel, Fisher-Price pay $2.3M fine - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
million civil penalty for violations of the federakl lead paint banin children’x toys. The civil fine comes aftedr the completed an investigation into the importingt and selling of toys with lead pain t levels that exceededthe .06 percent lead by weightf limit that is federally According to the CPSC, which recently crafted the Consumeer Product Safety Improvement Act, aimed at tougheningg requirements for lead and phthalates in children’s Mattel imported up to 900,000 non-compliant toys betweenm July 2006 and September 2007. Fisher-Price importes over 1 million non-compliant toys betweenh July 2006 andSeptember 2007.
Among the toys in question were the popula r Sargetoy car, various Barbie products and some Go Diegl Go toys. Most of the toys that had excessive levelz of lead were shipped to retail storesd for sale to the In 2007, a massive toy recall took place wherse about 95 Mattel and Fisher-Price toy modelxs were determined to have exceeded the lead Lead can be toxic if ingested by youngg children and can cause serious health The topic of lead painf in children’s products has been a hot butto n issue as of late, with the rollout of the controversial CPSIAq of 2008.
Toy manufacturers and retailers have said the new regulations are costlyand arbitrary, often requiring the duplicate testin g of products. Some smaller manufacturersa say the laws threaten to put them out of On thepolitical front, Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-Fairport, said protectinh children has to be thetop priority. “Whe the toy recall happened (in 2007) I callexd the head of Fisher-Price and I told him they needed to starrt making their toys here Slaughter said.
“We didn’t have these kind of problemz before they imported the Thiscivil penalty, which is the highest for violations involving importatioh or distribution of a regulated product, is the thirdx highest of any kind in CPSC history. “Thesde highly publicized toy recalls helped spur Congressional actioh last year to strengthen CPSC and make even stricter the ban on lead paintfon toys,” said CPSC Acting Chairma Thomas Moore. “This penalty should serve notice to toy makerws that CPSC is committed to the safetyof children, to reducin g their exposure to lead, and to the implementationj of the Consumer Product Safetgy Improvement Act.
” As part of a story features in our sister publication, The Buffalol Law Journal , looking at the Consumer Producg Safety Improvement Act, which ran prior to the announcementy of these fines, Fisher-Price declined to provide a representativee to discuss the lead paint regulations. Instead, they issuexd a written statementwhich read, in “Mattel is well positioned as it generally designs its productzs to meet global standards. Mattel has also been a leader in the effortds of industry to establishy voluntaryindustry standards.
” The statement also said that Mattel wouldf continue to comply with the applicable regulations of the Mattel was unable to be reached for comment Monday though a representative said they woulfd have a response later in the day. Despitee agreeing to pay $2.3 million in penalties, Mattel and Fisher-Price deny that they knowingly violatedfedera law, as alleged by CPSC

Friday, November 5, 2010
@import url(;

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Portland Business Journal: Most emailed Stories
After three years of providing a workspacto entrepreneurs, CubeSpace will close on Friday. With rumoras flaring that the retailer may declare bankruptctthis week, shares in Eddie Bauee Holdings Inc. dropped 50 percent in Tuesdauy trading, falling more than 23 cents to close at around23 cents. PV Powerefd Inc. on Tuesday announced it has receivesa

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pacquiao Vs Margarito: Manny Pacquiao Confident Of Defeating Antonio Margarito -

Pacquiao Vs Margarito: Manny Pacquiao Confident Of Defeating Antonio Margarito

Filipino boxing sensation Manny Pacquiao yesterday remarked that his political career and skipping training camp would not affect his chances of winning his ...

and more »