Thursday, October 21, 2010

Memphis Business Journal: Starting a Business : Business Advice
Let's be honest: Things are bad, and it is miserablee out there in the world of We are in a global recession that will last forsome 1. The economy eventually will improve andget 2. Most companies rely on salespeople to help with thebotto line. Continuing sales of a product or service for an organization alonvg with great salespeople will be needed even more during thesetougn times. I think it is important to look at a strategyt as old as business itseld that will help a its profitability, the salespeople employed and the customers that a company does business with.
The firs thing, which is of the utmost importance, are your Whether you are the CEO reading the salesperson or a person in customerdservice - this is the time to protecf your customer base and make sure that they are period! The one way to do this is to get in touchy with your customers. Do not attempt to do this by mail or It istoo impersonal. If you want to build relationships with your then build them the way they are supposed to bebuilyt - by people dealing directly with people! You need to ask your customersd a simple and direct "How are we doinyg for you? Be honest, and tell me the truth.
" Next, for the salespeopls who still are employed, you are goingv to have to work Yes, I said it - This means not only visitingh your existing customers and checking their true levelk of customer satisfaction but also goin out and getting new business. Sure, the economty is slow, and we are not buyiny as much of anythinf as we did a fewyears ago, but the fact remaine that there is still business being done out

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