Monday, October 11, 2010

Humana to new hires: Quit smoking - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The insurer said its policy is not as harsh assome “We’re not refusing to hire smokers,” said Humanza spokesman Jeff Blunt. “We are simply requirinb new hires that smoke to go through a smokingbcessation program. We’re not firing them if they are unsuccessfulk in their effortto quit.” Effective July 1, all newl hired associates who work for Humana in including those working at the new Humana Center in East Walnut will be required to complete a questionnaird about their tobacco habits. If future employees use they will be required to enrollin Humana’se Breathe program within 31 days to assist in quittingh tobacco products.
Louisville-based Humana NYSE: HUM) is one of the largest insurersx servingGreater Cincinnati, with about 470,000 Tri-States enrollees in its managed care plan. Humana has said it will increaserits Tri-State employee base by 60 percengt by the end of 2010. That meansa adding as many as 700 professional-level positions, bringing the tota l work force toabout

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