Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's official: 15 General Motors dealers in Colorado to lose franchises - Charlotte Business Journal:
It was the first definitive statement of exactly how many GM dealerxs in the state were informed thay will lose their franchis agreementsin 2010. The Colorado Automobile Dealers Association previously had estimated the number at 13 to 15 basee on reportsfrom dealers. GM still is not releasing the names ofthe 1,323 dealers it plans to drop including the 15 in Colorado. The information came in a list released by the House Energy andCommerce Committee'x Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, based on information providedd by GM. Executives of GM and Chrysler, which plans to shed 14 Colorad dealers, testified before Congress abourt their dealerplans Friday.
GM's car lines include Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, Saab, Saturn and It has some 6,000 dealerships Letters sent in mid-Mayu to GM dealers the company plannedto drop, a copy of whicu was obtained by the Denver Businesds Journal, said the automakere reviewed each of its dealers' sales profitability, capitalization, location and facilities along with otherd "market patterns." . "Based on our review and currentt and foreseeable market conditions andyour dealership's historicakl performance, we do not see that GM can have a productivs business relationship with [name of dealership] over the long said the letter, dated May 14.
Aboutt 92 of Colorado's 264 auto dealerships sell one or more GM said Tim Jackson of the stat e autodealers group. Additionak dealers may lose theierfranchises later, GM has

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