Friday, May 25, 2012

Idea Integration to offer Microsoft stimulus package - Boston Business Journal:
Idea Integration is one of six companies inthe U.S. chosehn by to offer Microsoft Stimulus360. “They’ve cobblex together a lot of Microsoft technologyy as a solution that can drop into a systemj and immediately track stimulus dollars and apply forstimulus dollars,” said Sandy Bateh, a senior vice president at Idea Integration and the company’s Microsoft alliancd manager. The package is aimed at state and local governmente trying to get their share of the stimuluds money and to trackits use. Idea Integrationb and the other five companiees offering the package were chosen becausew of their familiarity with all of the applicationsx inthe package.
“You have to understand the five underlyintg pieces ofthe technology,” Bateh Idea Integration will be competing with the othed five companies for government clients. Bateh said the most promisinh sector islocal governments, since most of the stimulus monehy ultimately gets spent at that level. Batey said the alliance with Microsoft gives Idea Integrationb a chance to landnew clients. “It’ds a great opportunity for companies like us because it giveanother entry, it’s a door-opener,” he said.

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