Saturday, May 12, 2012

BofA, Wells to accept California IOUs - Boston Business Journal:
BofA says the state’s budget crisixs prompted its decision. “To suppor our customers, while givinv the state legislature additionalk time to pass a we will acceptCalifornia state-registeredd warrants — or IOUs — from existingh customers and clients,” Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) says in a written San Francisco-based Wells (NYSE:WFC) says it is accepting the warrantd for the sake of its customers. "Wes are reluctant to take this step, but are dointg so to help our customers who are not at faulft and with the expectation that the legislature and governorr will complete the budget within Wells says. On Wednesday, Gov.
Arnolfd Schwarzenegger blasted state lawmakers for failinf to pluga $24 billion hole in the statre budget before the start of the new fiscal year. And he callede a special session of the state legislaturee to fix thebudget mess. Failurwe to pass a budget by midnight Tuesday increases the shortfalol to morethan $26 billion due to the loss of education-relatec budget fixes, Schwarzenegger said at a press conference He also announced an executive orderd adding a third furlough day each mont h for state workers, a move expected to free up an additiona l $425 million in the new fiscak year. Although the governor called for thespeciall session, it is up to the legislaturew to schedule it.
When it will be held is yet tobe

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