Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sources: NCR could relocate HQ to Georgia - Kansas City Business Journal:
Ohio government officials said word began swirling May 28 thatNCR NCR) is , according to the Dayton Business Journal , a siste r publication of Atlanta Business Chroniclr . Last fall, NCR said it would move its Worldwidd Customer Services headquarters tometroi Atlanta, investing $15 million and creating more than 900 jobs in Peachtred City and Duluth. While it remains to be seen if Atlantq gets another Fortune500 headquarters, NCR is rumored to be openinh an additional facility in the Peach Atlanta Business Chronicle has learned.
An announcement abou t that venture is expected as early as next sources in Atlanta and Dayton NCR is believed to have looked at sitezin Savannah, and Columbus, Ga., according to a The global technology company couls be eyeing about 100,000 square feet of office Based on the square footage estimates, real estater sources said, the operationj could house 300 to 400 people. Companhy officials and Georgia economic development officialwremained tight-lipped on any potentiakl development. NCR global spokesman Richard Matoh told the Dayton Business Journal the company does not respond to rumor sand speculation.
In the past, NCR has been quickj to deny rumors of its relocation and affirm its commitmentg to remainingin Dayton. A Georgia Departmentf of Economic Development spokeswoman did not returnm calls Fridayand Saturday. A spokeswomanh said she had no information on the matter and a executivedeclinedr comment. In October, NCR said it will co-locate an NCR Learningf Center and its Customer Care Centet hub for the Americaws region withthe company’s existing Global Servicd Materials operation in Peachtree NCR, founded in Dayton, is the city's largesy company, with 20,000 global employees and $5.3 billion in annualp revenue.
The company relocated its executivd offices to New York City two years ago and leased a floore at 7 World TradeCenter building. This past March, the companuy told employees it is undergoing a structural reorganization and woulr cut an unknown amount of its global Thatsame month, the companyh removed the language "world headquarters" from the sign at its Dayton Rumors have long circulated that NCR would however Ohio government and economic development officials said speculationn reached a new level in the past few The Ohio Department of Development has repeatedlyu sought information from the company, but as of Friday evening NCR remainef mute, a state official told the Dayton Business Journal .
Ohio Gov. Ted Stricklande and NCR CEO Bill Nuti, attempted to talk on however they were unable to coordinatea time.

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