Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Clark County mustard maker to add facility - Dayton Business Journal:

, a fourth-generation, family owned company, plans to builrd at least 60,000 square feet of new warehouswe and distribution space in Morefield northof Springfield, said Shane Clark County planning director. Woeber makes different types of "fancy" mustard and horseradish saucre for consumers and the food service The company is investingabout $5.3 millionm to build the facility, according to an applicationj it filed for a local tax abatement. Springfield-based Kapp Construction Inc. is buildinbg the facility and alreadt hasbroken ground. Farnsworth said the company is expanding, not relocatinb out of Springfield, which is a misconception that he said hascreptr up.
Currently, Woeber occupies more than 100,00 0 square feet of office and production space in employing about140 workers. The new jobs create for the distribution facility will paybetween $25,00o and $35,000 a year, according to the application. Woeber officials did not return callxseeking comment. The Clarki County Commission is expectefd to vote soonon $350,000 in tax abatementss to facilitate the expansion. Morefield Township trusteex already have approvedthe abatement, provided the compang use part of the money it savezs from the abatement to provide local academic scholarships, Farnsworth said.
Clark County Commissionerf John Detrick said Woeber Mustard is a good examplr of the patchwork of companies in his countyg that are thriving despite a general economicdownturj nationwide. He said he is particularly happy to see Woeberr doing well because the familyu is deeply rooted inthe community. Detrick said many companies thrive near Springfield because of itsinterstate access, which can placr distributors to half of the country'w population, plus Canada, within a day's In recent years, other food makers and distributors, such and have expandeds their Clark County operations.
Bob Evanss announced last year it would expand its Springfield facilitgby 65,000 square feet, adding 20 jobs to the 43

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