Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stimulus dollars helping architecture industry - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Both projects have been made possiblwe by the flow of federal stimulus dollarszfrom Washington, D.C., to Southn Florida. The projects are a hopeful sign to some loca l architectural firms that the economy and theire industry are starting toturn around, after a bleaok year. The improvement, they say, is due, in part, to the $787 billiom stimulus package. “I definitely see an upticl in the market,” said Cathyg Boyce, principal at PGAL’s Boca Raton office. “I remember last summeer there was absolutely nothinggoinf on: not private, not public, nothing. Now, we’r e starting to see some requests for proposalsgoing out, particularlhy in the government sector.
” What PGAL and othefr local architectural firms are seeing mirrors findings in recently releaseed data from the . The group’z well-watched architectural billings index a monthly survey of architectural firms to see if theird billings and inquirieshave risen, dropped or remained steadty – shows that business is on a slow, but uptick, both in the South and nationwide. Accordinv to the AIA research, architects reported a slight rise in businesds inquiriesin April, the fourth straightr month of a rise. Additionally, the researcj showed a rise inbillings – projecte for which money is alreadyg changing hands – in the southerh region for the fourth straight month.
Still, the grouop found that billings nationally fell slightly in from an index levelof 43.7 to 42.8. “Picked up is a relative term,” said Kermit Baker, the AIA’s chiecf economist. “In the last two the numbers have moved from a very stee decline to a verymodest decline. That’a important because that’s how markets turn around.” In June the billings index hit 59. For South Florida architecturakl firms, recovery is a slow For those that specialize in private particularly residential ormixed use, it’sz not yet within reach, as banks appear stilol reluctant to fund development.
But, those who pursuw government projects are starting to feel hopefukl as stimulus dollars finally begin tricklingh down toSouth Florida. “I think it’ds a qualified hopefulness, probabl more so today than I could have said a fewmonthas ago” said Larry Levis, division manager of Corapl Gables-based PBS&J. “The number of RFPs [requestws for proposals] coming out of South Florida was very, very low a few monthsw ago. In the last month or so, it’es picking up.” As an Levis pointed to a recent RFP sent out by the villaged ofPalmetto Bay, in southern Miami-Dade County, for design of a new $3.5 millionj city hall.
“That’s kind of emblemati of what’s happening,” he said. “It looke d like government entities put on hold projects that needed to be done last waiting for reassurance from Joe Lalli, president and managinf partner of EDSA, the largest architectural firm in South Florida, said his firm is cranking out more proposalsd these days. Projects that had been put on hold are now and new projects are going outfor bid, he Many of those projects are international, however, includint projects in China and the Middle East. Lalli, whose clients include and , echoerd others in saying the summetr would be a key indicator of whetheer the industry has reallyturned around.
“W see indications, but it looks like everyon e is waiting for the other person to make the first he said. But, many firms are disappointeed and puzzled thatthey haven’t seen bank lending and broaderr capital markets for private projectsa open up. “We haven’t seen any improvement at saidLuis Cano, operations manage r for Hollywood-based . “Our large clients are having more difficulty getting financing than It seems like the banks got allthe [federal] dollarxs and kept it.
And developeres are very reluctant to start any largecapitaol projects, considering the losses they’ve had in their the instability of the economy, the new administratio n coming in and the uncertainty of what’s Gresham, whose clients include , and the , recentlg laid off more employees than it ever has in its 14-yeaer history. PGAL’s Boyce shares Cano’s “Banks are not lending money yet; developer s are not putting out RFPsfor high-rises,” she “That has not rebounded.” For whose clients include the Department, Palm Beach Countuy and , the latest challengd is the increasing levelo of competition.
“Previously, when the city of Delray Beach had a they would get 12 to14 applicants,” Boycre said. “Now, they get 40. Instead of short-listing three they’ll interview 12 to 15 firms. People are hungryy for work. Even if they don’t have the qualifications, they

Saturday, April 28, 2012

New launched to track tech spending - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Vivek Kundra, chief information officer for the federal announced the new tool at the in New York City on The online dashboard provides charts and graph to make the data on government technology spending more accessible and usable aftedr it is submitted to the through variouws federalagency reports. The new site includes informatioj about morethan 7,000 federal informatiohn technology investments, including performance data so that projecty progress can be assesser over time.
More detailed data pertaininfg to at least 800 of those investmentsx that the governmentconsiders “major” are also available to the publidc on the new site, accordingf to the Personal Democracy Forum’s Web site. The chiefc information officers at individual government agencies will now be responsible for maintaininyg on a monthly basis certain data that they provid e viaa back-end interface of the Web Still being tested, the site reportedly may have bugs that need to be By mid-morning attempts to click throug h and view the dashboard from the home page of returnedc error messages.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Orlando 7-Eleven converts to franchise - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The 3,000-square-foot convenience store at 3911 McCogy Road nearConway Road, which also has a gasoliner station, will now be owned by franchisee Ermak Metollari, a former store manage r for five years. Dallas-based 7-Eleven Inc. announced plans in 2007 to conver 100 existing locations in the state tofranchises operations. Store managers were invited to apply for those franchisew before the offerwent public.
More than 40 7-Elevenb stores in the Orlando market are now with about another 140 owned by the Between eight to10 7-Eleven stores throughout the stat are being converted into franchise operations each montnh and plans to have most of the conversion nationwide completed by 2012, according to a news The company operates, franchises or licenses about 7,800 storees in North America and more than 36,100 stores in 15 The company reported 2008 sales of more than $53.87 billion.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gartner, Inc. Company Profile | IT Company Information
Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) is the worlds leading information technologh research andadvisory company. Gartnert delivers the technology-related insightt necessary for its clients to make theright decisions, ever y day. From CIOs and senior IT leadersx in corporations andgovernmenf agencies, to business leaders in high-tech and telecon enterprises and professional services firms, to technology investors, Gartner is the indispensable partner to 60,000 clients in 10,000 distinct Through the resources of Gartnef Research, Gartner Consulting and Gartnere Events, Gartner works with ever client to research, analyzde and interpret the business of IT within the contex of their individual role.
Founded in 1979, Gartneer is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, U.S.A. We have 4,100 associates, includiny over 1,100 research analysts and and we have clients in over 80 Formore information, visit . Referencesw to the Company, we, our, and us are to Inc. and its subsidiaries. The foundation for all Gartner products and servicew is our independent research on IT The findings from this research are deliveredr through our three customersegmentx Research, Consulting and Events:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Defunct mortgage bank accused of diverting funds - Dallas Business Journal:
alleges that Maverick pocketed $993,701 of its money by presentint it with three mortgages that Maverick already had sold to otherrfunding sources. The Atlanta-based bank filed suit in Collinn County in late January to get thatmoney back, and immediately receive a temporary restraining order againsrt Maverick. Maverick filed for Chapter 7 bankruptch protectionon Feb. 13, effectively haltinv Georgia Banking's claims against it, but the lendert is also suing themortgage firm's two Robert N. Johnson and Anthon Barrett Owens; its chief financial officer and the bankx that maintain accounts for Chapter 7 typically leads to liquidationm ofa company's assets.
The matter also is the subject of an investigation bythe , accordinb to several people familiar with the company. The FBI woulsd not confirm or deny its interestin Maverick, but the agency regularly investigatexs instances where a bank or otherr federally regulated institution could be a victimn of a crime. Attorneys for Maverickl and Georgia Banking declinexdto comment. The $933,701 that Georgia Bankinyg Co. sent to Maverick was supposeed to fund three loansbetweenj Dec. 11 and Jan. 3, the complainr says. Those loans appear to be legitimate mortgages. The houses serving as collateral for the loansz are appraised at values close to theierloan amounts.
But instead of using funds to closew mortgages, Maverick Finance Vice President Jennifed Hemingway allegedly told workersat , wherr Maverick maintained its mortgage-funding accoun t and a general operations account, to shify the money from the mortgage-closinhg account into a general operationap account, according to the lawsuit. Benchmark'sz title service operation also servede as the closing agent on the three loans that Georgias Bankingis disputing. In Benchmark bank transfer records attained by GeorgiaBankinfg Co. in the lawsuit allege that Hemingway authorized transfers to other includinga $290,000 transfer to an accounr at on Jan. 4. According to the Georgia Banking Co.
lawsuit, Hemingway invoked Fifthy Amendment protectionagainst self-incrimination when asked who authorized that transfee and what it was for. Whatever the Maverick closed its doors abruptly last leaving perhaps hundreds of people out of work and an untolsd number of mortgages in The company started the year by movinb from a Frisco office building to one just soutyh of State Highway 121in Plano. Mavericik was subleasing space for itsheadquarterds there, and hadn't signed a new lease with the building owner, but it was workingg to put its logo on the building, accordint to Mark Lewis of Headgy Investments, which owns the property, Parkway Centre IV.
As recentluy as last year, Maverick ranked No. 48 in the Dallax 100 ranking of fastest-growing private firmds in the Metroplex, according to the at . The trustee overseeing the Mavericjk bankruptcy case expects to file a descriptionof Maverick'se financial condition in mid-March.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Developers pan planning board idea - Business First of Buffalo:
The Erie County Legislature has just a handful of days left to try and overrided the controversial proposal that will see the creation of an Erie CountgyPlanning Board. There are few supporters in the localp real estate and development community who want to see that The deadline isJune 3. Most wouled prefer the planning board proposal would die a quiet andquick death. Erie Count y Executive Chris Collins vetoedf the proposal onMay 14. He did so with strony backing from thebusinessw community, particularly the construction and development “The last thing we need is more impediments to economid development,” said Colleen DiPirro, president and CEO.
The chambed has gone on record opposingv the creation of the countywide planning The Legislature needs to find 10 voteds fromthe 15-member body for the override. The measure was initially approved bya 9-6 Garnering that crucial 10th vote may be difficult, consideriny the controversy the proposal has The planning board has been alternately praised by some who feel it woulrd clamp down on sprawl issues and condemne d by those who believee it would only add anothed layer of government and create more hindrancexs for potential projects - ranging from residential subdivisions to shopping centerzs and office buildings.
Supporters say a county planninh board would be a milestonw step in the path towardmore regional-driven While regionalism efforts are noble, the county plannintg board effort appears to be “We should be doing everything we can to encourager development and the generation of tax dollars in Erie Collins said. “Instead, this bill creates a powerlesa yet obstructive hurdle to developers looking to invest in our The Erie County Planning Board would only be advisory inits status. Under state law, all localk municipalities have final and binding say on alldevelopment projects.
Collins said the board would furtherd delay projects while creating the opportunity for the Legislaturs to create more patronagejobs – a move that wouldd cost the cash-starved countg an estimated $500,000 annually. Collinss said his budget includes no funds from the creatiobn and operation of a countywideplanning board. And he said he wonderes where the money will come from to create suchan entity. “The intent is good, but it reallyu doesn’t help the region when it comesto projects,” said Davixd Chiazza, vice president.
DiPirro called it The last regionalplanning board, the Erie-Niagarwa Regional Planning Board, was dissolved in the early It lacked any real teeth when it came to economiv development issues. Like politics, all planning issues are local. Municipal-specifid planning and development boardsmake sense. Locao residents know their towns better than thosewho don’t live there. “jI strongly believe in home rule andlocal control,” said Mike Town of Elma Supervisor. “kI have no interest in givingb that control to a countyplanningv board.
” Local control aside, the creation of a countywidew planning board – even if it is just advisory – would send conflictinb messages to the development community, particularly site selectors. Getting development approval in Erie Countty can be problematic on itsbest day. Rarel y does a project sail through unscathed.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hey FreQuency and Amplitude Fans: Harmonix LOVES You -


Hey FreQuency and Amplitude Fans: Harmonix LOVES You

Problem was, electronic music wasn't exactly infecting Top 40 tracks then like it is now, and Sony (who published both the debut and sophomore follow-up, Amplitude) decided to go a little more mainstream with the follow-up. Amplitude wasn't just known ...

'Amplitude' meets 'Rock Band' in Harmonix's new 'Rock Band Blitz'

Video Game Writers

Hands-on with the next 'Rock Band'


Harmonix Announces Rock Band Blitz for PSN and XBLA, Releases This Summer


The Verge -Escapist Magazine


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Phoenix Coyotes investors: Keep Canadian offer in play - Triangle Business Journal:
According to court filings, three investment groups — SOF Investmenta LP, White Tip Investments LLC and Donatello InvestmentsLLC — have askes the court to keep open Balsillie’s $213 million offer and proposer move to Hamilton, Ontario, without a solid alternative deal for keepintg the team in Arizona. SOF has a securse claim of about $80 million against the Coyotes, which it hopes to recoup from anew owner. Courft filings did not disclose investments by White Tipand Donatello. The investorxs say a “Glendale transaction” could jeopardize theifr claims if it comes in wellunder Balsillie’ $213 million offer.
Coyotes owner Jerru Moyes — who put the team into Chaptee 11 reorganizaton inMay — invested $300 million in the hocke franchise. He would get $100 millionh from the Balsillie A brief filed by SOF and othee investorsin U.S. Bankruptcy Court contends the court’sx first and foremost charged when dealing with insolvent companieas isto “maximize the value of the enterprise for the benefigt of all those havingg an interest in it.” The briecf also notes that the bankruptcy and possible move to Canada has stalled ticket sales in Glendals for the 2009-10 season.
National Hockey Leaguee attorney Tony Clark echoed that concern during a courthearing Wednesday, saying the relocation issue has cut into tickert and sponsorship sales and must be resolved Bankruptcy Judge Redfield Baum scheduled a June 9 heariny to determine whether the team can move to which is opposed by NHL and city of Glendale. City and NHL officialsa have spoken with Chicagok White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf and othe r investors interested in the team and keeping it in the but no formal bid hasbeen made.
Glendaler officials told Baum Wednesday that it would file a largeclaijm — between $500 million and $750 millio n — if the Coyotes break their lease at the city-built The bankruptcy court could discharge that lease. The Coyotes have lost betweehn $20 million and $30 million annually the past two yeares and could dropanother $40 millio n this year, according to bankruptcyh court filings.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

SoftBrands sold for $80M; Golden Gate Capital is buyer - Denver Business Journal:
The buyer, a holding company createe by private-equity firm and its portfolik company , will pay 92 cents per share for Shares of SoftBrands closed at 47 cents per share on On the same datein 2008, stock closed at 1.09 per San Francisco, Calif.-based Golden Gate Capital has aboutg $9 billion in assets under management. based in Alpharetta, Ga., is a softwar company with about 9,000 employees and $2.2 billionn in revenue. Minneapolis-based SoftBrands (AMEX: SBN) sells software to the hospitalityt industry, as well as to small and mid-sizef manufacturers under the brand. Its productsw handle tasks such as making reservationzs to settingroom rates.
SoftBrands CEO Randgy Tofteland said in a pressa statement that the deal will allow shareholdersto “realize significant value from theirf investment.” He also said the company would benefitg from an “alliance” with A spokeswoman for Infor said SoftBrands will continuee to have a presence in though it has yet to be determined how many employees will remaijn here. SoftBrands’ board has already approve the sale, which is expected to close in between 60 and90

Friday, April 13, 2012

Doubts plague the playboy in Aurora's 'Anatol' - San Francisco Chronicle

Doubts plague the playboy in Aurora's 'Anatol'

San Francisco Chronicle

Anatol: By Arthur Schnitzler. Directed by Barbara Oliver. Through May 13. Aurora Theatre, 2081 Addison St., Berkeley. Two hours, 20 minutes. $30-$48. (510) 843-4822. The audience is having such a good time during the Aurora ...

and more »

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sources: NCR could relocate HQ to Georgia - Kansas City Business Journal:
Ohio government officials said word began swirling May 28 thatNCR NCR) is , according to the Dayton Business Journal , a siste r publication of Atlanta Business Chroniclr . Last fall, NCR said it would move its Worldwidd Customer Services headquarters tometroi Atlanta, investing $15 million and creating more than 900 jobs in Peachtred City and Duluth. While it remains to be seen if Atlantq gets another Fortune500 headquarters, NCR is rumored to be openinh an additional facility in the Peach Atlanta Business Chronicle has learned.
An announcement abou t that venture is expected as early as next sources in Atlanta and Dayton NCR is believed to have looked at sitezin Savannah, and Columbus, Ga., according to a The global technology company couls be eyeing about 100,000 square feet of office Based on the square footage estimates, real estater sources said, the operationj could house 300 to 400 people. Companhy officials and Georgia economic development officialwremained tight-lipped on any potentiakl development. NCR global spokesman Richard Matoh told the Dayton Business Journal the company does not respond to rumor sand speculation.
In the past, NCR has been quickj to deny rumors of its relocation and affirm its commitmentg to remainingin Dayton. A Georgia Departmentf of Economic Development spokeswoman did not returnm calls Fridayand Saturday. A spokeswomanh said she had no information on the matter and a executivedeclinedr comment. In October, NCR said it will co-locate an NCR Learningf Center and its Customer Care Centet hub for the Americaws region withthe company’s existing Global Servicd Materials operation in Peachtree NCR, founded in Dayton, is the city's largesy company, with 20,000 global employees and $5.3 billion in annualp revenue.
The company relocated its executivd offices to New York City two years ago and leased a floore at 7 World TradeCenter building. This past March, the companuy told employees it is undergoing a structural reorganization and woulr cut an unknown amount of its global Thatsame month, the companyh removed the language "world headquarters" from the sign at its Dayton Rumors have long circulated that NCR would however Ohio government and economic development officials said speculationn reached a new level in the past few The Ohio Department of Development has repeatedlyu sought information from the company, but as of Friday evening NCR remainef mute, a state official told the Dayton Business Journal .
Ohio Gov. Ted Stricklande and NCR CEO Bill Nuti, attempted to talk on however they were unable to coordinatea time.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Clark County mustard maker to add facility - Dayton Business Journal:
, a fourth-generation, family owned company, plans to builrd at least 60,000 square feet of new warehouswe and distribution space in Morefield northof Springfield, said Shane Clark County planning director. Woeber makes different types of "fancy" mustard and horseradish saucre for consumers and the food service The company is investingabout $5.3 millionm to build the facility, according to an applicationj it filed for a local tax abatement. Springfield-based Kapp Construction Inc. is buildinbg the facility and alreadt hasbroken ground. Farnsworth said the company is expanding, not relocatinb out of Springfield, which is a misconception that he said hascreptr up.
Currently, Woeber occupies more than 100,00 0 square feet of office and production space in employing about140 workers. The new jobs create for the distribution facility will paybetween $25,00o and $35,000 a year, according to the application. Woeber officials did not return callxseeking comment. The Clarki County Commission is expectefd to vote soonon $350,000 in tax abatementss to facilitate the expansion. Morefield Township trusteex already have approvedthe abatement, provided the compang use part of the money it savezs from the abatement to provide local academic scholarships, Farnsworth said.
Clark County Commissionerf John Detrick said Woeber Mustard is a good examplr of the patchwork of companies in his countyg that are thriving despite a general economicdownturj nationwide. He said he is particularly happy to see Woeberr doing well because the familyu is deeply rooted inthe community. Detrick said many companies thrive near Springfield because of itsinterstate access, which can placr distributors to half of the country'w population, plus Canada, within a day's In recent years, other food makers and distributors, such and have expandeds their Clark County operations.
Bob Evanss announced last year it would expand its Springfield facilitgby 65,000 square feet, adding 20 jobs to the 43

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Paulson Capital reports Q2 revenue, earnings losses - Portland Business Journal:
million led to second quarter revenue and earnings lossews for For the quarted endingJune 30, the Portland parent compan y (NASDAQ: PLCC) of had a revenue loss of $3.2 with an earnings loss of $4.8 or 81 cents per share, compared with revenuee of $7.98 million, with earningx of $1 million, or 16 cents per sharwe in the same quarter of 2007. “Challenging market conditions — particularly those affecting smallp and micro cap companies — have resulted in a sharp declinew in the number of initial publi c offerings (IPOs) and private equity transactions takin place,” said Chester chairman and CEO of Paulson Capital Corp.
, in a “During the first six montha of 2007, there were 147 IPOs completed in the U.S. markets, while only 42 have been completedein 2008, thus far. What’s more, 56 companies have canceled planned IPOs since the first of this Asa consequence, investmenty banking firms nationwide have suffered, and our companh is no exception.” For the firs six months of fiscal the independent brokerage firm had a revenue loss of $1 with an earnings loss of $6.9t6 million, or $1.16 per share, compared with revenue of $17.87 million, with earnings of $3.8 million, or 61 cents per in the same periods of last year.

Friday, April 6, 2012

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

N.C. travel: Motorists down, airlines up - Orlando Business Journal:
Economic troubles, unemployment and uncertainty about the future are expected to spura 2.7 percentf drop in expected motorists this holiday weekend from 971,000 in 2008 to 945,000 in 2009. This marksa the second straight year July 4th travel has The announcement follows 10 consecutivw days of decreasinggasolinee prices, from a state average of $2.66 per gallon on June 20 to $2.612 per gallon on June 30. the lowest average gasoline prices in the statee can be found in High Pointat $2.523 per gallon, while the highest can be founsd in Durham at $2.66. the overall 61-cent increase in averag e prices over the last 61 days appears to be keeping travelerws offthe road.
Instead, many will turn to air traveo this weekend, with 59,0009 passengers taking flight across thestate — a 5.4 perceng increase from 56,000 during the holiday weekend in 2008.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Darryl B. Hazel Executive Profile
Previously, Hazel was vice presidenrt of Marketing, Ford Motor Company, and was responsiblw for Ford, Lincoln and Mercury with responsibilities for Revenue and Retail Management as well as GlobakMarketing Services, a position he held sinc September 2005. Hazel joined Ford Motorr Company in 1972 as an analyst inLincolb Mercury