Thursday, March 10, 2011

Progress Energy seeks small rate decrease - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The proposal also asks regulators to adjust othee components of the rate toreflect energy-efficiency programs and other renewable energy resources. Under the proposal, a typicapl Progress household thatuses 1,000 kilowatrt hours a month would see the totapl bill drop 10 cents $106.7i8 to $106.68. North Carolina utilities are permitted a fuel charge oncustomer bills, which is a way for the to recover the cost of the fuel for its Utilities do not profigt from the charge. Raleigh-based Progress says it asking the Nortj Carolina Utility Commission to lowerf the fuel charge because global energh prices have stabilized from recorrd highs ofrecent years.
According to the a household using 1,000 kWh a montn would see the fuel portion of the bill drop by 17 Energy efficiency will drop the bill by 19anothet cents. But the renewable energuy portion of the bill will rise by 26 That increase pays for solar and biofuel contracts that Progress has signed to complg witha state- mandated renewable energuy target. If approved, the new rates will take effecf Dec. 1. Progress (NYSE: PGN) servesa 1.
25 million customers in North

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