Sunday, March 20, 2011

American Airlines' traffic declines - Dallas Business Journal:

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Both airlines are subsidiaries ofFort Worth-baseed (NYSE: AMR). American Eagle alone saw its May traffi ctumble 14.3 percent compared to the same period last while capacity fell 14.5 The regional airline flew 622.9 million revenuse passenger miles in May, down from 726 milliomn revenue passenger miles in May 2008. Americahn Eagle boarded 1.5 millio n passengers in May; its load factor — a measurr of the percentage of a planre filled with payingcustomers — of 73.3 perceng remained consistent with May of last year. Americah Airlines Inc. saw its traffic fall 11.7 percent in May, whilw its capacity dropped 8.8 percent compared to the previou year. During the month of May, 7.
2 million passengersa boarded American aircraft, and the airlins flew 10.3 billion revenue passengeer miles, down from 11.7 billion revenue passenger miles ayear earlier. American’s load factor fell to 79.2 percent, down from 81.7 perceny a year earlier.

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