Monday, January 3, 2011

Palm Beach County clerk cuts 66 employees - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

million, or 18 percent, reduction in the office’s budgety by July 1, count clerk Sharon Bock said in anews release. The cuts are expectedr to “significantly impact service levels atthe Clerk’s sevemn Palm Beach County locations,” she noted in the The required staff cuts leave the officee with fewer people to pursue and collect millions of dollars in unpair traffic and court which will lead to more budget cuts. “It’s a viciou s cycle designed to underfund us into she said.
Thirty-two employees accepted a buyoutf offer this month and will leavd June 30 with a full payout on their sick rather than the normal 25 perceny to 50 percent offered under currengtermination policies. On May 29, an addition 34 employeexs were told during staff meetings that they were beingblaid off, effective June 12. They will receive four weeks of pay. With these layoffs and the positionwspreviously eliminated, the office has cut 101 positions -- 16 percengt of management positions and 12 percen of hourly positions -- in the past The Clerk & Comptroller’s Office, whichj employs more than 800 in officezs throughout Palm Beach County, handles the business arm of the court system.
Employees receive, file and retrieve court process fees andtraffic fines, and enter and maintain case informatiob in the court’s computer

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