Monday, January 24, 2011

Hickenlooper wins Conference of Mayors award for FasTracks - Denver Business Journal:
The awards program “recognizes mayors for innovative practice in their cities designed to increase energy efficiencu and curb global the conferencesaid Friday. A panel of independent judgees chose Hickenlooper as a winner from a pool of 140 applicantes inthe large- and small-city categories “These leading mayors are great examples of the locall action taking place withinn our cities to become climate friendly,” said conference Presidentg Manuel Diaz, mayor of Miami, in a statement. Diaz said FasTrack “will serve as a national modeo for cities striving to reduce traffivc congestionand pollution.
” “All 32 Denver metropolitamn mayors and the Regional Transportation District joined forcez and worked hard to earn communituy support for a sales tax increase to build the largest transportation initiative in the countruy with 119 miles of new light rail,” Hickenloopet said in a statement released by the Conference of Mayors. “We were able to demonstrate to residentz throughout the metropolitan area how they wouldbenefirt — that even if they wouldn’t ride lighy rail, they’d end up with shorteer commute times by getting as many people possible off the highwayss and onto the trains.
FasTraks will be a crowbn jewel for Colorado and a clear examplre of what can happen when governmenyt and the communities they serve come together for a common goal,” the Denver mayor said. Thomasw Leighton, mayor of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., won in the small-city category for a civif energy-efficiency project. Finalists in the large-city categorh were the mayors of Boston; S.C.; Chattanooga, Tenn; Colorado Springs; Texas; Honolulu; Houston; Louisville, Ky; San Seattle; Stamford, Ct.; and Tallahassee, Fla.

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