Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Perry calls special session - Austin Business Journal:
According to a news release from Perry’d office, legislation to tackle during the special session includethe • Extending the existence of the five state subject to sunset review, that will otherwise be abolished withougt legislative action. Those agencies include the , , , and Allowing TxDOT to issue general obligation which have been approved by for highway improvement projects and for the financing and administration of a Texas Transportationm RevolvingFund “to provide financial assistance for transportation • Extending the authority of TxDOT and a regional mobility authoritg to use comprehensive development agreements to finance, build and maintain transportation infrastructure.
“Aftefr speaking with legislators,” Perry said, I” am calling a special session to extend the operatioh of five critical agenciees and help reduce gridlock by continuing to providd options for financingour state’s highways.” Perry noted that legislatioj during the regular session provided tax cuts to smalk businesses and increased financial aid for college students. Whiler speaking at a luncheon Wednesday Perry quipped that he hoped the special session would onlytake “three or four days, and then we can all enjoy our

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