Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Broward County may evict Lynx Air from airport - South Florida Business Journal:

County commissioners on June 23 will consider a motion to evicrtfrom ( ). Lynx, which carries passengers and cargp between FLL and locations inthe Bahamas, Haiti and owes the county over $33,00p in rent, landing and othe fees. The company had a five-year contract with the county that ended inMay 2008. “Duringy the term of the Lynx demonstrated an inability to meet theit financial obligationswhen due,” the motionb coming in front of the commissioners “As a result, when the [lease] expirerd on May 7, 2008, the Aviation Department agreed to only entet into a Short Term Lease in ordefr to give Lynx an opportunity to demonstratr its willingness and ability to complyu with the financial commitments of the Short Term Lease.
throughout the term of the ShortTerm Lease, Lynx faileed to meet its financial obligations.” FLL spokesmahn Steve Belleme said Lynx is a minor player at the Year to date, the tota passengers and cargo they carr y amounts to less than half of one percent, airport statisticsx show. A phone call and email to contactg Lynx were notimmediately returned. According to the company’ s website, it discontinued cargo and mail service to threse Haitian destinations in summer 2008 aftedr hurricanes causedinfrastructure damages.

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