Saturday, January 21, 2012

PSC to hold hearings on FP&L rate hike request - South Florida Business Journal:
billion rate hike request from The increaswe would apply to the base rate portion of the which accounts for about 42 percent of the totalp bill that customers payeach month. The increasee amounts to $12.55 a month, or 30 of the current base rated for customers whouse 1,000 kilowatg hours a month, accordinh to the attorney general'sa office. “This proposed rate increase is excessive, especiallty when homeowners are alreadyg struggling to makeends meet,” said Attorney General Bill whose office has intervened before the PSC in the rate increases hearings.
“While the economyt is affecting power the difference should not be made up entirely at the expenseof Floridians’ wallets.” However, Florida Power & Light is disputing McCollum's claims. In an e-mailefd response, company spokesman Mayco Villafana said the rate proposak would resultin "even lower bill beginning in January 2010." He said that underf the proposal the typical 1,000o kilowatt-hour residential bill actually would decrease from approximately $109 in Decembef to approximately $104 in January, reflecting reductions in the cost of fuel as well as fuel The first hearings are set to take place in Sarasotaa and Fort Meyers on June 19, with additionaol hearings the following week.
Click for a full list of hearingv dates.

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