Monday, January 30, 2012

State taking applications for BadgerCare Plus - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Core Plan is an expansion of BadgerCarew Plus and provides access tothe state’s most chronicallt uninsured population – low-income adults without dependent “During this difficult budget it’s important we continue to protecrt our basic priorities,” Gov. Jim Doylde said in a statement. we are making quality, affordable health care achievable for peopl e who traditionally have not hadany options.” The BadgerCares Plus Core Plan for Adults with No Dependenrt Children is a limited plan that covere basic health care services, including primary and preventive care and genericc drugs to low-income, chronicallyh uninsured adults.
People who have been without healtuh insurance for a year or or lost their health insurance through no fault of their own and have alimited income, can apply onlin at: . Funding for the BadgerCare Plus Core Plan is provided throughh the hospital tax that was approvedc by the legislature and signedr into law earlierthis

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Conrad Murray requests release from jail pending appeal -

Conrad Murray requests release from jail pending appeal

TMZ reports that the late singer's former doctor is appealing against his conviction because he believes his trial was unfair, and has also requested that he is released from prison pending the appeal on no bail. Murray, who was sentenced to four years ...

Dr Conrad Murray requests jail release

Belfast Telegraph


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Facebook Timeline will be compulsory - The Sun

Facebook Timeline will be compulsory

The Sun

By STAFF REPORTER FACEBOOK risked a barrage of criticism today after revealing a new profile page which tells members' entire life stories is going to be compulsory. Within the next few weeks Timeline will be forced on every one of its 800million ...

Facebook Timeline 'compulso ry'

How to live with the Facebook Timeline (because you have no choice)

Facebook to Require New Timeline Profile

ABC News

MarketWatch -CNET -Toronto Star


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shoah survivors group chair welcomes ban on Nazi symbol use - Jerusalem Post

Shoah survivors group chair welcomes ban on Nazi symbol use

Jerusalem Post

By JPOST.COM STAFF Moshe Sanbar, chairman of the Center of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel, welcomed Tuesday the the Knesset's decision to approve a bill banning the use Holocaust imagery or Nazi epithets in public.

and more »

Saturday, January 21, 2012

PSC to hold hearings on FP&L rate hike request - South Florida Business Journal:
billion rate hike request from The increaswe would apply to the base rate portion of the which accounts for about 42 percent of the totalp bill that customers payeach month. The increasee amounts to $12.55 a month, or 30 of the current base rated for customers whouse 1,000 kilowatg hours a month, accordinh to the attorney general'sa office. “This proposed rate increase is excessive, especiallty when homeowners are alreadyg struggling to makeends meet,” said Attorney General Bill whose office has intervened before the PSC in the rate increases hearings.
“While the economyt is affecting power the difference should not be made up entirely at the expenseof Floridians’ wallets.” However, Florida Power & Light is disputing McCollum's claims. In an e-mailefd response, company spokesman Mayco Villafana said the rate proposak would resultin "even lower bill beginning in January 2010." He said that underf the proposal the typical 1,000o kilowatt-hour residential bill actually would decrease from approximately $109 in Decembef to approximately $104 in January, reflecting reductions in the cost of fuel as well as fuel The first hearings are set to take place in Sarasotaa and Fort Meyers on June 19, with additionaol hearings the following week.
Click for a full list of hearingv dates.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gaston community bank to sell stock to fund its growth - Charlotte Business Journal:
Mike Gudely, president of Carolina Commerce, says the bank is tentativelu shooting for the capital raise this summer or early in the fall and hopes to bring inbetweenm $10 million and $12 million, with the vast majorit y in the form of new common Carolina Commerce is one of two startup communityh banks that opened in Gastonia in 2004. The & Trust, has grown to $147 milliojn in assets, but Carolina Commerce's growth has been and the bank finished 2007with $89 milliojn in assets.
The bank is workingg to pick upthe pace, In July, it hired Gudely, a veteran locao banker, from as president and chieft credit officer, and last month Carolina Commerce brought in a new chief financial officer, Carl Larson, to replacer departing CFO Bill Freitag. Larson was most recently director of financde and operations at NIR Capital Management and has also held financde and accounting jobs atWachovia Corp. and Firsgt Charter Corp. Gudely says the bank will benefitfrom Larson'z experience dealing with the financial reportingg requirements faced by larger companies.
Currently, Carolina Commerce doesn't have those reportinb obligations with the Securities and Exchange Commission because of its relatively small numberof shareholders. "But based on our expansion plans and the need for someadditionap capital, we're not goin g to be able to stay under that thresholcd for too much longer," Gudely says. The bank has $11.7 million in capital. By increasing that amount, Carolinq Commerce will be allowesd to make larger loans and grow more Carolina Commerce reported net incomeof $587,000o in 2007 and a loss of $364,000 in 2006.
CAROLINA COMMERCE Launched: Assets: Next steps: Raising up to $12 milliohn in capital startingthis summer, with the vast majoritu in the form of new commom stock Web site: carolinacommerce­

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sealing the deal with a sales prospect: If you can speak it, you can write it - Philadelphia Business Journal:
There was nothing worse in high school than having your boyfriend or girlfriend say they wanted to seeother Ouch! In the ’70s, we had a phrase abouf people who would take advantage of you: I have to admitf I was one of them. My friende in sixth grade, a neighbor namex Eddie, had a built-ih pool and his mom had a pantrty of my favorite apple pies, Yodels, you name it. I was a Eddie turned out to be a multimillionairesoftware giant. Although I would love to call him, I simpl y cannot, due my ignorance. Many salespeople get used and abused in the sales process because prospectds can be users who will even justifg using your stuff to better themselves ortheid company.
It has happened to me a couple of times, and I have to admit I felt like Eddie Money and wanted to sing “baby, hold onto to I even became the Bee just trying to stay alive. As time went on in the salees process, I realized I was being used. I adopted one sentenced that changed everything: If you can speak it, you can writee it. That sentence has not guaranteer that I will close everyhprospect — and I am not suggesting that it will for you, eithedr — but I guarantee you will neverr get used again. Many times early in my career, my prospects would ask for somethinyin writing, and I woulc give them customized plans.
I might redo them several only to find out their cousin Vinny took all mystuff — and my as well. To prevent this, ask one simple What will it take to make you a client After they mention you must get two more things or you can startysinging “na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye.” After your prospect tells you what you have to do to earn his or her write down the specific deliverables and initial each one. Have your prospectg do the same and set yoursecond appointment. (Martin Touc h Tip: give yourself enough time between appointmentd to gatherthe deliverables. I usually recommend at leasy a week.
) Next, set the TONE (touching on new Touch your prospect at least twice beforeyou meet, and reminr them of your written Give them a good repor t that you are working on the deliverables. Do not smotherd them or shove anything else down their Be amotivator — not a menacde like Dennis, who lived at 627 Elm St. Do you rememberr the look on Mr. Wilson’e face when Dennis would “Hey, Mr. Wilson”? However, you may see that look when you show up forappointmenr No. 2. Here is the four R’sw formula to closing your deal. (When you’re you can look forward to anotherf word with the letterR — relaxing.
) So now it’ss showtime — time to say, “Hey, Mr. Wilson, I got the You may see that face once your prospect sees the sheeg with his or her initialson it. you had the gatekeeper copy it. (Martin Touchu Tip: You will know you’re in the fighf when, 60 seconds into your conversation, your prospect starts backpedaling.) In the 1980s, Sugar Ray Leonard fought MarvelouxMarvin Hagler. No one gave Ray a Ray showed up the fight in great shapwe and was winning until he startef to trade blows with the morepowerfuol Hagler. His trainer, Angelo Dundee, screamed at him that he was blowingy it.
(Martin Touch Tip: Do not trade blows with your Dundee screamed at him to jab andget out. I am tellin g you: That’s what the 4 R’s are all Remind your prospect about the three deliverables they said it wouldc take to earntheire business. (Show it to them and have a red pen andcircld it.) Jab and get out. Roundc one is over. Reiteratee what you said you would do and when you woulcd do itby (circle that in red) and roun d 2 goes to you.
Resurrect that part if you haveto (the deliverable they said it woulf take to get the deal) and you will win 50 percent of the (Martin Touch Tip: Most salespeople lose righ here and are about to get Do not throw in the Tell your prospect: “Not only did you say it, but you wrot e it and initialed it.”) Do not It is time for a couple of swiftg upper cuts. Do not move off the Slug it outand say: “If you can speao it, you can write it. Check, The last R if you need it: Recommit. Assuminf you spent at least 30 minutes in roundthre — and sometimes it can go longerf — go through the 3 R’s again.
Sometimex it will be 15 minutes; sometimeds it will take two hours. Be stron g and courageous. The process is but hard to stick to. But, if you do, they will not stickl it to you.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hadaway named CFO - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Hadaway, a respected figure in Atlanta’s tech circles, helped steer several companiexs includingMulticast Media, and The 46-year-old triathlete and snow-skier has more than two decade of strategy and financs experience, specifically in mergers and acquisitions and international MFG is an online service that allows producrt manufacturers such as , and to sourcd components from suppliers around the The business model has the imprimatudr of the pope of onlinw marketplaces -- CEO Jeff Bezos, who personally invested more than $10 millioh in MFG.
Hadaway is the right fit for MFG because of his ability to help companiesrapidlyu scale, MFG’s chief Mitch Free told Atlantas Business Chronicle. Hadaway’s international experience was also attractiveto MFG, whicuh has operations in China and Europe. As CEO of Hadaway oversaw the establishment ofthe Atlanta-basede ecommerce software provider’s operations in Germany, UK and Australia. Marketworks helps retailers get better placement on retail comparison engines like Hadaway prepares for so he can react in anintelligentf way, said Jeffrey Leavitt, partner at . “The guy knoww how to grow private companies,” Leavitt said.
“He’s good with creativs financing structures.” Hadaway will take over from MFG'xs current CFO, Leigh Kinnebrew, later this month. Kinnebrewa is scaling back to spend more time withher family. MFG's nationwide CFO search took eighty months and involved about25 applicants.

Friday, January 13, 2012

To Wish Is to Be Able? - Winnipeg Free Press

To Wish Is to Be Able?

Winnipeg Free Press

My brother and I, "southerners" both, would fly to Inuvik in the Northwest Territories and then get a float plane to take us into Ivvavik National Park in the Yukon. We would then hike down one of the rivers to the Beaufort Sea. It would be wild, ...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Don't delay building HS2, warn West Midlands business leaders - The Birmingham Post

Don't delay building HS2, warn West Midlands business leaders

The Birmingham Post

Ministers plan to introduce legislation to the House of Commons authorising the construction of the London to Birmingham section of the line, known as a hybrid bill, towards the end of 2013. But Birmingham Chamber of Commerce warned that any delay ...

and more »

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New gas taxes arrive just as Hawaii prices jump - Washington Business Journal:
The state Legislature let expire a tax exemption on gas salese that will add almost 10 centas to a gallon startingJuly 1. The net gain for the statew general fund isabout $40 milliom annually. Also going into effect July 1 — unlesws Gov. Linda Lingle vetoes it sometime over the nextmont — is a $1.05 surcharge, up from five on every barrel of petroleum sold in the The tax revenue is suppose d to help pay for developmenrt of clean-energy systems, but some will also make its way into the generall fund. It will add about two centa to a gallonof gas. While the averages price of a gallon of regular unleaded has jumped 46 centss a gallon over the past two month sto $2.
91, that’s still a long way from the $4.59 recorded July 31, 2008. Gas dealers, amongb the first to feel any price pinch, are already doing the math on thenew “It will easily add 15 cents per gallon,” said Al president of , which has 14 Shelk and Tesoro stations on Maui, Kauai and the Big “That’s huge when you factor in everythingg else. If gas prices keep goin up it could be 45 cents overthe summer. That hurtz dealers.” Oahu residents got a breako when the recently decided not to raissethe county’s fuel tax three centsw to 19.5 cents a gallon. And then there are the less-obvious charges that are drivebn by fuel costs and thenew taxes.
will raise its fuel surchargse to 28 percent onJuly 5. That’ss far less than the 38.25 percent it charged last July but up significantly from the 15 percenr Matson charged by the end of November 2008. Other shipping companies will likelyfollow suit. This raised rates, its first adjustment since 2001. The increase will add between $4 and $8 to the average residential gas bill for half ofthe company’xs 70,000 customers. And will raise its fuel-adjustment fee this montb from 18.15 cents per kilowatt hour to It’s HECO’s first surcharge hike sinc e September 2008, when it charged 32.
5 HECO spokesman Peter Rosegg said the surcharge reflectds the changes infuel costs, something the company passes directly on to Though it burns between 15 million and 17 million barrels of oil for electricity each year (roughlyu one-third of the total numbeer of barrels imported to the Rosegg said the barrel tax impact will be negligibld and that HECO welcomes the state’d investment in clean-energy development. “If oil goes back up to $140 a then you pay he said. Small businessmen like Doug Sugidono, who runs in are already paying attention.
“Io have had to diversifg by amping up mytire business,” said And another product sold by Sugidono will get a tax increase July 1 when the cigarettee tax goes from 10 cents to 13 cents a pack. It rises to 14 cents in 2010 and to 15 centain 2011. “They can’t help it people still have to smoke,” said Sugidono.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Phoenix Coyotes investors: Keep Canadian offer in play - Kansas City Business Journal:
According to court filings, three investmentr groups — SOF Investments LP, White Tip Investments LLC and Donatelllo InvestmentsLLC — have asked the court to keep open Balsillie’a $213 million offer and proposed move to Ontario, without a solid alternative deal for keepinvg the team in Arizona. SOF has a secures claim of about $80 millio against the Coyotes, which it hopes to recoupl from anew owner. Court filing did not disclose investments by White Tip and The investors saya “Glendale transaction” could jeopardizew their claims if it comes in well under Balsillie’s $213 milliohn offer.
Coyotes owner Jerry Moyez — who put the team into Chapterr 11 reorganizaton inMay — invested $300 million in the hockeu franchise. He would get $100 million from the Balsillie deal. A brief filed by SOF and othet investorsin U.S. Bankruptcyg Court contends the court’s first and foremosft charge when dealing with insolventr companies isto “maximize the value of the enterprised for the benefit of all those having an interesyt in it.
” The brieg also notes that the bankruptcy and possible move to Canad a has stalled ticket sales in Glendale for the 2009-10 National Hockey League attorney Tony Clark echoec that concern during a court hearing Wednesday, sayinyg the relocation issue has cut into tickegt and sponsorship sales and must be resolvedc soon. Bankruptcy Judge Redfield Baum scheduled a June 9 hearing to determines whether the team can move to which is opposed by NHL and cityof Glendale. City and NHL officialsz have spoken with Chicago Whit Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf and other investorsd interested in the team and keeping it in the but no formal bid hasbeen made.
Glendaler officials told Baum Wednesday that it would file a largrclaim — between $500 million and $750 million if the Coyotes break their lease at the city-built Arena. The bankruptcy court could discharge that The Coyotes have lostbetween $20 million and $30 millionb annually the past two yeards and could drop another $40 million this year, according to bankruptcyg court filings.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wachovia honors Homewise with $2.75M - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Homewise was one of two top winners of the Wachovis NEXT Awards for presented duringthe ’s annual conference in Albuquerque OFN is a coalition of communityt development financial institutions. The awards recognize CDFIsz whohave innovative, responsible lendinv programs that benefit low- and moderate-income communities. Homewis has made loans to help morethan 1,200 households buy and improvw their homes. It also has providex homeownership education to morethan 3,0009 people in New Mexico. Its HomeSmarr program is designed to help theses clientsbuild long-term financial wealthy and security by fostering homeownership. The other winner was , based in Chicago, which receivedx $5.
5 million. “Homewise impresserd the selection committee withits integrated, cutting-edge approacyh to making homeownership sustainable for low- and moderate-incomes families, even in a high-cost market,” said Mark president and CEO of OFN. Pinsky applauded communitgy development financial institutions in his keynote addressd during the conference for standing by financiak fundamentals and maintaining strong loan portfoliosd during thefinancial meltdown, even though their loans were considererd more risky than traditional loans. The Opportunity Finance Network has more than 160 including four inNew Mexico: , , Homewise Inc. of Santaw Fe and . Together they have invested $12.
5 billiohn nationally through fiscalyear 2006, with a charge-oftf .46 percent. “We can help good money chase bad moneh fromthe marketplace,” he said. Sound and prudent standards and regulations are fundamentao to financial markets and to economic Pinsky added. “We’ve experienced the falser prophets who promisedfalse profits,” he “Those of us who kept to the fundamentalw of responsible credit have something importantt to say to policy makers and Wall Regulators also need to rethink risk, he For 30 years, CDFIs were considered high-risk, despitwe their overall record of stable These organizations can now be the fulcru for leveraging change in the financial he said.
“CDFIs often function as the research and development arm of thefinancial market,” Pinsk y said. “It’s time to formallhy structure that.” Pinsky called for openinb the Troubled AssetsRelief Program, or TARP, to CDFIw and requiring banks that get TARP fundse to partner with and support CDFIs. He also called for openin g the systemto CDFIs. “We will not miss this moment to act,” Pinsky vowed.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Mission vs. Margin: Wichita nonprofits fight through down economy for services - Wichita Business Journal:
Economic vitality often correlates to financiallysuccessful nonprofits. But with the recentt economic downturnand businesses’ tighter profit margins, the pool of mone available for nonprofits is more shallow. “Thse economy always has a direct impact,” says Pat president of the . A recent unscientific Wichitaa Business Journal reader poll would indicate charitable donations are down in many instances over ayear ago.
Forty-six percent of respondents said despite the economy they will give abouy the same amount of moneh as theytypically give, whilew 42 percent indicate they will give Only 12 percent say they plan to give A down economy also puts a strain on the demand for servicex that nonprofit organizations provide, says Perruy Schuckman, executive director for the . “There’d a growing concern that the demanf for services is going to but the ability to provide for those services might not be he says. Some fear that will be especiallyt evident during the upcomingholiday season, when charitable giving typically takes center stage.
Dropsd in giving are also affecting nonprofitconstructioj projects, some of which have been put on hold or are progressingh at a slower pace. One such project is a proposed $8.5 millionb renovation to the former science department building at in The school says fundraising efforts to pay for the renovationm are movingforward slowly. Construction was set to start in in hopes of having the project completed in time for the star t ofthe 2009-10 schoop year. There’s no doubt, local executives say, economivc uncertainty will effectnonprofit organizations. The question is how much of an effect itwill have.
“This kind of thinb is going to take awhiles to runits course,” says Jim executive director of the . He says since the WCF operatesa on a fiscal year endingin June, it still coul be some time before he knows how extensiv the fallout from the economid downturn will be. “It’s very frustrating to not have fundx to respond to the he says. A down economy also can have aprofounc long-term effect on endowments, says Elizabeth King, president and CEO of the . She says the foundation’a endowments are down this year because they are typicallgy driven by thefinancial markets.
Through the end of the foundation’sx fiscal year, which ended in June, endowments were down 5.8 percengt from a year ago. Endowments, King says, are bases on an organization’s ability to grow the fund over time. If they are it can affect the suchas scholarships, that a universityg can provide. Despite endowmentzs being down, King says annual fundd are up 10 percent so far in fiscapyear 2009.