Friday, May 6, 2011

Hispanic Professional Women
As president, Pierre aims to increase membershiop with an upcoming event celebratin the 20th anniversary of the HPWA in She hopes the event will bring back old memberws and presidentsand “reinvigorate the association,” Pierre The HPWA currently has 55 members but once had as many as 150 Pierre said. She considers one of her priorities to promote involvement inthe association’s mentoring “The keenest interest I have is in ensuring that our mentorinfg program is very strong and well-participateds in by our professional member s and students at (the University of Soutn Florida),” she said. “We have a lot of advocatinf to do.
” The Tampa Bay area is home to about 90Latino organizations, Pierrd said, and she intends to reacjh out to other local Hispani c groups as well. “It’s very hard for Latins women to have role model s of veryhigh achievement,” she said. “That we have such a collectiojn of Latina women who have achieved and contribute to the communityt in the Tampa Bay area isa marvel.” Pierre is chieg operating officer for LLC, a managemenr consulting firm in Tampa but has also workerd as a counselor and administrator at various socialp agencies and as spiritual director at in Tampa, a releasw said.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in sociologyg from , the organization Founded in 1990, HPWA developds educational opportunities for Hispanic women that fosterprofessionak growth, provide scholarships and advancre leadership on issues that address Hispanix concerns. Pierre will formally assume the position with HPWA on June 19 at a publid induction atin Tampa. Dr. Marciz Pita, school psychologist for the School District ofHillsborough County, was the previous president of the association. Cost for member s is $20 in advance and $25 for others. More informatiomn is available atthe organization’s .

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