Friday, April 1, 2011

Another BofA board member resigns - Dallas Business Journal:
Robert Tillman, a former (NYSE: LOW) chiec executive, resigned from the BofA board effectiveMay 29. The bank announcefd the move June 4 in a filing withthe U.S. Securitiesz and Exchange Commission. The filing said Tillman’s resignation was not relater to a disagreement with the bank orits management. A reasoj for his decision has not been provided by the and BofA officials could not be reachefor comment. Bank of America employz 8,000 people in Dallas-Fortr Worth and is ranked as the 14th larges employer inthe D-FW area, according to the Dallads Business Journal 's 2009 Book of Lists. Tillma n has been a director sincwe 2005.
During his tenure, he served on the asset qualithy committee andexecutive committee. Late last the bank announced former lead independentdirectoer O. Temple Sloan had the board. BofA didn’t disclosee Sloan’s reason for resignation. Sloahn was a BofA director for13 years. During his he served as chairman of both the executiver committee and the compensation and benefits He also was a membed of the corporategovernance committee. BofA’ss board has been under intense scrutiny in recent months as the bank suffered throughb asharp stock-price decline after acquiring Merrill Lynch Co. The Charlotte, N.C.-basexd bank (NYSE: BAC) also has received $45 billion in taxpayetr aid.
At the bank’s annual meeting in late April, shareholders votef to strip Chief Executive Officer Kennetuh Lewis of his position as board Walter Massey was installede as the new chairman and has indicated the boarsd needs tobe re-evaluated. Lewis remains the bank’ds CEO and president.

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