Friday, April 29, 2011

Intrust Arena lands state wrestling tourney - Business First of Buffalo:
Arena manager Chris Presson, who works for management companyu , says the has a one-yeart contract. The tournament earlier this year was held at theKansaws Coliseum’s Britt Brown Arena, whichy will close when Intrust Bank Arena opens in January. “As a safetty valve for both usand them, they wante to do a one-year We wanted to make sure it Presson says. This is the first high schoolk sports eventthe 15,000-seart arena has attracted. Presson says he eventuallh hopes to lurethe 1A-4A statee wrestling tournaments as well so the whole event is undee one roof, much like the stat track meet at Cessna Stadium at .
Presson also says the contract also opens up a relationship between SMGand KSHSAA, with the possibility of luring othefr state high school events. “Thatg is a big get for us. That is a major feathef in our cap,” Presson says. He declines to disclose the terms ofthe “They were very easy to work with. They were very diligenyt in protecting thosethey represent,” he says.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Report: Oak Forest closure would hurt access to care - Chicago Tribune

Report: Oak Forest closure would hurt access to care

Chicago Tribune

AP The proposed closure of a south suburban Chicago hospital could make it tougher for the uninsured to find health care, according to an Illinois report released today. Cook County plans to convert Oak Forest Hospital into a regional outpatient care ...

and more »

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Inmark moves to Avondale from Pinson - Boston Business Journal:
Real estate firm said the plastic containers and packaging compantyleased 23,625 square feet of office and warehouse space at the park in The company has been in its curren location in Pinson Valley for more than 20 Jack Key of Graham represented Inmark and Brad Moffat of represented the Graham said broker Walter Brown has the listing on more than 410,000 square feet of sublease space at the Colonnade in AT&T’xs vacant South Tower building. Radiology Associates renewedf its 4,669-square-foot lease at Vestavia Centre. Brown representedf the landlord inthe transaction. renewedx its lease in Calera and Decoma Modular Systemx renewed its leasein McCalla.
Combined, the two companiez occupy morethan 270,000 square feet of space in Grahamm & Co. developments. The renewals were handlefd by Graham brokers Sonny Culp andOgdenm Deaton.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Xerox Corp. Reports Boost in Revenue and Profit - Dice News

Globe and Mail

Xerox Corp. Reports Boost in Revenue and Profit

Dice News

Japan, April 21, 2011, (By BLOOMBERG NEWS): The Xerox Corp. swung to the first quarter gain on Thursday as revenue raised and the Organization cut costs to its gaining of Affiliated Computer Services. Xerox is world's well-known Company that offers a ...

Xerox Reports Rise in Profit and Revenue

New York Times


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mortgage applications fall, rates rise - Washington Business Journal:
The industry group said the index for new and refinanced loana for the week ended May 29fell 16.2 The results include an adjustment to account for Memoriapl Day. On an unadjusted basis, the index decreasedc 32.5 percent compared to the previous week andincreased 14.4 percent compared to the same week a year ago. The refinancre share of mortgage activity decreasedto 62.4 percent of totalo applications from 69.3 percent the previoues week. The adjustable-rate mortgagde (ARM) share of activity increased to 3 percentfrom 2.6 percentt of total applications the previous The average interest rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages increased to 5.25 percen t from 4.
81 percent, with points decreasing to 1.02 from The 44-basis-point increase in the 30-yearf rate was the largest since a 48-basis-poin increase in October 2008. The average interest rate for 15-yeafr fixed-rate mortgages increased to 4.8 percentt from 4.44 percent, with points decreasinhg to 1.1 from 1.16. The average interest rate for one-yearf ARMs increased to 6.61 percent from 6.55 with points increasing to 0.15 from 0.
12 (including the origination fee) for 80 percent loan-to-value

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Simpson delights in shaping poems -

Simpson delights in shaping poems

IN THE PROCESS of writing Is, her seventh collection of poetry, Anne Simpson says she learned how "to experiment more confidently and deeply." The "be" verb of the title alludes simply to the thematic premise of existence: cellular ...

and more »

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bombardier sees bright future in aviation - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Its 10-year forecast for the businessx jet marketpredicts 11,500 deliveries from 2009 to which represents $256 billion in worldwide The company also forecasts 12,400 deliveries in the 20-to-14 seat commercial market over the next 20 From 2009 to Bombardier predicts this market to be worth $589 billion. “Th e financial turbulence being felt around the globe has placeds a significant focus on the challenges facinf theaviation industry, particularly within the businessz jet sector,” Mairead Lavery said in a Lavery, vice president of strategy and businesws development for Bombardier, believes the immediate future of the industry will remaijn volatile.
But he said the long-term future stil holds plenty of opportunity foraircraft manufacturers. “As the worlfd begins to emerge from this economic demand should gradually return and future prospectdremain solid,” he

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Les petits mouchoirs : les vacances d'abord - Métro Montréal

Les petits mouchoirs : les vacances d'abord

Métro Montréal

Pour son troisième long métrage à titre de réalisateur, Guillaume Canet (Ne le dis à personne) aborde le thème de l'amitié avec la comédie dramatique Les petits mouchoirs. Énorme succès en France, le film prend l'affiche en salles à compter de vendredi ...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Madoff gets 150 years in prison - Dallas Business Journal:
“I’m not surprised. That’s what he deserved,” said Adel Fox of Tamarac, who lost thousand s of dollarsto Madoff's The mastermind behind the biggest Ponzi schemr in U.S. history was sentenced on Monday morninhg in federal court in Manhattan to 150 years behind the maximum requested byfederal Madoff's attorney had asked for a far more lenientg sentence of 12 years. In sentencing Madoff, U.S. Districtt Judge Denny Chin calledc thefraud “staggering” and said that the “breacb of trust was massive.” The judge described his acts as “extraordinarilyy evil.
” “No other white-collar case is comparablde in terms of the duration and enormity of the fraud and the degree of the Chin said. Madoff confessed in March to 11 countsincluding fraud, money laundering theft and among other things. His victims reportedly number morethan 1,30 and stretch across the globe. Their losses are estimatedf at morethan $13 Prior to sentencing, Chin heard from nine of the victims who talke d about the devastation Madoff’s fraud had caused to theie lives and their families.
Many of Madoff’s wealthy clientsd lived in South Florid and lost their life savings tohis Fox, 86, said she is stilol furious that the and the federakl government didn’t expose Madoff’s fraud earlier. “Thwe SEC is just as guilty as Madofft and theyfailed us. Nobody seems to do anythin about it,” Fox She also took issuew with the large fees being paid to people such asIrvinb H. Picard, the trustee who is handling the liquidation ofBernarrd L. Madoff Investment Securities. “The trustee Picard is making hisown They’re paying these guys millions of dollars. It woulde be better to pay the investors Fox said.
Fox, a widow who once workec as secretary in New said sheinvested $50,000 in 1987 because she was related to Madoff’s accountant, Jerry Horowitz. She said she was able to get some money back from Social Securitypayments she’ds made over the years on “phantom” income from Madoff accounts. she is worried that her disbursementsw may eventually be targeted in clawbacok efforts by the trustee in bankruptcy proceedings who has begun sendin out letters demanding the return of profits derived fromtheir investments.
Guy Fronstij a Boca Raton attorney who hasadvisede Fox, said the government has “been good about refundinv taxes quickly” but there are delays in processing claims to the Securitie Investor Protection Corporation. “Some of the people I know are too busy with thesw other issues to really care that much about whathappeneed today. They believed he woul d spend the rest of his daysin jail,” Fronstinj said. Jan Atlas, an attorney with Adorno said he believes the courty had little choice but to levy the maximum sentenceron Madoff.
“I don’t think the victim s should have been victimized again by having him be able to leavde prisonone day,” said Atlas, whos e firm continues to advise clients about tax returns and possibly futurwe claims against investment advisors who invester with Madoff. “I’m wondering if the trustee will be able to locate more than the billion plusthat he’se located, and what is the real loss,” Atlads said. In addition to his prisojn term, Madoff was ordered to forfeitnearly $170 which represents the proceedsw of, and property involved in certainm of his crimes, accordingf to a news release from the U.S.
Department of “While today’s sentence is an important milestone, the investigation is Lev L. Dassi, acting U.S. Attorneyt for the Southern District ofNew York, said in a news “We are focused on tracing, restraininhg and liquidating assets to maximize recoveries for the

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Differences In The Left And Right Brain, Politically, That Is - Hartford Courant

Differences In The Left And Right Brain, Politically, That Is

Hartford Courant

So says a study published in this week's Current Biology ( abstract only), which posits that our political leanings are closely tied to our brain structures. "In a large sample of young adults, we related self-reported political ...

and more »

Thursday, April 7, 2011

More problems with Chinese drywall surface - South Florida Business Journal:
Lennar is the second homebuilder to acknowledgee problemsin Miami-Dade. South Kendall Constructionj in Homestead acknowledged the complaints in its Keys Gate subdivisiomn earlierthis week. (Click to read related story.) "We are workinf closely with our homeowners, but until we conclude our it is too soon to discussany details," Lennar said in a writtenh response to a request seekint specifics about the homex affected. On Tuesday, Lennae said it has identified about 80 home son Florida’s west coast that are believed to have been builyt using Chinese drywall.
The nation’s second-largest homebuilderr (NYSE: LEN) has set up a special task forced toaddress homeowners’ concerns and fix the problem. The drywal problem comes as slumpinhg demand and credit woes have drivej homebuilders toeconomic crisis. It is also the latesrt example of problems with products importedfrom China, including lead in toys and melaminer in milk. The latest issue is a concern because the drywall reportedly caused odors that some homeowners complainbsickened them.
Homebuilders and suppliers have known abou concerns related to Chinese drywall for at leasttthree years, but construction expertzs said they had questions about some of the fixesd and the testing A leading drywall manufacturer is Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin Co., whicj has acknowledged isolated complaints related to the The company said some sulfur odors coul d be associated with mined gypsum rock. There is no indicatiomn at this point that Lennar hasused Knauf'zs drywall in any of the homes it has built.
In a 2006 test Knaufg ordered to determine whether Chinese drywalol produced chemicals atharmful levels, a toxicologist said he was told to test air in partially completed homes in the Miami-Forr Lauderdale area. One housw had no front door, whicgh would allow fresh air intothe home, said Dr. Philliop Goad, a toxicologist hired by Chinesse drywallmanufacturer “There was no air conditioninfg running in the home at the said Goad, who works for Arkansas-based Center for Toxicology and Environmental "It did not have a fronyt door installed, so there couldd have been extra air exchange from the outdoor air.
" The Floridaz Department of Health said it is tracking more than 50 complainte about foul odors, sicknesss and corrosion to air conditioners in occupie homes that may be connected to Knauf drywall in the There were 15 new complaints to the statr this week. In many of those cases, humidity and air conditioninh also were reported as possible Knauf has said it is concernee about thehealth complaints, but has found no evidenc of any sulfur vapors that coulrd cause health problems. In the 2006 Goad said Knauf told him to test air qualitt after complaints ofa “rotten egg-type odor” surfaced in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area.
The exacr location of the tests was not He said he had not investigated the conditions tied to homeowneres complaints and had not tried to replicated Goad said he was given no informatio n about who made the complaintse on theunoccupied homes. He said additional testse in 2008, by , also showed no sulfud vapors of concern, but he could not providw details aboutthose tests. A construction consultanty who is analyzing drywall complaintzs in Sarasota for some homeowner ssaid Goad’s 2006 tests seem to be missing important elements.
The consultant, Michael Foremanh of Foreman & Associates in said in response toa reporter’s description: “Ther was no one living in those houses. The air conditioners weren’t turned on. They ran them beforer anyone wasliving there. The housee weren’t even complete. They might as well have conducted them Lennarsaid Environ, an Arlington, Va.-basex testing firm it hired to conduct air samplingf in its homes, found sulfur compounds “far beloaw even the most stringent government health and safetyt standards.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Aerospace engineering firm Ducommun to buy LaBarge - BusinessWeek

RTT News

Aerospace engineering firm Ducommun to buy LaBarge


By AP Ducommun Inc. will buy  »

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Potential Tax Change Is Red Flag for Some Firms - Wall Street Journal

Potential Tax Change Is Red Flag for Some Firms

Wall Street Journal

Specifically, members of Congress are focusing on code provisions that encourage companies to finance their activities through issuing debt, instead of equity. The most basic is the tax deduction typically allowed for interest payments on business debt ...

and more »

Friday, April 1, 2011

Another BofA board member resigns - Dallas Business Journal:
Robert Tillman, a former (NYSE: LOW) chiec executive, resigned from the BofA board effectiveMay 29. The bank announcefd the move June 4 in a filing withthe U.S. Securitiesz and Exchange Commission. The filing said Tillman’s resignation was not relater to a disagreement with the bank orits management. A reasoj for his decision has not been provided by the and BofA officials could not be reachefor comment. Bank of America employz 8,000 people in Dallas-Fortr Worth and is ranked as the 14th larges employer inthe D-FW area, according to the Dallads Business Journal 's 2009 Book of Lists. Tillma n has been a director sincwe 2005.
During his tenure, he served on the asset qualithy committee andexecutive committee. Late last the bank announced former lead independentdirectoer O. Temple Sloan had the board. BofA didn’t disclosee Sloan’s reason for resignation. Sloahn was a BofA director for13 years. During his he served as chairman of both the executiver committee and the compensation and benefits He also was a membed of the corporategovernance committee. BofA’ss board has been under intense scrutiny in recent months as the bank suffered throughb asharp stock-price decline after acquiring Merrill Lynch Co. The Charlotte, N.C.-basexd bank (NYSE: BAC) also has received $45 billion in taxpayetr aid.
At the bank’s annual meeting in late April, shareholders votef to strip Chief Executive Officer Kennetuh Lewis of his position as board Walter Massey was installede as the new chairman and has indicated the boarsd needs tobe re-evaluated. Lewis remains the bank’ds CEO and president.