Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shipping out - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Currently working with a division of on the two sequels to the successfulmovi -- the first "Pirates" grossed more than $305 million at the box office -- Cook'sd intermodal firm, Memphis-based , is moving everythinh from props and costumes to speciak effects and sets. And, of course, Innovative is haulinb parts of 60- to 120-foot-long pirat ships from Disney's California productiojn studio to Florida and from there to the where all parts areput "They're made to look like real ships, but they can't float on the sea," Cook explains.
In 2002, Disne y contacted Cook and he did the logistics on thefirst "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black which was released a year later. Innovative is now continuingg to work with Disney on thesequel "Piratexs of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," to be released this and the third yet-to-be-titled to be released next a spokesman confirmed. "We're doinyg all the logistics on any item that needa to move from point Ato B," Cook says. Dependinv on the piece, the logistics involves flatbed trains, ships and barges.
Time-sensitive items need to arrivd at the shooting site withinbfive days, which poses challenges, Cook "If something stalls shooting, it costs money to keep the crew and cast," he Another challenge is which made shooting difficult last summer. "Duringh last year's hurricane season, we shippeds (pieces) back to protect the Cook says. He estimates his current contract on the two sequelsx to beworth $1.5 but that's not the only rewarding aspecr of it. "It's exciting, out of the Cook says. "I felt proud to see the firsftsuccessful movie.
" Aside from shipping pirate ships and swashbuckling swords, Innovative ordinarily hauls furniture, sporting goods and clothing for some 40 customers, totalinhg 3,500 containers per year, Cook says. Foundedr in 1996 in Seattle, Wash., Innovative relocated to Memphiss two years ago and saw revenuesaof $10 million in 2005, he says. As one of five agentsa of Memphis-based intermodal firm Cornerstond Systems, Inc., Innovative is usingb Cornerstone's trucking, intermodal and invoicing services, says Cornerstone's CEO Rick "In this case, Innovative does the logistics and we provide the Rodell says.
"Cook is an independent contractor working as an extension of The complexity ofthe "Pirates" project is felt by Cornerstone as well. "Movingt and handling delicate or over-sizefd parts of a large set involve lots of permitting and coordinatinvg withlocal municipalities," Rodell says. "Sometimes telephons wires need tobe moved." However, taking part in a Hollywooxd production is a "neat opportunity," he says. "Workin g with Hollywood from a transportation standpoinyis fun," Rodell says, "especiallyy when I go to see the movied with my grandchildren and I'm able to say 'we movefd it.
' " Never at a loss for interestint business -- Cornerstone recently broughtr antique Bentley cars over from England for a U.S. tour -- Rodelkl always has his eyes open for additionalp thrilling projects inthe future. The next opportunity may be just aroundthe corner. Cook says recently inquires aboutInnovative Logistics' services.

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