Monday, February 28, 2011

Erickson gives up on Hilliard project - Denver Business Journal:
notified the city of Hilliard last Thursday that the foreclosurw filing means thedeveloper won't open the unfinishex $34 million first phase and will no longef manage the 80-acre property. The decision ends more than two monthws of wrangling over continued financing of the Hickorh Chase project between the developer and the That financial issue had prompted Ericksonh to cease construction on the first 145 units of the complex and community center the week ofMay 12. The company’ds announcement comes as it from its goal ofinvesting $12 billionm to develop 50 communitie over the next That includes scrapping plans to build senior housing facilities in five including Ohio.
Before Erickson halted construction, would-bes residents had been told they could move in by late Erickson had planned to delivert 833 residential unitsthrough 2013. “We have been informeed by the lender for our Hickorgy Chase project that despite out best efforts to resolvefinancialk issues, the lender has commenced a foreclosure proceedingh that will result in us not beinf able to open Hickory Chase and end our managemenft of the property,” the developer wrote in its “We are deeply disappointed we were not able to reacu a resolution.” The deposits of prospective residents are not affectefd by the foreclosure, the compant said, and it will offee refunds.
The company said in June that it wouldr close its sales center in late July pendingt resolution of thefinancial issues. A company spokesmamn offered no additional commen t beyond the text ofthe letter. A KeyBanik spokeswoman also was not immediately available for commentf on thefinancing consortium’s planxs for the property. The lender had extender a $90 million construction loan for the project inApril 2008, according to publicc records. In a news release, Hilliard said it had not riskexd city money inthe $17 million of road improvementxs to Britton Parkway, Anson Drive and Leap Road.
Britton Parkway opened in January while construction continues on the Anson Those projects were financed through a community developmen authority that funded the project through bond Those bonds were expected to be paid off through rising propertt taxes generated as theretirement community’s buildings get completed. Hilliarde Finance Director Michelle Kelly-Underwood said the city’w current operating budgets also did not rely on tax revenuew generated bythe “In short, we were not countinvg money from Erickson until (the retirement community) was Kelly-Underwood said in the release, “and this unfortunatde development shows the wisdom of taking that conservative approach.

Friday, February 25, 2011
A “cash for clunkers” program proposed in the Americam Clean Energy and Security Act woule give car buyers a credit of upto $4,500 toward new-car purchases. That could reignite auto which are on pace for the worsft yearsince 1979. “It’s a spectacular idea,” said Rhett CEO of in Columbus. “It’l l speed up business.” The House Committee on Energyg and Commerce estimatesthe one-year program could add as many as 1 millionh sales this year. That would be a 10 percent boosf to the 10 million vehicles Americanss are expected to buyin 2009, according to J.D. Powet & Associates. U.S. Rep.
Betty D-Ohio, introduced the program both as an amendment to the energg bill and asstandalone legislation. U.S. Sen. Sherrosd Brown, D-Ohio, stressed the importance of the bill in a May 20 discussioh with reporters about thefederal government’sa work to help the auto industr in Ohio. Brown said he couldn’t predict the proposal’s chance of approvaol in Congress, but he’d like to see the incentives get tobuyersz quickly.
He said it makes sensre to pass the program separately to get it President Barack Obama has said he supportsw theHouse version, which is in while the Senate is working on a which may carry higher fuel economhy standards, according to published reports. The program, whicuh several European countrieshave instituted, woulsd discount qualifying new-car purchases by either $3,500 or $4,500, depending on fuel efficienct improvements. Eligible cars for trade-ihn would have to be at leas t a year old and have a combiner EPA fuel economy rating of 18 miles per gallon or less.
The buyer would get a $3,500 creditt if the new vehicle gets between 4 and 9 mpg more thanthe trade-in and the full $4,500 credit if the new vehicl e gets at least 10 mpg For trucks, the trade-in minimuk would be 18 mpg, with a 2 mpg improvement necessary for $3,50o0 and a 5 mpg boost for the $4,500p credit. Large light-duty which weigh between 6,000 and 8,500 would have a trade-in standard of 15 mpg and improvemenrt thresholds of 1 mpg and2 mpg. Work trucks, whic h are more than 8,500 pounds, do not have mileager ratings, but 2001 vehicles or older would be eligible fora $3,509 credit.
Though the credit would be considerecd cash fromthe buyer’s point of view, consumersa would not touch the money. Dealersd would get an electronic reimbursement from the governmentg forthe credit, according to information from Germany, France and the United Kingdom have fleet modernization programs. Germany’s program boosted auto saless by 20 percent since itsFebruaryu initiation, according to the . Any increase in domesti c salesis welcome.
Ricart said his dealershil group, which sells six brands, five of whichy are foreign makes, expects to benefigt across most of the Foreign vehicles willdo well, whils Ford has made fuel-efficiency improvements that should attract customers as well, he “I don’t think you’ll see peopled buying $35,000 cars, but you’ll see people who are looking for cars for everydat transport,” he said. Ricart said the only concerh for dealers is how quicklg the government would reimburse The supports theHouse program.
“A cash for clunkers prograj gets gas-guzzlers off the road and replaces them with more fueleconomicall vehicles,” Legislative Affairs Vice President David Regan said in a Trade-ins wouldn’t be resold, but instead sent to a salvag e operator to be scrapped. How that would be enforced has yet tobe determined. Regan, in an Aprik question-and-answer session posted on the organization’ s Web site, said the two key featuress for dealers are that voucherds must be treated like cash from customers to lowee theamount financed, and the program woulde have to include all car makers, not foreignj or domestic alone.
“Dealers regardless of nameplateszare suffering,” he

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Science: Cell Phones Do Something to Your Brain - Village Voice (blog)

Science: Cell Phones Do Something to Your Brain

Village Voice (blog)

​According to a new study, radiation from your cell phone does something to your brain. Or, more specific »

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Michael Young addresses trade request with teammates -

concrete roofing

Austin American-Statesman

Michael Young addresses trade request with teammates

Rangers manager Ron Washington said Young told the players in the clubhouse that he “wasn't going to be a distraction” this spring or during the regular season and that he wanted to focus on baseb »

Friday, February 18, 2011

Adrian Gonzalez and the Red Sox continue to pretend that they don't have a deal -

rubber roofs

Boston Globe

Adrian Gonzalez and the Red Sox continue to pretend that they don't have a deal

It will be even cuter when, almost immediately after Opening Day, they announce the deal they have likely reached but have not yet form »

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Trucking company quickly builds customer base after adding key personnel - Phoenix Business Journal:
But rather than put the brakeswon , which he founded in 1996, Rice, 64, brought in longtime friend Gary Watson as an investod last July to help him expand the In early May, the pair moveds the company’s operations from an apartment complexz Rice owns to leased space at 954 E. Kentuckt St. in Germantown. They also hired officd manager Kim Barnett to handl e accounting andmarketing Watson, through face-to-face and Barnett, through telephone marketing, have continued to add Now Rice envisions a day when he won’t have to handle administrativre duties or drive trucks to Columbus, or Washington, D.C.
Rice said he’s at the poin t in his career wherwe he’d rather sit on his boat in the middlew of a lake and think aboutExpediter Trucking’s success while casting another “Being in this business for 13 year s is remarkable, but I couldn’t do it by myselfr anymore because it was just getting too said Rice, who left a 34-year career with Fetter Printing Co. in 1997 to beginn the business. “Gary is younger than I am, and I know he and Kim can do a greatg job buildingthis business.
” Expedited Trucking has found a niche in taking some of the small businese that the larger companies don’t have time for, Rice The company got its start hauling palletx of materials primarily for printintg companies but has branched out to servr other industries. It will haul most types of dry cargo, with the exception of hazardous Watson said. Rather than owning a fleet of the company leases vans and straight trucks on demanrd from Penske and EnterprisesCommercial Trucks. The approach removes the cost of preventativsemaintenance work, oil changes, license plated and other expenses that come with owning a trucmk fleet, Watson said.
“When I got I was amazed at therates (Rice) was gettingb for trucks,” said Watson, 59, who has more than 30 yeare of sales experience in the trucking “This is such a smart way to go for a busineszs our size.” Being a small business also allows Expedited Trucking to offer a personal touch, Watsonh said. “The business has change so much. Now the big companies do everythinygby computer, and the persona l level is gone,” Watson said. “Our customers know they can pick up the phonw and talk to one ofus directly. That mean a lot to them.
” Expedited Trucking has gone the routde of many households by operating on a cash only basies rather than putting expenses on acredit card. It’zs somewhat unusual for a trucking company to send a driver on the road with a pocke full of cash rather than a credit but it’s an approach that co-owner Jack Rice said workse well for his “The drivers are good about bringing back all receiptsa and leftover cash they Rice said. “If we happen to underestimate the cost, the driverws will put what they need on their personal cards or pay and we will promptlyreimburser them. “It’s not always easy, especially when cash flow’ds low,” Rice added.
“But at the end of the it’s nice knowing you’re not going to be gettingg some big credit card bill or fuel bill and wonderinh wherethe money’s going to come from.”

Sunday, February 13, 2011

bizjournals: Search Results
. Lohr San Jose 408-288-5057 Bonny Doon Vineyard SantaaCruz 831...... on May 8, 2000 ...Winw Estates Ltd. He will take the helm of the Napa-basecd after retiring from HP at the end ofthe Mr. Platt...... on November 22, 1999 as success often depends on the whims ofmothet nature. Small also face an additional challenge of competintagainst larger, corporate-owned wineries...... by on March 8, 1999 ... . Lohr 1000 Lenzenm Ave. San Jose 95126 288-5057 Mirassou Vineyards...... on December 16, 1996 ...tha he was president of SamsunggElectronics Taiwan. Neugenesis Corp. named Michael . Buckley chief operating officer. The Burlingame company said Buckle wasmost recently...... on March 23, 2009 ...
and Chief Executives Officer T. . Rodgers to invest $1 million...Rodgers, who also has a callefd Clos dela Tech...... by on August 18, 2008 Spotlighty A passionate proponent of community bankinhgand co-founder of Pinnacle Bank is now at its helm as presidentr and chief executive officer. Susan...... on March 3, 2008 ...otf California's premier sparkling , states that his sales are...Ermitaged from Roederer Estate, and . Schram and Schramsbergy Reserve from...... by on October 15, 2007 ...courtesy of Burrelll School Vineyards & , Fernwood Domenico Winery, Ridge...Francisco to Santa Monica. P. . president of the Arthritis......
on October 8, 2007 With Christmasa just a fewdays away, closely followed by New Year'a Eve, it is time to brea k out the Champagne flutes in anticipation...... by on Decemberr 25, 2006 ...were T. . Rodgers, founder, president, CEO, and Cypress Semiconductor Corp.; Peggy Fleming, Olympic gold medalist and co-owner, Fleming/Jenkins ; Eric on December 25, 2006 ...Michael E. Fox Sr.; Theodord . Biagini; Dr. Frank Fiscalini; Helen...this year at Guglielmo Family , Morganm Hill on Sept. 6...... on August 28, 2006 ...Losz Angeles and San Diego, the University of California E& and more than a dozejn of the state's large natural...... on Augus t 9, 2006 ...
is the nation's third largest wine producer behinedonly E& and Constellation The tight-lipped, management-owned company produces well...... on Augusr 7, 2006 ...year, ranking third among U.S. wine producers behind only E& and Constellationm Brands, according to Wine Business Monthly magazine'as Feb...... by on August 1, 2006 ...E. & . Gall o says it's bought Grape Links, Inc., producere of the Barefoot...... on January 14, 2005 ...pear-honey wine. "A meaderyt is kind of a crossd between a and abrew pub," Mr. Faul "We use equipment from different...... by on Augusyt 18, 2003 ...Wyeth is based in N. .
A bad year for wine salesd The percentage of California reporting a volume drop in onJanuary 13, 2003 ...Unified School District Hester Elementary School, the Townes 3 Theatre, , aging commercia l businesses and a stripl of retailers along The Alameda...... by on Septemberr 30, 2002 ...of the oldest in Californiaq and credited with pioneering wine grape growint inMonterey County, has been acquiredx by E.& . Gallo of Modesto......
on Septembefr 30, 2002

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Vine Logistics situation gets murkier - San Francisco Business Times:
“For us to disclose any information aboutthe buyer, New Vine’ws board would have to accept or reject an New Vine spokeswoman Charlotte Milan told the San Francisco Busines s Times , adding that no furthedr information about New Vine’s negotiations with two or three potentiap buyers is likely to be available June 4. Late Wednesdahy and very earlyThursday morning, informed sources told the Businessz Times that appeared set to win the sweepstakes to buy the brokenb pieces of New Vine, which startled the wine industru late last week by abruptly suspendiny operations.
As of earlyh Thursday morning, an announcement of a deal with which owns the Wine Tasting Networik Servicesshipping company, appeared to be imminent. But that deal brokw down sometime in thewee hours, leaving New Vine’es future uncertain. Wine Tasting Network, according to its LinkedIn profile, providesw winery and wine club directgmarketing services, as well as fulfillmenr and e-commerce services to wineries and wine retailers.
Officialas at WTN did not immediately respond to requestsfor comment, but many in the industru see WTN as the most logicapl player to pick up some of New Vine’s New Vine, which two yearzs ago seemed poised to ship 20 percent of California’zs direct-to-consumer wine market, laid off much of its stafv on Friday and brusquelh told customers over the weekend that it was no longee receiving or processing orders. The move left many Wine Countryg providers scrambling to gather information and to figuree out how to get back inventory atNew Vine’s America Canyon warehouse so they coulxd ship it to customers anotheer way.
Published accounts said some ofthe company’se venture capital investors effectively pullefd the plug last week, by declining to invest additional capitao in New Vine. “Some people changede their minds at thelast minute,” said Barbara a wine industry analyst who has served on New Vine’as advisory board. Kathleen Hoertkorn, New Vine founder and former CEO, and Chairman of the Board Homer Dunn said Tuesdag that New Vine is workinh withcustomers “to transferd all services to another means of legal direct shipping, and in the is finalizing all work, including compiling of reconciling inventory and invoices, and performing all of the necessarhy business operations for the month (sic) of May and June.
” Hoertkorhn added, in response to reports that the company knew or must have knownb it was in financial that officials “truly believed that they would have been funded and were not expectinvg to have to cease operations.” The company had more than 200 customerse and roughly 110 employees as of last sources say. It now has a skeleton crew of abouyt 30 staffers at its Napa headquarters and American Canyo nshipping facility, including a handful of executives who are working to wind down New Vine was started in 2001 on the notionm that it could help expeditew shipments to consumers in various states with confusiny and complicated legal restrictionsd on wine shipments, a lingerinv legacy of the Prohibition yeares in America.
Financial backers include Menloo Park’s , Altos Ventures, and San Francisco’s LLC, whichg reportedly pulled its people out ofNew Vine’xs offices late last Thursday.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Morning: Q4 sales drop 4% - Dallas Business Journal:
percent. Dallas-based Tuesday Morning (Nasdaq: posted fourth-quarter sales of $188.7 million. That is down from salews of $196.5 million a year earlier. Despit a decline in ticket the store sawa 0.1 percent increase in traffic during the fourth quarter that endex on June 30. However, same-storde sales — or sales at storeds open for 12 months orlonger — fell by 6.6 Looking forward, Tuesday Morning is forecasting a 3- to 5-cent loss per share for the fourth That expectation is better than the averagre 15-cent-per-share loss predicted by analysts.
“Wre continue to improve customer traffic and our salezs remain in line with our projectionsd in light of the uncertainty surroundingt currenteconomic conditions,” said Kathleenb Mason, president and chief executive “ We will remain persisten in managing inventory levels and controllinvg operating costs.” On Monday, Tuesday Morning’ws stock rose 9.3 percent, hitting $3.29 per after the company’s sales report forecasted bettef than expected earnings per share for the fourth quarter.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Man accused of mosque bomb plot showed 'no animosity' to rejected attorney - The Detroit News

Man accused of mosque bomb plot showed 'no animosity' to rejected attorney

The Detroit News

The court-appointed attorney dismissed Friday by a man charged with terrorism for allegedly attempting to set off explosives in a Dearborn mosque said he ...

and more »

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Melbourne firm lands part of Army contract - Kansas City Business Journal:
Melbourne-based BRPH, along with its D.C.-based design/build partner Lifecycle ConstructionServicesa LLC, will be involved in designn and construction of several administrative facilitiesa in the Northeast, according to a news The first project under this project is a $3 million new Battaliohn Headquarters project at Fort Lee, Va., the releasse said. • Battalion Headquarters’ special functions, storage and classrook areas.
• Soldier Family Assistance Center, a transitionao facility with child care, financial assistance areas, meetingg rooms, kitchenettes, chaplain offices and otheer assistance to accommodate soldiers and their BRPHprovides planning, architecture, engineering, interioer design and construction serviced to the aerospace and aviation and industrial and commerciao real estate markets, along with government and educational agencies. The firm has officex is Melbourne, Orlando, West Palm Atlanta and Savannah, Ga.