Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Take: The theater in the meeting between Obama and House Republicans - Washington Post

Washington Post

Sunday Take: The theater in the meeting between Obama and House Republicans

Washington Post

Friday's encounter between President Obama and House Republicans proved to be riveting political theater. The question is whether it will be remembered as a moment that began to ease the tensions between the two parties -- or an asterisk in ...

Obama in the Republican lions' den: Obama 2, lions 1

Christian Science Monitor

Poll gives GOP edge in fixing budget

Tulsa World

GOP Envisions Northeast Comeback

New York Times

Los Angeles Times -CNN Political Ticker (blog)


Friday, January 29, 2010

Obama, Republicans face off at Baltimore retreat - Los Angeles Times

Washington Post

Obama, Republicans face off at Baltimore retreat

Los Angeles Times

The president repeatedly defended his policies and accused House Republicans of distorting his positions for political gain. By James Oliphant Reporting from Baltimore - President Obama went toe-to-toe with some of his fiercest critics today, ...

FACT CHECK: Obama, GOP Rep. tangle over numbers

Washington Post

Obama, Republicans Spar at GOP Event

W »

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bernanke Reconfirmed by Senate, But Bigger Challenges Remain - Baltimore Sun

The Guardian

Bernanke Reconfirmed by Senate, But Bigger Ch »

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ted Kennedy Jr. gets front row seat for State of the Union - USA Today

Ted Kennedy Jr. gets front row seat for State of the Union

USA Today

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's guest list for tonight's State of the Union speech includes Ted Kennedy, Jr., the son of the late senator who made universal health care "the cause of my life," as he once wrote. The last time that President Obama spoke to ...

Obama's first State of the Union: What he will say vs. what he should say

Los Angeles Times

Clinton missing speech but not as security holdout

Washington Post

Obama Returning to Familiar Themes in State of the Union, With Goals Unmet


Reuters -Atlantic Online -New York Times (blog)


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Senate Likely to Reject Idea of Deficit Task Force - ABC News

Senate Likely to Reject Idea of Deficit Task Force

ABC News

AP President Barack Obama announces economic initiatives for struggling middle class families, Monday, Jan. 25, 2010, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building across from the White House in Washington. ...

Obama to seek three-year freeze on domestic spending

Washington Post

Obama to seek spending freeze to trim deficits

San Jose Mercury News

O plan$ a deep freeze

New York Post

Fort Wayne Journal Gazette -Los Angeles Times -AFP


Monday, January 25, 2010

Christmas Bombing Try Is Hailed by bin Laden - New York Times


Christmas Bombing Try Is Hailed by bin Laden

New York Times

WASHINGTON â€" Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, spoke publicly for the first time about the botched Christmas Day airliner bombing, praising the attempt â€" but not explicitly taking responsibility for it â€" in an ...

In audio message, bin Laden says he endorsed Dec. 25 airline bomb plot

Washington Post

Bin Laden takes credit for airline bombing plot; officials express skepticism

Los Angeles Times

'From Osama to Obama,' Bin Laden Delivers New Threats

ABC News

Minneapolis Star Tribune -KEYC -Washington Times


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Late spending frenzy fueled Senate race - Boston Globe (blog)

Late spending frenzy fueled Senate race

Boston Globe

Candidates and groups that supported them spent nearly $23 million on Tuesday's US Senate election, burning through nearly  »

Friday, January 22, 2010

Obama Bank Plan Renews Global Push for Regulation - Wall Street Journal

Globe and Mail

Obama Bank Plan Renews Global Push for Regulation

W »

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Supreme Court's ruling on corporate campaign spending could affect state races - Los Angeles Times

Supreme Court's ruling on corporate campaign spending could affect state races

Los Angeles Times

Sen. Barbara Boxer's reelection campaign will largely be the testing ground for the new rules in California. By Shane Goldmacher Reporting from Sacramento - The US Supreme Court's sweeping ruling Thursday to  »

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Democrats reconsider healthcare possibilities - Los Angeles Times


Democrats reconsider healthcare possibilities

Los Angeles Times

Having lost their filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, President Obama and his  »

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Independent Voters Abandon Democrats - Wall Street Journal

Sydney Morning Herald

Independent Voters Abandon Democrats

W »

Monday, January 18, 2010

Riding Wave of Disaffection, Brown Pushes for an Upset - New York Times

Washington Post

Riding Wave of Disaffection, Brown Pushes for an Upset

New York Times

Scott Brown, the Republican candidate for Senate, has run an aggressive, surprising campaign in Massachusetts, injecting fear into the Democratic machine over what was expected to be an easy victory. Sheryl Felton, a volunteer for Scott ...

The Message of Massachusetts

W »

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Obama stumps for a desperate Democrat in Massachusetts -

ABC News

Obama stumps for a desperate Democrat in Massachusetts

BOSTON -- President Barack Obama put it right on the line Sunday for the people of Massachusetts - the entire Democratic agenda ranging from expanded health care to fighting big banks may rest on whether they vote Tuesday to send a ...

Obama Campaigns in Crucial Massachusetts Senate Race

Voice of America

Puzzling over Massachusetts election scenarios

Obama stumps in Boston for Coakley's candidacy to replace Kennedy

Washington Post

New York Times -ABC News -Pawtucket Times


Saturday, January 16, 2010

In Massachusetts, voters' discontent threatens Democrats - Los Angeles Times


In Massachusetts, voters' discontent threatens Democrats

Los Angeles Times

A special election Tuesday to fill the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's seat has turned into a closer contest than expected, as disaffected party members and independents lean toward the Republican conte By James Oliphant Reporting from Boston - Steve ...

Who's ahead, Brown or Coakley? Depends on the poll

Boston Globe

Candidates Make Weekend Push in Crucial Massachusetts Senate Race

W »

Friday, January 15, 2010

Democrats Accuse Brown of 'Radical' Ties as Senate Election Nears - FOXNews

Washington Post

Democrats Accuse Brown of 'Radical' Ties as Senate Election Nears


GOP Senate candidate Scott Brown and his supporters are firing back at Democratic senators for accusing him of being a "far-right" politician backed by "right-wing radicals" by virtue of his ties to the conservative tea party movement. ...

Bank Tax Is Centerpiece of Democrats' Populist Strategy

W »

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti's geology points to big quakes - USA Today

ABC News

Haiti's geology points to big quakes

USA Today

By Matt Marek, American Red Cross via AP By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY The island of Hispaniola, home to both Haiti and the Dominican Republic, sits on the Enriquillo fault, the boundary between the Caribbean and North American tectonic plates. ...

UN Mission Head Grappled With Haiti's Many Woes

New York Times

Haiti president says estimates put quake death toll in thousands

CNN International

Haiti quake took place along known fault line, not a complete surprise

Boston Globe

FOXNews -W »

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wash. Gov. Gregoire Wants to Create 40000 Jobs - ABC News


Wash. Gov. Gregoire Wants to Create 40000 Jobs

ABC News

AP Democratic Gov. Chris Gregoire wants to combat Washington state's high unemployment rate by drawing new businesses and creating up to 40000 new jobs this year. In her State of the State address Tuesday, Gregoire told a ...

Gov. Gregoire says budget fix requires taxes, cuts

Seattle Post Intelligencer

Updated: Gregoire 'state of state' promises 40000 new jobs

The Olympian

State faces nothing but bad choices

Seattle Times

HeraldNet -The Spokesman Review -Crosscut


Monday, January 11, 2010

Reid Says He Could Have Used 'Better Choice of Words' in Describing Obama - FOXNews

Reid Says He Could Have Used 'Better Choice of Words' in Describing Obama


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday that he "could have used a better choice of words" when he described Barack Obama in 2008 as "light-skinned" with "no Negro dialect" unless he wants one. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid gestures during a ...

Reid says he's apologized for Obama comments

San Jose Mercury News

White House says Obama not offended by Reid remarks


Paterson: Reid's comments on Obama 'reprehensible'

Albany Times Union

CNN -AFP -New York Times (blog)


Sunday, January 10, 2010

GOP Chairman Pressures Reid on Obama Remarks - New York Times


GOP Chairman Pressures Reid on Obama Remarks

New York Times

Michael Steele, the Republican Party chairman, c »

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

Lawmakers Want More Security Changes Out of Terror Plot Review - FOXNews

Lawmakers Want More Security Changes Out of Terror Plot Review


President Obama's push to revamp the terror watch list, improve airport screening and hold the intelligence community more accountable for tracking suspects does not go far enough, some lawmakers say, arguing that more specific steps need to be taken ...

Obama returns to job one -- jobs

Boston Globe

Obama takes steps to bolster security

Los Angeles Times

Obama Details New Policies in Response to Terror Threat

New York Times

CNN -Reuters -W »

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Analysis: Dodd Retirement May Help Banking Bill - ABC News

ABC News

Analysis: Dodd Retirement May Help Banking Bill

ABC News

AP Freed from his liberal base and moneyed donors, Sen. Chris Dodd can now cast himself as the honest broker in negotiations over a massive W »

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Connecticut's Attorney General Will Seek Dodd's Senate Seat - New York Times


Connecticut's Attorney General Will Seek Dodd's Senate Seat

New York Times

Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut's Democratic attorney general, said Wednesday he would run for the United States Senate seat being vacated by Christopher J. Dodd, who plans to announce his retirement later in the day. ...

Dodd's decision underscores Democrats' vulnerability


US Sen Dodd's Departure Could Set Back Financial Overhaul

W »

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Obama to get update on terror plot inquiry - CNN

Obama to get update on terror plot inquiry


Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama will meet with his top security officials Tuesday to get an update on the inquiry into security lapses that  »